F-35 Joint Strike Fighter jet
Navy's first Joint Strike Fighter arrives
On Saturday, the Navy got its first operational F-35 Joint Strike Fighter jet adapted for landing on an aircraft carrier. The F-35C flew into Eglin Air Force Base in Florida and was ... Ref. Source 2
Nice but it makes you wonder, we are in 2013 and yet all military aircraft looks similar, all different forms of airplanes. I wish we could see more advanced sort of crafts.
International Level: Specialist / Political Participation: 43 4.3%
Maybe that's because the really advanced stuff you don't see. Technology is developing everyday but they also have to work within budget and right now the military is downsizing.
International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 11 1.1%
Its ok to cut costs but I hope its not putting at risk the lives of our pilots or causing us not to have the edge when we need it.
International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 23 2.3%