Tanis looks through the trees seeing that the territory is virgin and perfect for hunting. He puts down his things in a spot he can find them, pulls out an arrow and notches his bow. He holds it loosely as he waits.
"Fine day to catch something" He says to himself. One of the things Tanis liked about hunting was the peacefulness of it all. While waiting he would notice the shapes of the leaves, the way the bark of trees twisted and so many different sounds.
Further ahead from his position he can hear the crack of a twig. "Come to me baby" He says softly hoping that it might be sweet deer meat.
He keeps waiting in anticipation but nothing is coming so he settles back down and waits some more. "It's okay" He says very softly as though comforting himself about his last rash of urgency for a deer to come.
As Tanis waits he thinks about the surrounds, his new home, if he will adapt and many of the normal things people think about or at least he always thought everyone thought about similar things.
Tanis keeps still. He sees one of the largest fire ants just in front of him. It is carrying a leaf about 3 times its size. He carefully checks to make sure he isn't waiting in an ant test. He relived that he isn't and continues to wait.
Finally, it looks like what he has wanted all this time is finally approaching. This time its a great moose. He takes aim and fires. A perfect hit! The moose starts to run off but can't reach too far. Tanis makes his way to tomorrow's meal quickly and ends the life of the moose so it does not have to endure any more pain than necessary.
Taking the animals by its hind legs he ties it and then slings it over a nearby tree limb. He goes to one side and pulls until the moose is totally off the ground. Tanis carefully guts the animal ensuring none of the entrails contaminate the rest of the meat.
"This will pay well" He says to himself.