Some people love milk with a passion and others avoid it at all costs. What is your favorite brand, type or way to drink milk?
I grew up on dairy farms. I love milk. Whole, unpasturized, unhomogenized. However, unless you live on a farm, that type is extremely difficult to get these days.
So, we buy the whole milk at the store. It is, by far, the best for growing children.
However, I have developed a bit of lactose intolerance in my old age, so I rarely drink it these days. :(
I have never been a fan of milk. Now, as an adult I can't drink it or I get a stomach ache. I will occasionally have a milkshake. Other than that, I only drink it in my cereal.
Wow Tena, I thought I was the only one who wasn't a fan of milk! Like you, I only drink it with cereal, and that is rarely. My wife on the other hand drinks it every day, sometimes more than once. I grew up drinking powdered milk, which is disgusting, in my opinion, so I never acquired a taste for milk.