I've not had enough time to get into the posting contests but I've been noticing a constant neck and neck race between Dashain and Kyrroeth. They both have a similar amount of posts and before Dashain was in the lead but Kyrroeth just passed. I've been here longer but you guys are going to pass me already and you just got here.
We are trying to catch you Hunter. Daishain pushes me to post more. It's always a fun competition trying to win or be in the top three. I'm mainly working on getting enough posts for my third gem for my characters. I'm working hard for that right now. I would assume that Daishain has a similar goal.
When you get lost in the threads and answering the posts you can easily get to be a top poster. It is not hard and I am not really trying to be top poster it just happens. Like I said before I am happy with posting 40-50 times a day. So it is not hard to beat me if one tries.
However many posts it requires to meet such a goal, generally what I shoot for is 25% of the posts made in a given day for being the Top Poster. If I meet that percentage, I generally feel I'm in a comfortable position.
Thankfully there seems to be a bit of a lull today, not only on the forums but actually at work as well. Through such, there is surprisingly very few posts as of yet, but I will keep an eye on things and continue to where when and where I able. Edited: Thomaslee on 12th Mar, 2017 - 4:22pm