Autism & Nervousness

Autism Nervousness - Psychology, Special Needs, Health - Posted: 7th Jul, 2013 - 10:25pm

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26th Sep, 2012 - 5:42pm / Post ID: #

Autism & Nervousness

Autism & Nervousness

One of the main issues with living with three hyper autistic boys is they are naturally nervous all the time and therefore are highly skilled at making you nervous. They lack empathy so their frustrations are always vented. This is hard for parents to understand but the best way I can explain it is what an average five minutes is like.

I may be doing some work. One child may ask for something, then everyone wants it. If I say "One minute" or "Just a sec" it causes them to start shouting or calling your name until you do what they ask. If you ever saw any of the Spongebob episodes where he annoys Squidward by repeating the same phrase over and over again you will get an idea. Now, you bring that something and the child that originally asked for it does not want it anymore. The child then spins or yells, laughs and then cries all of which you have to use as a means to guess what they want. You get something else that seems to appease them and they seem happy but no less than 30 seconds has passed and they are calling you for something else. In other words they are extremely needy and never satisfied. It is like someone that is totally incapacitated shouting out orders to you to constantly bring this or that or do this or that.

In my case I have to go through this WHILE working, and my work is coding, designing and writing, all of which requires concentration - a formidable task. If you have a similar situation please tell us about it.

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7th Jul, 2013 - 10:25pm / Post ID: #

Nervousness and Autism

Although the above is a daily occurrence the past week the children have been fighting an stomach virus and because they cannot rest they move around in circles (Literally) not giving their body chance to heal. The other thing is they do not know how to bring up the cold and spit it out so they do the nasty: keep swallowing it until they eat something and vomit the food and all the lumps of cold they've been circulating between their sinus and stomach. Yeah, I know, it is not pretty to think about but that it the glory of parenting autistic children. Also, I need not go into the details of how autistic children vomit - you will swear someone is trying to burn them with a hot iron, they try to scream while the vomit comes up. In fact, just having a sore throat is cause for them to exercise their vocal chords to the loudest they can - a nightmare.

> TOPIC: Autism & Nervousness


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