Israel vs. The Middle East
This thread is not about the Israel vs. Palestine issue covered in another thread located here. This is about every other country, such as the surrounding Middle Eastern Countries.
Israel carried out an airstrike in Lebanon early Wednesday in retaliation after militants fired rockets into a northern Israeli town, an army spokesperson said.
Ref. https://www.cbc.ca/story/world/national/200...non-051227.html
I think it is very difficult to separate the Israel/Palestine conflict from this thread because that has been the source of so much tension between Israel and the Arab world.
But I shall try.
There is no doubt most countries in the Middle East are not happy Israel that was dumped in their backyard. I believe Israel threatens these countries on several fronts.
Military might: Israel has been armed to the teeth by the US and several other countries. It has the strongest military in the region and threatens neighbouring countries. Israel has never been scared to exercise its might as it knows any serious reprisal will also be met with a US response. So this of course creates tension with neigbouring countries who are quite different in culture. It also puts these countries on notice should they not comply with US/Israel wishes or demands. The US, a country that has had a poor record in the Middle East, can use Israel as a base whenever it likes, so this also creates tension.
Culture: This is more relevant to the radical Islamist countries like Iran. Israel is considered to be a rather democratic European culture. This of course will cause tensions amongst strictly Islamic leaders who may see this culture as a blight on their region. I personally think this is a crying shame because Israel has a lot of good to offer these countries in this regard.
Religious intolerance: Similar to culture. Radical elements of the Islamic faith will target Israel simply because it is pre-dominantly a Jewish state. I think this is sad, but desperate extremists will use the bombing of Jewish targets as propaganda for their insane agendas. And of course they know Israel's response will be just as brutal, so the conflict escalates. Mind you the Israel Government isn't shy of using a few indiscriminate bombing raids to show its people how wonderful a government it is.
Palestine: I said I wouldn't touch on this but there is one important point. The Israel/Palestine conflict is viewed by the Arab world as a crime against the Palestinian people, who happen to be mostly Arab. This is a major source of tension.
I think basically any time you force a completely different culture/religion into a region there are going to be major teething problems from both sides. Especially when one side can do no wrong as they are consistently backed by the world's sole super power. Both sides have committed terrible atrocities and quite frankly behave like children. In fact I think even children would find peace easier then their hopeless leaders.
But it is a very complex issue. I hope I have shed some light on a few of the factors.
Israeli jets attacked Lebanese-based guerrillas Sunday, hours after several rockets were fired from Lebanon deep into northern Israel.
Ref. https://www.cbc.ca/story/world/national/200...ebanon-sun.html
Breaking News Israeli troops entered southern Lebanon following a Hezbollah claim that it abducted two Israeli soldiers, according to Israel Defense Forces. Ref. CNN |
JERUSALEM, July 12 - The Lebanese militant group Hezbollah seized two Israeli soldiers in a brazen raid this morning along Israel's border with Lebanon. Israel immediately responded by sending an armored force into southern Lebanon for the first time since withdrawing six years ago. |
Either way, they seem to be moving in on anyone that makes a claim |
It's not just about the two kidnapped soldiers, but a rocket was launched from Lebanon into Israel just a couple of months ago. However, it seems we are watching the first volleys of a true War.
And yes, Israel will stop at nothing to protect her own. What other choice does she have, living in such close proximity to her enemies?
Okay people, get ready for full scale war, rising prices (especially for oil/gas), everything is going chaotic now and I will be surprised if it simmers down.
BREAKING NEWS Israeli officials say a rocket has hit Haifa, a major port city in northern Israel Ref. CNN |