Internet Addiction

Internet Addiction - Computer Issues, Video Gaming - Posted: 10th Sep, 2006 - 10:05am

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Becoming a real problem?
Post Date: 22nd May, 2006 - 12:50pm / Post ID: #

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Internet Addiction


For some, the Internet it has become an addiction, adversely affecting their lives and their family's lives.

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22nd May, 2006 - 1:30pm / Post ID: #

Addiction Internet

Interesting article, specially this part:

"Obsession with and craving time on the computer results in neglect of real-life personal relationships to the point of divorce,"

Doctors says that they cannot define it as "addiction" but yes as an "obsession" and the online life affects afterwards the real life of these individuals. Something to think about.

23rd May, 2006 - 2:52am / Post ID: #

Internet Addiction Gaming Video & Issues Computer

One part of a definition of addiction by psychological standards is something that gets in the way of your day-to-day events such as eating, sleeping, working, family and social connections. If those things aren't being met -- it is an addiction. I don't understand why this isn't an addiction. Of course, as I logged in and came to check the boards, I was thinking myself, "Oh, I feel so bad because I have been so busy with school and job interview (thank goodness, everyone cross fingers!) that I haven't had enough time to be here when I really love to be here and reading so many wonderful things. But, I can't be when life interferes and life comes first. I think it IS an addiction. By the truest sense of the word.

23rd May, 2006 - 10:24pm / Post ID: #

Addiction Internet

I put down cigarettes after 25 years mostly because I hated being addicted. I never take all my pain medicine after a surgery because I don't want to get addicted. I have spent countless hours at this keyboard because I was driven to write, but I never felt addicted until 30 minutes after I discovered this website. Now there are times when I stay up way past my bed time because somebody asked an interesting question. Oh well. If this is an addiction, so be it.

24th May, 2006 - 12:06am / Post ID: #

Addiction Internet

I believe that there is a very thin line between addicted and obsession myself. I current do have an addiction to the internet in general as I have always something that I wish to do online that will most likely take something away from my every day life. Sometimes this is nothing more than bringing something in from the car to keep from getting up or it could even be at times not taking time to do the yardwork. Whatever the case may be I do fit the description of addicted. I see an obsession basically the same way but as with obsession there is also a strong emotional attachment to go along with it as well.

This article takes what I believe is addiction to the next level even past obsession. While I understand that there are people in the world that have found themselves loosing their lives over the time they spend online but I do not need to see anything that extreme to explain simple addiction. I am not sure about the treatment for online addiction being an anti-depressant as most of the people that I know that are on medication for depression have grown into a state of spending more time online to prevent confronting other people face to face.

24th May, 2006 - 3:47am / Post ID: #

Internet Addiction

I'll never have time to be addicted to the point I don't want to talk to others face to face. My life is too busy for me to even think about spending that much time looking at a screen.

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24th May, 2006 - 5:57am / Post ID: #

Internet Addiction

Based on the article's description, my son is addicted and has been since he got his first computer at age 10 or 12. He will go 2-3 days without sleeping to play on the 'net. He flunked out of an elite college because he joined a computer war gaming group and spent all of his time playing computer war games rather than sleeping or studying. All of his waking hours, aside from when he's at work, he's playing computer games (the latest craze is WarCraft multi-user) in his room with the door shut. We have very little face-to-face interaction, even though we live in the same house.

I've discussed it with him on several occasions, but he's in total, complete denial. He just doesn't see what the problem is, or why it should upset anyone how he spends his personal time.

Post Date: 10th Sep, 2006 - 10:05am / Post ID: #

Internet Addiction
A Friend

Internet Addiction Computer Issues & Video Gaming

Addicted? That is only the beginning of it for me. I am one of the worst cases I know. The first time I had anything to do with the 'net was back in '97. I started college and my work study job was in the computer lab. The college was just then making its change from 2yr college to 4yr University. It was also becoming a "laptop university". You had to have a laptop to attend there. I became addicted very quickly. Lack of sleep, lack of nutrition, and the gain of so many "friends" took a toll on me. I now have epilepsy (as I had my first seizure my 2nd semester of college) and it has been hard on me. I think about the 'net and what I'd like to be doing all the time. I wake up in the middle of the night just itching to see what I am missing. I believe I am way beyond addicted or even obsessed. I would not function without a computer that had the internet with it.

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