Monarchy vs. Democracy
Humans often want both worlds to exist, but governance must be single and absolute in one system or it will fall. Does having a Monarchy have any advantages over having a Democracy? If so, what are these advantages?
Living in a democracy, my obvious choice is democracy over monarchy. However, in a monarchy, a true monarchy, you would not be bogged down by bureaucracy and would be able to get more done. A monarchy in the hands of a great ruler, someone who looks after their people, would thrive abundantly. However, if you have a wicked, cruel, or just plain stupid ruler take the throne, you are still subject to their rule. At least in a democracy, your leaders can be changed by a vote, for the most part.
"We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both."
- Justice Louis D. Brandeis (1856-1941) US Supreme Court Justice
While a monarchy sounds nice at times the fact that you can have a poor ruler and be stuck with them for a long time can make your country very poor to say the best.
In the democracy you can change the poor leaders out with elections and get someone else in there that may or may not do a better job. But at least your not stuck with them for a long period of time.
I believe I will take democracy over monarchy.
I think a Monarchy has advantages over a democracy. As mentioned before with a good ruler so much of the bureaucracy would be gone. Democracies have so many elements that slow everything down.
Another advantage would be a sustained pursuit of a goal. Democracies are schizophrenic. The nation's domestic and international policies constantly change. One party wins control and the country veers to the right. Another party takes control and the country turns another direction. With a monarchy with a good ruler the nation would stay the course and be consistent. That would have to be more effective than the country fighting itself over so many policies. Taking this to a personal level, which person achieves more? The person that has goals and always works towards them or the person who is constantly changing goals and directions? Edited: Kyrroeth on 22nd Apr, 2017 - 5:22pm
Sparta had a duel monarchy where there two kings. They shared power, each responsible for certain aspects of governance. This would ease the effect if one were a bad leader. They also had a council with quite a bit of power, that also helped with governing and if there was a poor king while not adding a lot of bureaucracy. This aspect also kept the Government close to the people as those on the council came from regular Spartan families.
Monarchies are not worse than Democracies, and the reverse is true as well.
What a Monarchy is is unpredictable and dangerous, as its properties are highly dependent upon the sitting ruler.
In the right hands, a monarchy is an extremely efficient and beneficial system of government. Able to provide for its people and deal with the nations problems much better than any democracy.
In the wrong hands, a monarchy can be the closest thing to hell on earth.
The principle reason modern countries tend to choose some form of democracy, is eventually all monarchies end up in the wrong hands.
Yes, and in truth we aren't a democracy. We are a representative republics. Democracies can be hell to as they tend to become rule by the mob. The majority always wins and tends to trample on the needs of the minority. They are also very whimsical as the needs and wants of the mob change. Athens was a true democracy and it didn't work well for them. They ended up firing their best general and the only one who had a chance of ending the Peloponnesian war in their favor or at least with close terms after he lost one battle. He'd win all the rest… he just fell out of favor of the mob.