Gwynedd Alchemist

Gwynedd Alchemist - Gwynedd Medieval Village PBP RPG - Posted: 1st Jun, 2013 - 5:30pm

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Gwynedd Alchemy
Description: Bruconero the Artificer heard that a new settlement is being built in this valley and I'm just looking for a place to set up my trade. I'm an alchemist and creator of wonders that go beyond the imagination! An eccentric inventor, someone would say.

30th May, 2013 - 6:11pm / Post ID: #
Gwynedd Narrator

Gwynedd Alchemist

Gwynedd Tavern Owner says,

Gwynedd Alchemist

There is no place to store even the most basic elixirs but perhaps it is a good start, eh?

31st May, 2013 - 3:24am / Post ID: #

Alchemist Gwynedd

A well intentioned visior says...

"Here, stop the cart Algernon: this is the place. Yes, no need to bring everything inside, just leave it here and I will tend to it. Moreover, this is not ordinary equipment. These are my tools and I don't like other people mangling with them. Thanks for your help you can go now: I have much work to do". A feverish man starts carrying wooden boxes back and forth, taking possession of his new home.

A visitor would question the sanity of the owner since the outside. A wooden sign greets all the passerby announcing: "Genius at work. What you don't imagine, I make". Halfway to the hut, an enigmatic second sign warns: "Don't think too loud, it disturbs my concentration". The third sign, just next to the door, is a utility message: "Take off your shoes before entering: the maid just ran away".
Once fully set up, this small adobe will look a little bit like the Land of Chaos: strange objects and scrap parts scattered everywhere, jars containing mysterious items and substances, fuming stills, glass tubes and unidentified vapors. The smell of chemicals is overwhelming.

From between this mess, a friendly man with a very light beard and an open smile will greet any visitor with courtesy. "Welcome to my house, neighbor! Are you here for business or pleasure? My trade is not running yet but you could always take a sit and indulge to some frivolous chat. A glass of...something? No? I'll be there in a moment".

Post Date: 31st May, 2013 - 2:17pm / Post ID: #

Gwynedd Alchemist
A Friend

Gwynedd Alchemist RPG PBP Village Medieval Gwynedd

Just stopping in to welcome you to the neighborhood. Hope you are able to do some good work. I will not try to think too loud around you but I know at times I do.

31st May, 2013 - 4:32pm / Post ID: #

Alchemist Gwynedd

A well intentioned visior says...

"Oh, oh! A visitor! Please, take a sit...I mean, sit anywhere you want: there are no chairs here. No! Not there! That thing could explode at anytime. Here, here. This box should contain only inert materials if I remember well.
A neighbor, you say! Yes, yes, I saw two other huts were being built next to mine. I was waiting to have everything set up before coming to greet my new fellow villagers. I apologize, I have nothing to offer you at the moment. I just moved in and didn't stock on drinks or treats. Come back anytime you want, well...if I'm not busy that's it".

31st May, 2013 - 7:59pm / Post ID: #
Gwynedd Avatar

Alchemist Gwynedd

Gwynedd Villager, Felipe says...

Felipe goes and knocks the door of the Alchemist's hut and he says "Hello? Anybody there?".

1st Jun, 2013 - 6:04am / Post ID: #

Gwynedd Alchemist

A well intentioned visior says...

"Oh! Who's there? Felipe! Come in, come in my friend! Hope you don't mind the disorder: as I told you, I find myself without a maid and I don't even know from which side I should hold a broom. Don't forget to take off your shoes. Shoes become dirty and they will bring mud and dirt inside. Yes, like that, very kind of you. So, how is your business doing?".

1st Jun, 2013 - 12:42pm / Post ID: #
Gwynedd Avatar

Gwynedd Alchemist

Gwynedd Villager, Felipe says...

Felipe takes off his shoes and puts them outside, then he says to Bruconero, "Well, my business is working OK so far, it will take me a while to improve it, and what about your business? Is it working fine?".

1st Jun, 2013 - 5:30pm / Post ID: #

Gwynedd Alchemist Gwynedd Medieval Village PBP RPG

A well intentioned visior says...

"I'm still working on it, to tell you the truth. I'm waiting for a big shipment to come. At the moment, I just have some of the basic things I need but I still lack the most important components for my trade. I will need to expand my house as well. This tiny hut is not enough for my experiments. While waiting, I will just relax and enjoy the peace of this nice valley".

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