China Military

China Military - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 29th May, 2008 - 4:05pm

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China Military Technology Preparing For China. China is growing their military. China Military Technology - can it keep up with the US?
27th Jun, 2005 - 4:00am / Post ID: #

China Military

China Military - Preparing For China - Chinese Military

Read this first... Discussion below:

   China is building capabilities such as aerial refueling and airborne warning and control aircraft that can be used for regional defense and long-range power projection, Gen. Hester said.
    It also is developing a maneuverable re-entry vehicle, or MARV, for its nuclear warheads. The weapon is designed to counter U.S. Strategic-missile defenses, according to officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity. The warhead would be used on China's new DF-31 long-range missiles and its new submarine missile, the JL-2.
    Work being done on China's weapons and reconnaissance systems will give its military the capability to reach 1,000 miles into the sea, "which gives them the visibility on the movement of not only our airplanes in the air, but also our forces at sea," Gen. Hester said.
    Beijing also has built a new tank for its large armed forces. It is known as the Type 99 and appears similar in design to Germany's Leopard 2 main battle tank. The tank is outfitted with new artillery, anti-aircraft and machine guns, advanced fire-control systems and improved engines.
    The country's air power is growing through the purchase of new fighters from Russia, such as Su-30 fighter-bombers, as well as the development of its own fighter jets, such as the J-10.
    Gen. Hester compared Chinese warplanes with those of the former Soviet Union, which were less capable than their U.S. Counterparts, but still very deadly.
    "They have great equipment. The fighters are very technologically advanced, and what we know about them gives us pause for concern against ours," he said.
    Missiles also are a worry.
    "It is their surface-to-air missiles, their [advanced] SAMs and their surface-to-surface missiles, and the precision, more importantly, of those surface-to-surface missiles that provide, obviously, the ability to pinpoint targets that we might have out in the region, or our friends and allies might have," Gen. Hester said.
    The advances give the Chinese military "the ability ... to reach out and touch parts of the United States -- Guam, Hawaii and the mainland of the United States," he said.

Now the question is... how could the US tactically deal with a monster like China? If you were commanding US forces and knew that an attack on the US was eminent in two years from now, what would you do?

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3224 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

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Post Date: 8th Jul, 2005 - 8:06am / Post ID: #

China Military
A Friend

Military China

Its a good thing I'm not in charge because I don't know what I would do. But I know that we should have seen this coming years ago. It is inevitable that a country with lots of resources and man power, with completely different ideals than us, especially communism, would build the strongest weapons and response systems catered to our defenses and attack methods. This happened with the U.S.S.R. and will happen with China. Clinton did a good thing making China a favored nation, keeping our enemies closer than our friends. Its completely possible that the US, if not already there, will be in a technological arms race with China in the next few years. The smiles go on in front of the cameras, but behind the scenes, its keep the one up on the competition just in case.

Post Date: 4th Mar, 2008 - 9:12am / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

China Military History & Civil Business Politics

China to raise military spending

China says it plans to increase its military spending by nearly 18%, and dismisses US criticism.

Post Date: 4th Mar, 2008 - 12:58pm / Post ID: #

China Military
A Friend

Military China

In a few years the next wars will be over resources.
When a great power like China or Russia or the US begin to have monopoly on oil, gas, water and even food, world peace will be threatened.
The Orientals always keep their cards close to their chest about technology, Western Powers are advised to do the same. We are starting a cold war on many fronts.

Attached Image Edited: Harkon on 4th Mar, 2008 - 12:59pm

29th May, 2008 - 6:15am / Post ID: #

Military China

I do believe this is why you are seeing continued investment by the US government for stealth technologies (boats, planes, etc...). They are also investing heavily in unmanned vehicles as well. China needs to actually spend this much money. As they become more of a world power, they need the defense to match the status. I see nothing strange or shocking about them investing in their defense. The only problem that they will have is if their economy sinks and they still funnel that money into the military. Then you are going to see how used to their new standard of living that the Chinese have become...

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 863 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 86.3%

29th May, 2008 - 11:09am / Post ID: #

China Military

Maybe the US is trying the same tactic they did with the USSR. Compete on a military level and indirectly you will be hurting them economically. Maybe they hope this will cause Communism in China to fall, a democracy come into play and suddenly China is no longer a threat?

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3224 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

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Post Date: 29th May, 2008 - 1:24pm / Post ID: #

China Military
A Friend

China Military

I believe that no matter what happens in the next few years it is going to be interesting. The fact that many countries will be competing together for the limited resources and that could lead to hostilities and war. This is if war does not come first from the middle east problems. No matter what happens we will be left with a new world to try to get some sort of balance back.

29th May, 2008 - 4:05pm / Post ID: #

China Military Politics Business Civil & History

I agree JB Europe and the Americas can try that ploy of forcing China and now Russia for the second time into spending resources they do not have to crash their economy.

I do not think it will happen to them the same way as it did Russia since China exports many items. Will the rest of the world place an embargo on them? Or will others do the same against the USA in support of China or Russia?

International Level: Senior Politician / Political Participation: 188 ActivistPoliticianSenior Politician 18.8%

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