On my way to a military school...I was involved in a car accident during a flash-flood. As my car began to roll over and over...I experienced an extraordinary Near Death Experience.
This was only the first part of my journey...I remember each part of this journey...as if it happened today...just now...
The rest of this journey was even more extraordinary....but I want to stop here for now....If you are interested in more of this journey...let me know...To sum it up...try to experience as much joy, love, and kindness in this life....because that is what you get that you can call "Yours" in the the next life.
I want you to know how this this going to The Light experience is not a scary thing...I did feel a little disoriented at first though...There was darkness at first....then there was spinning whirling tunnel around me...Lots of dark purples... and blues..and greens....then way out...beyond the beyond...there was this light...As soon as I recognized the light...it felt like I had been lost and finally...now...I knew... I was going home....
If you want to know more...I will tell you...I can tell you this...God is greater than any version of a deity we have ever imagined...on earth... The love of this being is bigger than all of the great religions..Christianity...Buddism...or god's Krishna...Jehovah..or anything...because the Love of this being is the love of all that there is....I imagine this being as God...but if you want to imagine this being as something else...go ahead....If you could sum up this being as one word though... I would call this being Love.
If you want more of this story...It is quite a revelation...What must have taken only moments on earth...seemed like it could have been quite a long period of time...while I was there...but there was no time there...Let me know if you want to know what this being said to me....
If you want to talk about the afterlife or Near Death Experiences, I am more than willing to respond to you on this board.
I would like to know more about the actual accident you were involved in. Were you dead for a period of time or just unconscious and then awoke in the car? Did someone find you? When you first awoke did you immediately start sharing the experience and how was it taken by everyone around you?
On my way from Fort Bragg North Carolina to a military school in Omaha Nebraska, I took a detour to visit a girl I had written and talked to on the phone. She was from Illinois but I never made it to Chicago to see that girl. I was involved in a car accident. I was driving down Double S road near Toldedo Ohio... when I encountered a flash flood... It was a long trip and I had made arrangements to make a stop along the way in Chicago to meet a my best friend's sister from the Army. I talked to her on the phone and we had written to each other a few times and she promised me a kiss if I would ever drop by and see her. I never did get that kiss but my life would be forever changed on that ill fated rainy day.
I had been driving in my little MGB convertable for many hours when the rain began pounding down and high winds began to buffet the rag-top of my little car. The tiny MGB was getting pushed around by the wind and the cloth from the top broke loose and began to flap loudly in the back but there was no place to pull over so I continued on.
I was a little lost because of low visibility and I was just hoping to find a place to wait out the storm when I saw a sign that said Double S Road. As the sign implied, the road began to wind and curve. I just kept on driving, thinking about that kiss, and I did not see the water that had risen on the road. I hit the water going about 50 miles per hour and imediately began hydroplaning and skidding off of the road. I turned into the skid but my tiny car on the water covered road was like an ice skater spinning back and forth on ice. I attempted to right the car but the MGB kept over-steering each time I counter-steered. I suddenly saw a cornfield as my car began to leave the road. The MGB began to roll over and over then over...three times. In the next few moments I experienced what most people call a Near Death Experience.
As my head hit the windshield, I had a life review...I saw my life flash before my eyes...In this life review I saw every event of my life from outside of my body...it was 3 dimensional...like a 3D movie of my entire life from birth until that day...and I stood outside myself as if I was an observer of each event...
I believe I died by the third time my car rolled over. My soul actually left my body.
Edited: rudi on 8th Mar, 2006 - 4:02pm
I am trying to get used to this site. I hope I can get to answering your questions in a satisfactory way. I had a message that I could not post links so I tried pasting info from my blog about my NDE. I think this is not what this site allows so I will try to start from the beginning and talk about my NDE if I can. Writing about my NDE is nothing short of attempting to describe a whole life time in just a few words. I am trying to get to your questions but realize it was a tumultuous event. If I stray to other thoughts forgive me.
To answer your questions,
Q 1) I would like to know more about the actual accident you were involved in. Were you dead for a period of time or just unconscious and then awoke in the car?
