I'm impressed. Kyrroeth has blown away many of the Zero Replies and caught the 'Spirit of the Poster' by seeing that there is no such thing as nothing to Reply to… there is always something to add here through experience, research or simple opinion. Keep it up but beware of Poster burnout.
Thanks JB! I was trying desperately to get to 400 core posts so I could unlock the second gem. I definitely got in a good posting rhythm but I'm going to slow down today.
KN, I set the bar high for you. I don't want it to be easy to knock the Queen off her throne *wink*.
I always try to goad people into posting more. The more people post the better the community is. Even if it is some of the same ones chatting back and forth. Sooner or later some of the others will join in and we will be having multiple conversations with others all throughout the world *smile*.