Satan's Followers Can Come Back To Christ

Satan' S Followers Christ - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 20th Jul, 2012 - 3:29pm

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13th Nov, 2009 - 7:15am / Post ID: #

Satan's Followers Can Come Back To Christ

This is definitely DEEP DOCTRINE. And I will relate to you as it fell from the lips of Dr. Fish and you can read more from his book of his experiences. 'Healing the Innerself"
A woman was brought to his home possessed of many, many demons. He called four high priests from the ward to assist in casting them out. By muscle testing he counted 150 demons. They didn't leave all at once, but only a few at a time. After several hours they were down to the last two. And they spoke to Bro. Fish through the mouth of the woman. They would not leave, they were too powerful, even when Bro. Fish used the priesthood and the name of Christ. They said they were in fact No. 1 and 2 next to Satan. Brother Fish at this point was saying a silent to prayer asking, What shall I do? He was given the distinct impression that God still loved them. At first brother Fish was surprised because these were evil spirits. Again he felt the strong impression that God still loved them and he wanted them to come back. So brother Fish began to reason with them by asking them what it was that made them so powerful. Their reply was that they could destroy people. Brother Fish said to them that man had the same power to destroy and any one could destroy but the greatest power, was the power of creation. He went on to say that there was the law of opposites, and in the course of our lives we may find ourselves on the wrong side of a conflict and choose to defect to the other side. Usually one is welcomed back, and God still loved them and wanted them back. The demons couldn't believe that because of the evil things they had done they were sure they could never go back. And besides that the light would kill them. Brother Fish said, what you were told about the light was untrue. Satan does not want you to know the truth. All you need to do is tell God you are sorry, that you were decieved and you want to come back into his presence. They replied, "thats all we have to do?" After a brief pause they said we're outta here. The woman they had possessed suddenly fell limp and recovered.

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13th Nov, 2009 - 11:02am / Post ID: #

Christ To Come Followers Satans

I think you brought up Dr. Fish in the Exorcism Thread, how come you also relate it here? Is it because you are saying what was actually done in the Exorcism and did not want to make it public?

international QUOTE
Brother Fish said, what you were told about the light was untrue.

Isn't it scriptural that evil cannot stand the light? The light is more than just physical light as we know it but a cleansing, all-knowing, even living light (we have a Thread about that specifically)

13th Nov, 2009 - 5:28pm / Post ID: #

Satan's Followers Can Come Back To Christ Studies Doctrine Mormon

I am just curious. Who is Dr. Fish and what is his "weight" in Church doctrine? I don't know him, that's why I ask. Maybe I am sort of a skeptic but after reading the story I do not believe it really, it sounds a little way too much coming from a science fiction book but I could be wrong. If these "demons" were as powerful or near powerful as Satan then I don't understand how some simple words of knowledge about "God's Love for them" can make them change their mind and leave the woman's body. I don't believe any sort of satanic spirit is that naive. Just my two cents.

17th Nov, 2009 - 7:30pm / Post ID: #

Christ To Come Followers Satans

To JB, you're right, I didn't want the specifics of the experience in the regular area. As Brother Fish talked about other spirits of the third that were cast out some come to him with the question of how to get back to the other side. What are the words they should say. Many will tell him they are tired of all the commands that Satan gives them but feel they have no choice because of choosing to follow Satan in the first place. There are others who will hide from Satan by "nesting" inside of someone at their birth.
As to who is Brother Mel Fish. He's my friend. He was one of 6 missionary's to open the Hong Kong mission. After returning he set a goal of reading the standard works each year. He missed a few years and he told me a couple of years ago he was at 47 times. He said after reading them so many times he's discovered a deeper spiritual meaning in the scriptures. I ditto that also. He earned a bachelors in Education, Masters in Mathematics, PhD. In Counseling. He taught Calculus for 27 years at East High School. He's received some special revelations for himself. And the three books he written are based on 20+ years of experiences. His hope is to teach others what he is doing, especially sending spirits to the light, etc. One book is filled with the clinical accounts of what he has been able to have success with. A woman with multiple personalities is an interesting read. Another is the 'how to' book, and the third is titled, "Two Weeks to Health and Well-Being." An inexpensive route is to buy the soft cover books.
These spirit followers of Satan are the cause of Homosexuality of both sexes. And they are making gains. It would seem to me that by revealing the cause of same sex attraction we could stop alot of it just by education. And I mean just within our church alone. Not something you were born with, I've always been this way, etc. The church authorities are well aware of his work, but I don't know if they will make some kind of book available for bishops, SP, etc. Your guess would be better than mine. And I appreciate this forum of like minded individuals who really enjoy learning and sharing of knowledge, because none of us is smarter than all of us. I also like the calm demeaner of everyone. Sometimes I'll read someone saying "I'm feeling fear, I'm not going to read anymore..." If only they knew that fear comes from Satan, not God. Satan stops so many people from learning, starting a new business, changing jobs, etc. Just from FEAR. That is not a problem here.
I have many associates who are involved in sending these spirits to the light as well as just helping people heal from emotional wounds through the atonement of the Savior Jesus Christ. This is his work. It's a work that is going on quietly but I believe is important to all.
May the Force(Good)be with you all.

16th Jun, 2010 - 4:41pm / Post ID: #

Christ To Come Followers Satans

Do you have any quotes by past Prophets or the scriptures to support this Topic?

20th Jul, 2012 - 3:29pm / Post ID: #

Satan's Followers Can Come Back To Christ

I've heard of this theory, doctrine, wish if you like but have not read any specific scriptures that support this idea. I will be also interested to read verses on it.

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