Gwynedd Medieval Builders - Page 3 of 7

Master Builder I believe I'm ready - Page 3 - Gwynedd Medieval Village PBP RPG - Posted: 6th Jul, 2013 - 11:00pm

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Medeival Buildings This Thread will be the dedicated SHOP where you can see the First Post for information about what you need to get started and the cost of it. Do not ask Support Questions here, this is ONLY for transactions between Gwynedd Builders and your Character.
1st Jun, 2013 - 8:50pm / Post ID: #
Gwynedd Narrator

Gwynedd Medieval Builders - Page 3

Gwynedd Tavern Owner says,

Well meh lady these new advancements to thy place is making it a rather comfortable abode, enjoy thy new dwelling upgrade.

10th Jun, 2013 - 5:41pm / Post ID: #
Gwynedd Avatar

Builders Medieval Gwynedd

Gwynedd Villager, Krusten says...

Oh Mr. Builder I have worked hard and written many things to get the money to change my mirror so please:


A. Your Character NAME: Krusten
B. The kind of face: Something sultry, a beautiful woman with penetrating eyes if possible. Do your best for me JB. wink.gif

10th Jun, 2013 - 7:30pm / Post ID: #
Gwynedd Narrator

Gwynedd Medieval Builders RPG PBP Village Medieval Gwynedd

Gwynedd Tavern Owner says,

Meh lady I worked meh work and came up with what ye see before thee, I hope it is pleasing to thy eyes.

10th Jun, 2013 - 7:59pm / Post ID: #
Gwynedd Avatar

Page 3 Builders Medieval Gwynedd

Gwynedd Villager, Krusten says...

Breathtaking! You made me look even better than what I had imagined! Thanks you so much, now I can start my fortune telling services.

14th Jun, 2013 - 4:37pm / Post ID: #
Gwynedd Narrator

Builders Medieval Gwynedd

Gwynedd Tavern Owner says,

Glad you like it Krusten, it is a mixture of your Avatar and how I would picture a "Sultry" Fortune teller. I have updated buildings. The next thing I have to start doing is get the hierarchy going which is a point system based on what you (anyone in Gwynedd) does.

19th Jun, 2013 - 12:33pm / Post ID: #
Gwynedd Avatar

Gwynedd Medieval Builders

Gwynedd Villager, Felipe says...

JB, I will like to use my 100 FP that I gained from my posts to purchase a "Mini Avatar" (Option C) for my thread please.

19th Jun, 2013 - 12:49pm / Post ID: #
Gwynedd Narrator

Gwynedd Medieval Builders - Page 3

Gwynedd Tavern Owner says,

All done master Felipe, you no linger have to lurk in the bushes, and the amount has been deducted from your savings.

6th Jul, 2013 - 11:00pm / Post ID: #
Gwynedd Avatar

Gwynedd Medieval Builders Gwynedd Medieval Village PBP RPG - Page 3

Gwynedd Villager, Krusten says...

Master Builder I believe I'm ready to move up my presence here in the village. I will like to upgrade my home and have a pet (G, H). For my pet I will like to have a small dog, not a Chihuahua but something more like a terrier if possible.

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