Charlotte Bobcats

Charlotte Bobcats - Movies, Music, Fashion, Sports - Posted: 8th Jul, 2006 - 10:59pm

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Guess who the new owner of the Bobcats is...
18th Apr, 2006 - 10:22pm / Post ID: #

Charlotte Bobcats

Charlotte Bobcats

I have mixed emotions about this team. The team itself, I like, because there are decent players there like Raymond Felton, Emeka Okafor and Gerald Wallace. The fact that Charlotte drove the Hornets organization out of town for lack of interest, then begged to get an expansion team less than a year later, leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.

Regardless of my opinion, the team, young as it was, did better than expected. They didn't make the playoffs, but showed some resolve and mettle, and finished the season with a 25-56 record. We'll see how well they do in their 2nd year of existence.

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Post Date: 24th Apr, 2006 - 12:05am / Post ID: #

Charlotte Bobcats
A Friend

Bobcats Charlotte

In my opinion, they didn't deserve another team. Places like Kansas City were not given teams because we lost our team many years ago, but Charlotte was given a team just a few years after losing theirs. They had better earn the right to have that team, because they sure as heck don't deserve it.

29th Apr, 2006 - 4:50am / Post ID: #

Charlotte Bobcats Sports & Fashion Music Movies

I believe Charlotte was able to get a team so quickly because 1) they already had the NBA facilities 2) they had the market, so long as the team was a fresh, new one, and 3) they had the financial funding behind it. To move to a brand new city like Kansas City would have taken a while to finalize and get the proper backing. Charlotte was a done deal, long after the Hornets left town. The morality of it is what bothered me the most; "we're tired of this old, team, so let's drive them out of town and get us a new one"

16th Jun, 2006 - 11:49pm / Post ID: #

Bobcats Charlotte

Guess who is the new majority owner of the Charlotte Bobcats - Michael Jordan - he paid an enormous US$300,000,000.00 for it too!

17th Jun, 2006 - 12:19am / Post ID: #

Bobcats Charlotte

Yes, I read about this the other day. The one thing that came to mind is why doesn't Jordan just enjoy his retirement instead of getting into another basketball franchise? You know he has lots of money, but it seems he has to have his hands in something, all the time, so this is his new venture. I wish him well since the Bobcats are in need of some serious turnaround.

17th Jun, 2006 - 12:30am / Post ID: #

Charlotte Bobcats

Jordan loves basketball, that is what most people forget. I am not just talking about as a fan, I mean real love, like how you love your son and daughter. This is not only about making money, this is about making a name for himself within the game again. He cannot play always, but this way he gets to be 'in' the game without actually playing.

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8th Jul, 2006 - 3:34pm / Post ID: #

Charlotte Bobcats

Well, one of the first things Jordan did as part owner was select Adam Morrison, last years co-leader in points in the NCAA. Morrison has a lot of potential to be a good player in the NBA.

8th Jul, 2006 - 10:59pm / Post ID: #

Charlotte Bobcats Movies Music Fashion & Sports

I wonder if he will take on a manager / coach role or just be a manager? I am sure this must be like fantasy basketball with real players, I would really like to see where the team goes.

> TOPIC: Charlotte Bobcats


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