Men In Uniform - Authorized Excessive Violence - Page 9 of 13

Yes most of all police officers are good guys. - Page 9 - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 3rd Feb, 2017 - 3:26am

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Post Date: 21st Nov, 2016 - 10:57pm / Post ID: #

Men In Uniform - Authorized Excessive Violence
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Men In Uniform - Authorized Excessive Violence - Page 9

All I know is that if the attacks on our police forces keeps up soon the streets will not have police officers patrolling them. We will have lawlessness in the streets and people will be forced to protect themselves. IS this what America is coming to?

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7th Dec, 2016 - 12:18am / Post ID: #

Violence Excessive Authorized Uniform Men

The thing about this is people expect criminals to be criminals but the police aren't allowed to act like criminals, they have bounds and it does make their job harder but that's what is expected, procedures must be followed.

International Level: Politics 101 / Political Participation: 9 ActivistPoliticianPolitics 101 0.9%

Post Date: 7th Dec, 2016 - 12:56am / Post ID: #

Men In Uniform - Authorized Excessive Violence
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Men In Uniform - Authorized Excessive Violence History & Civil Business Politics

I agree with you KNToran. I can't imagine being a police officer now. It was hard enough doing the job before. Now with the possibility of being ambushed because of the uniform they are wearing it's much worse. Sure there are bad police officers. They are the few. There are bad apples in any job. Police are just under much more scrutiny than almost any other job. It doesn't help that many people automatically think the police are in the wrong if a shooting happens. It's just sad.

Post Date: 7th Dec, 2016 - 1:36am / Post ID: #

Page 9 Violence Excessive Authorized Uniform Men

Name: Malick

Comments: If you're black then you're going to look at this very different than if you're white. Being black its an automatic pullover. Just imagine that you got in your car and each time you drove down the street you were automatically pulled over just because you were black. How would that make you feel? It doesn't happen to the whites so for them its no big deal.

Post Date: 7th Dec, 2016 - 2:07am / Post ID: #

Men In Uniform - Authorized Excessive Violence
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Violence Excessive Authorized Uniform Men

Being black isn't an automatic pullover. Every black person driving isn't pulled over every time they drive I guarantee it. They might have a greater chance to be pulled over than a white. I have no doubt of that. I know the different communities look at this from different perspectives. The only way I know how to temporarily fix this is to have minority police be the only ones to patrol minority neighborhoods. I have no clue how to solve this long term. I know it will take educating every group but it will take many years before everyone really thought it was much better.

Post Date: 7th Dec, 2016 - 2:59am / Post ID: #

Men In Uniform - Authorized Excessive Violence
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Men In Uniform - Authorized Excessive Violence

Most times when I pulled a person over I had no clue to their race or thier sex. I did not know if they were white, black, red, yellow blue, male or female until I was walking up to the vehicle. Most of the people I pulled over were for running a stop sign, Speeding, running a red light or reckless driving.

I have seen many blacks, Hispanics drive past me when I was watching traffic. I did not pull them over if they were no doing anything wrong. Maybe things have changed a lot since I was doing patrols.

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Post Date: 30th Jan, 2017 - 9:25pm / Post ID: #

Men In Uniform - Authorized Excessive Violence
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Men Uniform Authorized Excessive Violence - Page 9


I have a friend in the Baltimore PD. He's black. He said the dude everyone was all up in arms about, Freddie Gray, was a bad guy. There is no doubt that there are bad police. They are human and whenever you get a cross-section of humanity you get the good (Vast majority) and the bad. This is true in doctors, soldiers, engineers, bank employees, and even postal workers. You also get those who are not well trained. When taking this into account there are bound to be bad things happening on occasion. That does not mean we should castigate all law enforcement officers, most of whom put their lives on the line to keep us safe.

Post Date: 3rd Feb, 2017 - 3:26am / Post ID: #

Men In Uniform - Authorized Excessive Violence
A Friend

Men Uniform Authorized Excessive Violence Politics Business Civil & History - Page 9

Yes most of all police officers are good guys. I agree there are some bad officers out there and they usually are found and delt with through Internal methods. Most bad officers do not last long and are weeded out. Can a career officer go bad? Yes just like any one in any other work something can happen in their social, business or private life that triggers them to change who they are. It is times like that when it is hard to catch and get them off the streets before something bad can happen. Many have had spotless records and something snaps. It can happen to anyone in any profession. I think it just gets a lot more publicity if it is a police officer.

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