[party Order] Patrol

[party Order] Patrol - World of Medieval PBP RPG - Posted: 13th May, 2008 - 2:06pm

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Only Party Leader posts here
22nd Jan, 2006 - 12:28am / Post ID: #

[party Order] Patrol

The Game Master says...

Patrol - Party Order

Do here as has been done in other Party Order threads. keep in mind multi-tasking and being specific with each character.

GM: Only the Party Leader posts within this thread.

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20th Apr, 2008 - 8:07pm / Post ID: #

Patrol Order party

The Game Master says...

Party Order Thread Open

Please read the Scenario requirements before Posting Party Order here.

8th May, 2008 - 1:30pm / Post ID: #

[party Order] Patrol RPG PBP Medieval World

Kalfie/Krakyn is to lead

Klar/KNtoran is second in command (means he will post in my absence or death.)

Klar will negotiate for the group since he has the bast reputation. In his absence it would be Krusten.

Marching order

Beowolf.(to give room on both ends to swing the two handed swords.)

When patroling with wagon:

Kalfie on horse in lead looking for tracks.

Wagon to follow With Krusten driving and Beowolf and Zed in back.

Klar following on his horse keeping look out.

The group heads from camp with Kalfie leading the way they head south to the midpoint to Death Mouth and search for a defensible camp site. The site would be treed but open to the south and a good spot to place the wagon and a hollow in which a fire can be set and the flame mostly hidden from those to the south.

The heavy horse will pull the wagon with (who wishes to drive?) and Kalfie riding the light horse.

Kalfie dons his Chain armor with cloak over it to hide it slightly from by passers. His axe, two handed sword, 25 arrows in carrier and bow are on his steed. The rest of his equipment is stowed on the wagon, with every one else's. Beowolf will use Kalfies old Leather armor given as a present from Kalfie for his arrangement with Sophia.

As camp is prepared Kalfie does a short scout around the camp area to access any sign of animal or human traffic. He will then return and aid in preparations for the night.

Once preparations are complete nourishment is to be taken and the first scouting trip to commence based on the findings from Kalfie. Any fresh tracks will be examined by the group and a course of action decided on at that time.

8th May, 2008 - 3:12pm / Post ID: #

Patrol Order party

The Game Master says...

Are you just going on your own or do you plan to let the Elders know that you want the job?

8th May, 2008 - 3:26pm / Post ID: #

Patrol Order party

The group having assembled go to the elders and present themselves. They explain they are interested in the job and are prepared to head out as soon as required.

Klar also refreshes them on any details that occurred at the farm that they were unsure of. He also inquires how many thieves they expect are in the area and what size the raiding parties are. He also asks if they know of any particular areas that are being raided often.

Rather off topic, but...
The marching order as in the last post can be used if no further interaction with the elders is required.

Reconcile Edited: krakyn on 8th May, 2008 - 3:53pm

10th May, 2008 - 2:44am / Post ID: #

[party Order] Patrol

Klar starts to speak and notes the stern looks on his fellow warriors he states, "Ye have no fear that we will be letting any who cross us live.", Indicates Beowolf and Kalfie. "Myself and these two have settle to score with them." with more then a bit of venom in his voice,"Burning the curs out of home will be a great pleasure."

After a moment of pause he asked if some dry rations, boards and fasteners could be donated to their cause, since some member are young and hard pressed to manage this service. Also casually inquires of the pay.

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12th May, 2008 - 11:02pm / Post ID: #

[party Order] Patrol

Klar quickly takes count with the help of Krusten and asks for 176 dry rations and 5 water skins, 2lamp and oil and a small bundle of torches to last out 14 days.

Pausing a short bit he with hope beyond all hope asks if there are any cloths that fit Cirdan and for 3 pairs of leather boots.

Klar then quickly explains they are hoping to use the wagon for some protection but could use some wood and nails to fix it up a bit better and that 3 slings would be nice for protecting it in a night raid.

13th May, 2008 - 2:06pm / Post ID: #

[party Order] Patrol World Medieval PBP RPG

Kalfie stops while the rest place the ration in the wagon heads top the local shop and retrieves 3 slings. He hands one to krusten, Beowolf and Cirdan. Kalfie says to the trio, "Be sure to gather some suitable stone before we leave." pauses, "I know it might not seem like much but they will help in the event we get raided."

Placing all the rations and water skins filled with fresh water into the wagon; the group heads from camp with Kalfie leading the way they head south. The first stop is a suitable place to find ammo for the slings.

Once completed they head further south to the midpoint to Death Mouth and search for a defensible camp site. The site would be treed but less treed to the south and a good spot to place the wagon and a hollow in which a fire can be set and the flame mostly hidden from those to the south.

The heavy horse will pull the wagon with Krusten driving and Kalfie riding the light horse.

Kalfie dons his Chain armor with cloak over it to hide it slightly from by passers. His axe, two handed sword, 25 arrows in carrier and bow are on his steed. The rest of his equipment is stowed on the wagon, with every one else's. Beowolf will use Kalfies old Leather armor given as a present from Kalfie for his arrangement with Sophia.

As camp is prepared Kalfie does a short scout around the camp area to access any sign of animal or human traffic. If any animal runs are found traps till be set for them. He will then return and aid in preparations for the night.

Once preparations are complete nourishment is to be taken and the first scouting trip to commence based on the findings from Kalfie. Any fresh tracks will be examined by the group and a course of action decided on at that time.

Kalfie - 3gp so he has 21 gp remaining

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