[party Order] Patrol - Page 4 of 7

We head east toward the village and find a - Page 4 - World of Medieval PBP RPG - Posted: 20th Jun, 2008 - 8:25pm

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14th Jun, 2008 - 3:49am / Post ID: #

[party Order] Patrol - Page 4

Looking at the pass and Kalfie shudders. Looking at the rest he sees similar thoughts to his own on their faces.

Quietly they turn about and head back west pass in front of the Deaths mouth out about two miles(I11) then turn north and head back to the camp they used the night before for the night.

Dummies will be set around the fire and the group will move back and take positions wher they can see the area but not be lit by the camp fire. Kalfie and Klar will take to trees and Beowolf and Krusten will find suitable cover on the ground.

Wolf and rider traps are checked to ensure they are ready for the night and then at 11:00 Kalfie and Krusten will sleep while Beowolf and Klar keep watch.

In the morning the rabbit snares will be checked and water bags all will be refilled.

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17th Jun, 2008 - 7:25pm / Post ID: #

Patrol Order party

Seeing no obvious way in the group decides to trench in and see if a supply wagon passes on the way in or back to the Deaths mouth.

The camp to be set on the south reach of the trees close to the well worn wagon trail.

Krusten Klar and Beowolf are going to dig pits for wolf/ man traps with spikes in the bottom and set other traps about the perimeter of the camp site which would dislodge riders or hit a walking man in the head.

A marked safe route to the north will be marked by stones in such as manner as only the group would realize their true purpose.

Kalfie will go and set small game traps and see if any fish can be had in the small streams. Once completed he will return to the camp. Upon his return Klar and Beowolf will head out and scout the wagon path towards East City and will return if they note anything of worthiness or by 4:00 PM.

The group content with they handy work decide to make use of 2 of the chickens that Klar has and make some food that is hot to eat for 4:00 PM. Knowing the birds remains will attract unwanted guests they kill and cook the birds North of the main camp site. Once completed they will settle in for the night.

All Will stay awake till 11:00 PM when Klar and Beowolf will retire and change shift at 2:30 AM. In the morning Kalfie and Krusten will go check the traps. They also will shoot any game they find that is worth the effort.

18th Jun, 2008 - 11:15am / Post ID: #

[party Order] Patrol RPG PBP Medieval World

The Game Master says...

To make sure we are in the same area please give me the location on the map for the camp, thanks.

18th Jun, 2008 - 8:01pm / Post ID: #

Page 4 Patrol Order party

The location is I10. If that is too far south for trees then we will target J9.

19th Jun, 2008 - 4:29pm / Post ID: #

Patrol Order party

Happy not to have been attacked and with a full tummy they decide to head out nad explore the last arm of the range to see if any hideaway or passage has been missed that is passable.

So they explore the mountain from I12 all the way up to 9a and see if there is any entrance or den that could be used as a hideaway by the thieves.

If possible they will return to their camp site by dark.

19th Jun, 2008 - 5:50pm / Post ID: #

[party Order] Patrol

The Game Master says...

Krusten, this section is for Party Leaders only.

In what way do you explore? For instance...

1. Get off your horse and get right up to the mountain or stay from a distance on horseback? If from a distance how far away.

2. What are you looking for, so I can know what you expect to see / not see.

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19th Jun, 2008 - 7:20pm / Post ID: #

[party Order] Patrol - Page 4

We will travel close to the mountain so as to see details from horse back so within a few hundred feet. Stopping to investigate anything of interest the wagon will remain farther out around the 1/4 mile.

Likely spots to set sand traps for those who would ride from the deaths Mouth are noted for future use.

We will be looking for possible cave entrances as well as used or possible paths up the mountain to places of better defense or as a look out. If anything looks unnatural further inspection will be done up close.

At no time will the groups get in to the actual mouth its self, so as to chance a chase like Kalfie suffered last visit.

20th Jun, 2008 - 8:25pm / Post ID: #

[party Order] Patrol World Medieval PBP RPG - Page 4

We head east toward the village and find a suitable place to set camp for the night. (I think at A8 would be about right if we are at a A8 at 3PM).

Any likely spot for fresh water will be noted for morning. Camp is set and a fake camp with the groups taking cover till 11:00 pm. At that time Beowolf and krusten will sleep and Klar and Kalfie will keep watch from hidden locations. All will sleep in the wagon during their rest time.

In morning fresh water will be used to fill the canteens.

Dry rations ate and head back to the western reach of the mountains for a more detailed search.

Klar will ride within a arms reach of the rock surface. He will use a stick to scrape along the rocky surface to see if anything happens.

The wagon will be farther out in case something happens with Beowulf and Kalfie watching for any signs of trouble.

kalfie will ride 30 feet out from the wall and the wagon 100 past that. Once the group feels they are getting too near deaths mouth based on Kalfie's last experience there they will turn and head est doing the same along the eastern stretch of mountains till the reach their old camp at k8.

When they turn east they will by pass the actual death mouth safely and continue their search.

Once to the old camp site they will enter it using there hidden markers and then check the snares and traps to ensure they are ready for the night.

Reconcile Edited: krakyn on 20th Jun, 2008 - 8:26pm

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