Gwynedd Fortune Teller - Page 3 of 46

"OK ma'am but don't forget - Page 3 - Gwynedd Medieval Village PBP RPG - Posted: 7th Jun, 2013 - 11:36pm

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Gwynedd Fortunes
Description: Krusten is a fortune teller. She knows that some nobility might not approve but she doesn't care because there is so much gold. She uses very unorthodox methods to tell someone's fortune as everyone in Gwynedd will soon find out.

2nd Jun, 2013 - 3:35pm / Post ID: #
Gwynedd Avatar

Gwynedd Fortune Teller - Page 3

Gwynedd Villager, Krusten says...

Krusten raises an eyebrow listening to the funny little man talk to himself. He seems to be confused easily she thinks and a person like that creating potions can be a real disaster! She just nods while ushering him out,

"OK good-bye then come back sometime soon."

Post Date: 3rd Jun, 2013 - 1:08pm / Post ID: #

Gwynedd Fortune Teller
A Friend

Teller Fortune Gwynedd

The black smith comes by and sees that the fortune teller has upgraded her hut. HE will stop and admire her new hut and tell her if she pokes her head out that her new hut looks very nice.

3rd Jun, 2013 - 1:29pm / Post ID: #
Gwynedd Avatar

Gwynedd Fortune Teller RPG PBP Village Medieval Gwynedd

Gwynedd Villager, Krusten says...

Just after the two left she hears another caller.

"My goodness this place is busy, there are hardly any other buildings around or people occupying them, yet you will swear this is a fortress of two large cities!", Krusten mumbles to herself after hearing another caller.

She sticks her head out and waves with a mere "Thank you" Hoping he continues on his way but with a subtle reminder, "I will be open soon!", she then goes back to her house chores.

4th Jun, 2013 - 2:09pm / Post ID: #
Gwynedd Avatar

Page 3 Teller Fortune Gwynedd

Gwynedd Villager, Krusten says...

Krusten, still busy around her new hut, looks at that mirror on the wall. She speaks to herslf softly, "I really need to get something better but things can get so expensive when you are trying to start something right."

She then thinks about what she will do to to add to her place. She shouts out, "Mirrors!" I should get more of them, they just love that effect.

6th Jun, 2013 - 4:20pm / Post ID: #
Gwynedd Avatar

Teller Fortune Gwynedd

Gwynedd Villager, Krusten says...

She makes a mental note and then continues inspecting her hut.

"Oh blaehmen!" She says to herself looking at her former visitors leaving their dusty prints on the ground. She grabs a broom and begins to sweep up.

As she works she breathes in deeply, the village air is cool and fresh bringing a good feeling to herself.

7th Jun, 2013 - 6:44pm / Post ID: #
Gwynedd Avatar

Gwynedd Fortune Teller

Gwynedd Villager, Felipe says...

Felipe walks around the village until he sees Krusten's hut, he thought to himself, "That woman must be ready since more than 2 days has passed". Felipe comes to the door of the hut and he knocks the door and he says "Hello?".

7th Jun, 2013 - 11:29pm / Post ID: #
Gwynedd Avatar

Gwynedd Fortune Teller - Page 3

Gwynedd Villager, Krusten says...

Hearing someone calling again, she answers,

"Hello Hello, no, not ready yet, unfortunately I don't have everything quite ready yet. Here is what I will do, as soon as I'm ready I will come get you, is that good?"

7th Jun, 2013 - 11:36pm / Post ID: #
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Gwynedd Fortune Teller Gwynedd Medieval Village PBP RPG - Page 3

Gwynedd Villager, Felipe says...

"OK ma'am but don't forget that please". Felipe says to Krusten as he goes off to his hut to sleep since that night is about to come.

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