Ashton Kutcher

Ashton Kutcher - Movies, Music, Fashion, Sports - Posted: 10th May, 2010 - 11:31pm

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Ashton Kutcher
Is Ashton Kutcher Stingy And Mean?
15th Jul, 2005 - 1:12am / Post ID: #

Ashton Kutcher

Do you remember the guy who is dating Demi Moore?. Well, he has a twin brother who is disabled and guess what? They said Ashton is mean and doesn't help him. Do you think if this story is true, Ashton should help his twin brother or not?.

international QUOTE (From the National Enquirer)

Ashton Kutcher is living a multi-million dollar lifestyle with girlfriend Demi Moore while his disabled twin has to claim welfare to help feed his baby son.

Ashton's sister-in-law Melissa Kutcher, 24, claims the Punk'd star has done little to help his brother Michael who suffers from cerebral palsy and survived a life-or-death heart transplant 13 years ago.

In the second installment of our exclusive interview with Melissa, she blows the lid off Ashton's past flings with Britney Spears and Tara Reid - and reveals the truth behind Ashton's image as a caring family man.

Melissa said: "Ashton told the world he loves to help his sickly brother but in reality he doesn't take too good care of him.

"A few months ago Michael asked Ashton if he could borrow $2,500 for a hearing aid. Ashton asked if he could get a loan from their parents or a bank and Michael told him that wasn't an option.

"Ashton then told Michael he would think about it and call him back about it."...

Source 4

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Post Date: 31st Jul, 2005 - 3:23am / Post ID: #

Ashton Kutcher
A Friend

Kutcher Ashton

As much as I would love to bash a celebrity, I have to take a step back and look at who is putting out the information. The Enquirer is not exactly the most trust worthy source for news worthy information on celebrities. We are talking about the same news paper that has predicted the end of the world three times in ten years and the writers that brought us bat boy and crocodile boy. Though I hope Ashton Kutcher is not mean spirited like that, especially to his family. When you have been blessed with a talent that brings you lots of money, I feel it is your responsibility to help others in need, especially your family.

Post Date: 3rd Jan, 2007 - 12:34pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Ashton Kutcher Sports & Fashion Music Movies

Moore surprised she clicked with Kutcher

"If somebody would have said, `OK, here is the prediction: You're going to meet a man 25 years old and he's going to see being with you and having your three kids as a bonus,' I would have said, `Keep dreaming,'" the 44-year-old actress says in an interview in Vanity Fair magazine's February issue, on newsstands Jan. 9.

Post Date: 31st Mar, 2009 - 2:14pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Kutcher Ashton

Kutcher 'punks' wife with porn trick

Ashton Kutcher keeps playing tricks on wife Demi Moore by secretly changing the TV channel to porn. Ref. Source 6

Post Date: 31st Mar, 2009 - 4:04pm / Post ID: #

Ashton Kutcher
A Friend

Kutcher Ashton

Looking at all I can find about his twin Michael I have yet to hear any negative feedback about Aston. I know they both grew up here in Iowa and Michael still lives here. I think Aston is a great actor and he is proving to be a nice husband for Demi. I can not find many faults in him. He did go to University of Iowa to major in a science field as he was thinking he could find a cure for his brother. But with all kids he found that he was not as smart as he thought and soon went to hollywood.

31st Mar, 2009 - 4:21pm / Post ID: #

Ashton Kutcher

Some people just do not grow up and maybe it is even worst for her since she married him. I guess some people find 'happiness' in weird ways.

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31st Mar, 2009 - 6:11pm / Post ID: #

Ashton Kutcher

I don't know what is so funny about those jokes but again I am not him or Demi. They seem to get along great despite the difference of age.

Post Date: 10th May, 2010 - 11:31pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Ashton Kutcher Movies Music Fashion & Sports

Ashton Kutcher to play Magnum?

Ashton Kutcher is being lined up to play Magnum in a new movie. Ref. Source 7

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