The Media's Portrayal Of Autism & The Truth - Page 5 of 6

Targeting a brain mechanism could treat aggression. - Page 5 - Psychology, Special Needs, Health - Posted: 10th Aug, 2018 - 11:47am

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Posts: 46 - Views: 19092
Top  The Media' s Portrayal Autism There is lots more to Autism than what you can get from watching a documentary. In fact for some parents coping with the challenges on a daily basis it can be comparitive to wrestling with the Hulk!
9th Jan, 2016 - 2:24pm / Post ID: #

The Media's Portrayal Of Autism & The Truth - Page 5

Referring to the video why does the boy hit himself in the head and then try to hit his mother. My first thought was his little sister, she must be afraid to be around him and he definitely cannot be around her.

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11th Jan, 2016 - 1:48pm / Post ID: #

Truth and Autism Portrayal Medias The

Stacia, Autism is a broad spectrum that includes other co-morbid conditions that may lead to such acts. Usually those on the moderate to lower end of the spectrum are considered "Moderate" or "Low functioning" and vent their frustrations in this way.

22nd Mar, 2016 - 6:27pm / Post ID: #

The Media's Portrayal Of Autism & The Truth Health & Special Psychology

Here is a different video of the 'Hulk moment' this time with a little girl. You can see what it is like to have an meltdown on the autism spectrum.

Post Date: 13th Jan, 2017 - 5:00am / Post ID: #

The Media's Portrayal Of Autism & The Truth
A Friend

Page 5 Truth and Autism Portrayal Medias The

As someone with Asperger's, which is on the autism spectrum, I can say that the [media] tends to portray us as [victims] far too much. I mean, I make a fair amount of mistakes, my memory isn't always the best, I am occasionally neurotic, and my social skills aren't exactly good, but we aren't all that bad. Several thousand autistic people live entirely normal lives - some use drugs, some use willpower, some don't have it too very severely. They always seem to look for the most severe cases, and that's bad reporting. It gets more people to look at it, it gets you more viewers, and maybe it raises more money for special needs groups or whatever, but its still a false portrayal. A close friend of mine has Asperger's, and she lives quite well on her own, she functions fine with people - but on the inside she would rather be at home, and she can be easily emotionally effected, and sometimes she overreacts. That(And a couple other things) qualified her as having the disease, and she has been diagnosed, BUT she is perfectly OK. Its not as easy as being normal, and sometimes your brain makes up in other ways - she and I both have MENSA I.Q. Levels, I am an amateur programmer, and she wants to study medical engineering. But we aren't super geniuses. Autism always gets portrayed with EXTREMES, and its really tiresome.

11th Apr, 2017 - 11:51pm / Post ID: #

Truth and Autism Portrayal Medias The

Skelepound, that is an interesting take from someone on the spectrum which I do understand, however this isn't the intention of this Thread. Unless you are looking at the ads of a specific organization I do not like, I actually feel the focus is not wide but on specific cases where the person on the spectrum has some unique gift (Savant) and almost none on what the parent goes through when they have to take care of someone on the lower end of the spectrum. They want to hide what parents go through and paint this pretty picture that isn't there. This is especially in countries where there is nothing for children on the spectrum and they are essentially abandoned by society because they aren't 'bright' enough to be taken seriously,.

Post Date: 12th Apr, 2017 - 1:24am / Post ID: #

The Media's Portrayal Of Autism & The Truth
A Friend

The Media's Portrayal Of Autism & The Truth

I actually did not know much about how a person on one of the more extreme ends of the spectrum might act until I looked at this thread. It seems to me when the media does a report about someone with autism, they pick someone with Down syndrome and try to make them appear as normal-functioning as possible, which could be true, and it might not, but the thing is people like me who haven't really been around it don't really understand or grasp it. I've learned a lot I didn't know just from reading JB's posts and the responses of the other board members with experience in this area.

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22nd May, 2017 - 11:37am / Post ID: #

The Media's Portrayal Autism & Truth - Page 5

Attached Image QUOTE
... They pick someone with Down syndrome and try to make them appear as normal-functioning as possible

Downs syndrome and autism are two different things but you are right they try to look for the best and the brightest for documentaries.

Post Date: 10th Aug, 2018 - 11:47am / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

The Media's Portrayal Autism & Truth Psychology Special & Health - Page 5

Targeting a brain mechanism could treat aggression. Neuroscientists have identified a brain mechanism that is linked to aggression and violent behavior, potentially forming the basis for treating aggression in several psychiatric disorders. Source 8r.

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