Yemen Civil Unrest - Page 3 of 5

Thousands protest against Houthi coup in Yemen: - Page 3 - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 8th Feb, 2015 - 11:56am

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Yemen Civil Unrest Yemen Civil Disorder
19th Oct, 2014 - 12:09am / Post ID: #

Yemen Civil Unrest - Page 3

Its amazing to me that some of these countries in the middle east can't get a grip on what mobs of armed men do. If something like this was even hinted in America iot would be broken up before they even got started.

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Post Date: 22nd Oct, 2014 - 10:40am / Post ID: #

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Unrest Civil Yemen

Dozens killed in Yemen as clashes rage:

At least 60 people were killed in Yemen as clashes raged between Shiite rebels and al-Qaida militants backed by Sunni tribesmen battling for territory in the strife-hit country, sources said Monday. Ref. Source 1

Post Date: 29th Oct, 2014 - 2:46pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Yemen Civil Unrest History & Civil Business Politics

17 killed as Houthis, tribesmen clash in Yemen's Ibb:

At least 17 people were killed in overnight clashes between Houthi militants and armed tribesmen in central Yemen's Ibb province, a security official said Wednesday. Ref. Source 6

Post Date: 22nd Dec, 2014 - 7:30pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Page 3 Unrest Civil Yemen

42 people killed' in central Yemen:

Dozens of Houthi rebels have been killed in central Yemen in a suspected revenge attack after at least 40 people from a rival tribe were kidnapped by the Shia group, sources told Al Jazeera. Ref. Source 4

Post Date: 2nd Jan, 2015 - 12:45pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Unrest Civil Yemen

Bomb blast targeting Houthis kills 33 in Yemen:

The attack took place on Wednesday in the city of Ibb when an assailant blew his explosives in a cultural center, where a group of Shia Houthi militants were preparing to celebrate the birth anniversary of Islam's Prophet Mohammad. Ref. Source 2

Post Date: 21st Jan, 2015 - 7:26pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Yemen Civil Unrest

Shiite Houthi rebels have overtaken Yemen's presidential palace, the country's minister of information told CNN.

The Prime Minister's residence was also under attack, said Information Minister Nadia Sakkaf.

She called the situation "The completion of a coup," Adding that "The President has no control."

Fighting was earlier reported around the presidential palace in the capital, Sanaa. Heavy clashes Monday between government forces and Houthis -- Shiite Muslims who have long felt marginalized in the majority Sunni Muslim country -- ended in a ceasefire. Ref. CNN

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Post Date: 1st Feb, 2015 - 9:53pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Yemen Civil Unrest - Page 3

Yemen's Houthis attack protesters in Sanaa:

Fighters break up anti-Houthi rally in capital, as 'Southern Movement' pulls out of talks to form a new government. Ref. Source 9

Post Date: 8th Feb, 2015 - 11:56am / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Yemen Civil Unrest Politics Business Civil & History - Page 3

Thousands protest against Houthi coup in Yemen:

Protesters gather in Sanaa and Taiz as Houthis announce formation of "Security commission" After takeover of parliament. Ref. Source 1

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