Which Is Worst: Homosexuality Or Polygamy?

Which Worst Homosexuality Polygamy - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 17th Aug, 2005 - 10:50pm

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11th Aug, 2005 - 4:10pm / Post ID: #

Which Is Worst: Homosexuality Or Polygamy?

I wanted to put this thread for a while and here it is. If you all read some of the interviews that Pres. Hinckley had with Larry King you would realize that he answered questions about both: Homosexuality and Plural Marriage.

In the old times, the Church described homosexuality as an "abomination" now the tone of it have go down in a significant manner.

In recent years the Church seem to become more "understanding" towards homosexuality maybe based on social pressure?, please Babylon? (as Nighthawk usually say). Whatever the reason, the Church seem to condemn Plural Marriage in the strongest of terms compared to homosexuality(even though we have practised Plural Marriage in the past). Here is a comparison for your analysis:


"People inquire about our position on those who consider themselves so-called gays and lesbians. My response is that we love them as sons and daughters of God. They may have certain inclinations which are powerful and which may be difficult to control. Most people have inclinations of one kind or another at various times. If they do not act upon these inclinations, then they can go forward as do all other members of the Church. If they violate the law of chastity and the moral standards of the Church, then they are subject to the discipline of the Church, just as others are." (President Gordon B. Hinckley, "What Are People Asking About Us?" (ENSIGN, November 1998) ).


"I wish to state categorically that this Church has nothing whatever to do with those practicing polygamy. They are not members of this Church. Most of them have never been members. They are in violation of the civil law. They know they are in violation of the law. They are subject to its penalties. The Church, of course, has no jurisdiction whatever in this matter.

If any of our members are found to be practicing plural marriage, they are excommunicated, the most serious penalty the Church can impose. Not only are those so involved in direct violation of the civil law, they are in violation of the law of this Church...."

Whole statement here:


Could you all see the "tone" of both statements?. It seems to me that the Church is condemning more strongly Plural Marriage than Homosexuality. What's your view?.

11th Aug, 2005 - 6:20pm / Post ID: #

Polygamy Homosexuality Worst Which

I see the tone of those statements as specifically related to the context of the specific issues involved. First, let me say (and it is doctrinal) that any sexual abberation is very serious, whether unauthorized polygamy, homosexuality, old fashioned adultery, or any variant of these. Is an otherwise moral gay man in more trouble than a man who habitually cheats on his wife and destroys his family? I think not. Sexual sin is an abomination, whatever its packaging, and "degrees" of seriousness are not always applicable.

Homosexuality has gained increased popularity in recent years, and part of the reason is its addictive nature. Perhaps the spread of pornography is a major cause. President Kimball expounds on the connection between pornography and homosexuality in The Miracle of Forgiveness. In our world, it is understandable how some people, even those with strong faith, could stumble and be ensnared by these thoughts, which turn all to quickly into actions. Homosexuality, like most sins, is just an inappropriate response to an unmet need. I don't see President Hinckley being soft on that sin, but I do see him trying to lead them by the hand back into the only path that will lead to true satisfaction.

Polygamy has become a different issue. More than a weakness of lust, those polygamist groups that claim to be fundamentalist Mormons have consistently blighted the name of the Church for over a century. When gays participate in their practices, they rarely claim to be led to do so by the doctrine of the Church. The polygamists not only openly disobey the commandments, but they claim divine authority to do so, and they actively seek to be seen as the truth, even the mainstream of Mormonism. It is one thing to sin personally, and it is quite another to sin and then to claim that the Church required it of you.

Thus, they become as Corianton when he went after the harlot Isabel, for when others see their conduct, they will not listen to the truth. Little wonder the Prophet feels compelled to categorically distance himself and us from polygamy.

11th Aug, 2005 - 6:41pm / Post ID: #

Which Is Worst: Homosexuality Or Polygamy? Studies Doctrine Mormon

I don't see President Hinckley being soft on that sin, but I do see him trying to lead them by the hand back into the only path that will lead to true satisfaction

Okay, then why can he said something similar to those who are practising Plural Marriage?. They are sinning and they have the same right to be led by the hand into the right path. Let's remember also that children of Polygamous marriages need a special authorization of the First Presidency in order to be baptized after repudating the teachings that their parents taught them. It is clear that the position of the Church against Polygamy is stronger than homosexuality and I think the reason for it is because homosexuality has become "socially accepted", it wasn't years ago when the Church used strong words to condemn it.