A) My car rolled over three times, as I went off the the road, into a cornfield. My life review occured on the first roll...By the third roll I was dead... My soul left my body...
Q 2) Did someone find you?
A) As I was rolling into the cornfield, a lady who was coming from the other direction stopped and came to my aid. It is intersting to note that I actually saw her stopping and getting out of her car while I was returning from heaven to my body. I also saw a pick up truck pull over and a man get out of his truck. I believe this man went to call for an ambulence. This was after I was dead and would have been impossible for me to see but I did in fact see it right before I enetered my body. When she arrived at my body, I had returned to life already. The time I was actually dead was less than 30 seconds.
The lady who went into the cornfield to find me asked if I was okay. I had literally smashed through my windows and been battered severely. But I was conscious. I said, "I think I need to go to a hospital." and I asked if she could "follow me." My car was still running. I was in shock at this point. She told me that she thought I should lay down and I did get out of my car and did lay down. She found a blanket and covered me. I started to tremble and shake. A volunteer ambulance service was their in five minutes...nothing short of miraculous. Over forty miles away from any hospital. While I was in horrific pain, I had broken my vertebrae and my legs could not move...I had a sense of peace.... The volunteer ambulance service guys stabilized my neck a pulled me out of that pasture. Some day I hope to meet the people who saved my life and tell them thank you.
The next thing I remember, I was in the emergency room.
Q 3) When you first awoke did you immediately start sharing the experience and how was it taken by everyone around you?
A) I didn't say anything about it for years although I did begin telling people I loved them a lot. Some twenty years later, I am able to finally talk about it.
I hope that is a better answer. I will try to stick to the format as well as I can.
Edited: rudi on 8th Mar, 2006 - 5:04pm
I understand what you are trying to do and I thank you for your detailed responses. Now what I am most interested in is what does 'death' feel like? In other words, from the moment you died to the instant you became 'aware' what did you feel? Was it a matter of you felt your head hitting the windshield and then suddenly you were feeling okay? Did you feel the impact of pain? Did you 'see' like we are seeing now or was your ability to look at things different?
By the way, besides my questions feel free to continue with your experience...
Offtopic but, You may want to learn how to use the offtopic and quote tags. it will be a great help in organizing your writing. The Thread about it can be found in the FAQ Board. |
Q. 1) what does 'death' feel like?
A) There is such a thing as death as far as a body is concerned but there is no such thing as death for our soul. We literally travel from "life to life."
Q. 1 Part 2) In other words, from the moment you died to the instant you became 'aware' what did you feel?
A. Part 2) I was in darkness for a moment but then I looked up and saw a light. Wherever the light was, I knew the light was where I wanted to go. I felt like I dropped my arms to a kind of diving up to the light position and started going to the light. On the way, I felt like I was shedding darkness attached to my soul... As I went up the light became larger and brighter but the light was brighter than the sun did not hurt me but rather felt like pure love.
Physical death lead to a kind of two stage event
a) As I was leaving my body, I believe before I died, I went through a life review. I feel that my life review was a kind of judgement. We see every moment of our life from the the begiining to the end. I felt as if I was an observer watching my life from about 3-10 feet away depending on the event. Each event alows a moment of introspection.
B) Going to the Light felt like a natural function that was the next thing I was to do. While I did not have directions, I knew I was going home.
Q. 2) Did you 'see' like we are seeing now or was your ability to look at things different?
A.) I could see like we see and hear like I do now now but there were some difference.
1. I didn't see from my eyes but rather from the center of my being. This is also where I could hear sounds. Again brightness and sounds did not have a physical pain or sensation as I did not have the physical sensations of hot, cold, pain, etc...
Edited: rudi on 8th Mar, 2006 - 6:02pm
So when you saw your life before you did you feel emotion for each event? For instance when you saw something in your life reviewed did you feel bad or remorse for it?
I have read the book 'Embraced by the Light', and your experience is very similar to it. If you have read it would you say the experience was similar to how she describes it? Like you, she also waited for quite a long time before telling the story... what holds you back from telling? Is it fear of ridicule?