Thanks, it was fun while it lasted. Congrats to you staying above 20 posts.
I may try again tomorrow and see it getting at least twenty. I may well need it if I have another string of bad luck and Jonathon dies yet gain. Hmm, never mind, as it seems I am still short. Seems I will need to wait until tomorrow and try for at least 20 posts to have enough forum points. Edited: Thomaslee on 4th Jan, 2017 - 12:05am
If I had the time my strategy would be to keep posting lots after winning! That might seem odd but it keeps inflating your post count for the last 24 so all your opponents become psychologically defeated and give [up] before they even start *wink*.
Another win for me, I am glad to have been able to resurrect Jonathon. Sighs, now I just need to try and prevent him from dying again.
I will say, it isn't so hard when I am able to post while at work, though I do need to be careful as I was noticed today. I may not be able to post as often if they actually manage to filter and block this site.
The amount wasn't nearly as high as the last two days, though it was above 20 posts, and Hunter was right behind me.
Still, I was one post ahead when the timer ran out so I do believe that means I won for a third day. Despite that, I'll try to keep things a little bit higher then that normally. 23 isn't nearly so great a number. Edited: Thomaslee on 6th Jan, 2017 - 12:04am
I thought this was going to be tough but it wasn't too bad. I needed the extra FP after spending it all on gold.
I spread my posts throughout the day so it seemed light. There was one brief period where I thought Kntoran was going to do a flurry of posts but that didn't happen.