Now regards to the Polygamist groups, you said "more than weakness of lust", let's not forget that our Church practised Plural Marriage with the approval of the Lord for quiet a while and the people at the time thought in the same way most people do now "a weakness of lust". When the Church states that there is not such a thing as Fundamentalist LDS members, it is a mistake. There are. One of their groups is called that way: Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

14th Aug, 2005 - 12:00am / Post ID: #

Polygamy Homosexuality Worst Which

I agree that it appears that the Church is less condemnatory of homosexuality.

I apologize, but I feel that any further discussion about plural marriage is completely wasted here. The LDS church changed from a persecuted church into a persecuting church, and it appears to me to be a complete waste of time to try to discuss the facts of plural marriage with those who deny it.

16th Aug, 2005 - 11:49pm / Post ID: #

Polygamy Homosexuality Worst Which

When the Church states that there is not such a thing as Fundamentalist LDS members, it is a mistake. There are. One of their groups is called that way: Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

The truth is, no so-called fundamentalist group or other splinter sect is truly practicing the doctrine of the Church. There is truly no such thing as a fundamentalist Mormon - that is, a Latter-day Saint who can be rightly called such yet still holds to such practices blatantly contrary to the apostles of their day.

Now regards to the Polygamist groups, you said "more than weakness of lust", let's not forget that our Church practised Plural Marriage with the approval of the Lord for quiet a while and the people at the time thought in the same way most people do now "a weakness of lust".

It doesn't matter what the general public thinks of the practice - what does the Lord think of it? We know that it was right for a time and a purpose, and it is no longer necessary nor acceptable.

On the surface, homosexuality and polygamy are both sexual sins on fairly equal footing. However, in addition to being a personal moral perversion, polygamy is also a perversion of the doctrine, practices, culture, and history of the true Church of God. Homosexuality is not, and does not claim to be, a part of the true Chruch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Reconcile Edited: howe6079 on 16th Aug, 2005 - 11:50pm

17th Aug, 2005 - 12:26am / Post ID: #

Which Is Worst: Homosexuality Or Polygamy?

I must disagree most strongly with your assertion that polygamy is in any way equated with homosexuality. I addressed some of it in a new message on this topic, and have provided extensive documentation and reasoning throughout that topic.

17th Aug, 2005 - 7:58pm / Post ID: #

Which Worst Homosexuality Polygamy

polygamy is also a perversion of the doctrine, practices, culture, and history of the true Church of God

I may agree it is now consider a perversion practising plural marriage between the living, nevertheless I totally disagree that is a perversion of the doctrine, culture and history of the Church where did you get that from?. Doctrinally speaking, the Church still believing in Plural Marriage, after all, it is Celestial Marriage and we even continue practising in the Temple. Culturally speaking, the Church practised it for quiet a while and it did has an incredible cultural impact on the Saints, after all, go and talk with anyone who does not know about the LDS Church and the first thing they mention is Polygamy. Lastly, Historically...it cannot be denied that the Church ever practised it. It is a fact and started with the Prophet Joseph Smith.

Reconcile Edited: LDS_forever on 17th Aug, 2005 - 8:02pm

17th Aug, 2005 - 10:50pm / Post ID: #

Which Worst Homosexuality Polygamy Mormon Doctrine Studies

I totally disagree that is a perversion of the doctrine, culture and history of the Church where did you get that from?.

I should have specified that those who practice polygamy in our day are perverting a true doctrine of the gospel, using the history of the Church in vain attempts to justify their willful disobedience. They want the world to believe that they are the cultural and doctrinal mainstream of Mormonism. They claim to believe in the historical and doctrinal foundations of the Church, yet refuse to recognize the commandments of living prophets of God, who hold the same authority of Joseph and Brigham. Thus, they disproportionately focus on one point of the gospel, and discard the rest.

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