Why Mormon Church Discipline Sucks

Why Mormon Church Discipline Sucks - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 30th Sep, 2008 - 8:16am

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Post Date: 6th Sep, 2008 - 2:45am / Post ID: #

Why Mormon Church Discipline Sucks

Why Mormon Church Discipline Sucks

Not fond of confessionals? Why in your opinion does why Church Discipline suck?

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Post Date: 6th Sep, 2008 - 3:15am / Post ID: #

Why Mormon Church Discipline Sucks
A Friend

Sucks Discipline Church Mormon Why

I don't do them. I figure that it is none of the Bishop's business. I am good now, but I wont discuss things with a bishop. I would have to have more respect for a the individual. I haven't seen that yet. It is between me and god.

Is this wrong? Probably.

Am I doomed?

6th Sep, 2008 - 3:41am / Post ID: #

Why Mormon Church Discipline Sucks Studies Doctrine Mormon

I hated them because they would take hours to process. It is not nice to see someone going down the wrong path. Personally, I felt there was a lot more prevention we could do than using Church Disciplinary action as a cure - but that is another story.

Quasar, if there is something serious enough that warrants Church Discipline then you do need to meet with your Bishop to ensure your Membership and get help - start a new Thread if you have questions, I have sat through many of them.

Post Date: 6th Sep, 2008 - 4:18am / Post ID: #

Why Mormon Church Discipline Sucks
A Friend

Sucks Discipline Church Mormon Why

I don't know if I need to start another thread about it. Unless you want to move it.
I tell people. I am open about it.

Drug and alcohol abuse: Yes, but not anymore. I used to deal to.

Fornication: Yes, but not now.

Adultery: Never slept with a married women. Had the opportunities.

Blasphemy: Now that I know what that is, no. But I have cursed god and the lord many times. They dealt with it (harshly I might add).

Nothing else really. I beat myself up over it, but I got a priesthood blessing that basically said that it was for my understanding and that no one leads a perfect life. I got it when I visited nauvoo with family and friends. That is the basics. Without getting into detail. He wasn't mad at me at all till I interrupted the blessing. I wonder what others are into though.

And he was right my knowledge has expanded greatly since I have looked to him.

I have told bishops this and they always assume that it is more and it isn't. So then I started questioning them. They didn't like it.

I will wait for a decent Bishop. No biggy.

When I got my first blessing after a decade I was filled with terror. I would of rather faced the devil himself. I was literally shaking. I was very pleased that god was not to angry with me and didn't condemn me like I thought he might. I just had to know. It was like a mini judgement.

The man that gave me the blessing didn't want to and was actually coaxed by his wife to do it (missionary couple). He hugged me after and looked very confused.

That is one of the reasons why I wont refuse anyone of a blessing if I ever get more proficient at the priesthood.

The Atonement is meant for all of us.

Reconcile Edited: Quasar on 6th Sep, 2008 - 4:42am

6th Sep, 2008 - 4:39am / Post ID: #

Sucks Discipline Church Mormon Why

In that list only Fornication warrants Disciplinary action. You will need to confess that to a Bishop if it was something that happened during your Membership in the Church. If it is something that happened long ago while you were out of the Church then it is likely Disciplinary action is not necessary, but you will still tell need to let the Bishop know. If he chooses to do nothing about it then you have done your part and you do not bring it up again. If you already told your Bishop about it and you repented then I would not bring it up again, ever.

Post Date: 6th Sep, 2008 - 4:46am / Post ID: #

Why Mormon Church Discipline Sucks
A Friend

Why Mormon Church Discipline Sucks

Actually I have once and he kept asking questions about bestiality and homosexuality. I just laughed and said No no and no. I guess he didn't believe me. That is his problem.

Some of those sheep sure are pretty though. laugh.gif

Really, the dude cant look me in the eye.

I might still have a bad attitude. I should try him again. Maybe it isn't him.

Reconcile Edited: Quasar on 6th Sep, 2008 - 5:01am

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6th Sep, 2008 - 5:20am / Post ID: #

Why Mormon Church Discipline Sucks

Well, usually when you go to a 'confessional' you go in an attitude of humility and repentance (part of the sucks), I don't see where laughter is part of it... so yes, try it again, and avoid the Jim Carrey.

30th Sep, 2008 - 8:16am / Post ID: #

Why Mormon Church Discipline Sucks Mormon Doctrine Studies

I have tended to stay away from the whole "sucks" threads because I personally feel that anything that is discussed on a mature LDS section is here because it is sacred and those two terms don't go hand in hand but this one caught me....so I thought I would put my opinion here.

Quasar, I totally agree with JB, if you went into see the Bishop, with him acting as a Judge in Israel and not some joe-blow whom you don't respect, I don't think you should of expected anything different. You seem to have a very high level to reach to earn your respect and I don't say that in a mean way. I find you very intriguing and think the Lord has plans for you to do wonders but he can't do that if you are filled with pride going into a disciplinary council.

I can only say this because I have gone through it as well. And a lot of the deep meaning came years AFTER the council. I was angry at first and felt they were "Kicking me out of the church or punishing me" until I lost the pride and realized it was a really an act of mercy. If what I had done had so offended the Lord that a council had to be convened on my behalf--well pride should be the farthest thing but it wasn't at that time. I am thankful for that time I had to repent and obviously not all councils end in excommunication, but there is usually some time frame. I needed it to realize just what I had put in jeopardy and also to learn how much Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ loved me and what mercy they had for me, EVEN knowing the things that I did. I feel that the councils are not for the brethren to judge us and to look down on us, not that I am saying it doesn't happen as we are human, but rather for US to look down on ourselves and realize what we need to do to come back to the Lord. When a person has disciplinary action against them, it has to be seen as an act of love--if we are left in the same standings as members of the church who are worthy and we would die, they could not bring us back under the covenants we have made. I pray that you will feel that someday, even if your council did not end your membership, it completes the repentance process and makes it so much better.

So back to the main theme, I do NOT feel that church discipline sucks, it changed my life! But that is just my own opinion.

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