Citizen: Valla

Citizen Valla - Cozyville RPG Archive - Posted: 19th Oct, 2006 - 10:28am

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In Cozyville!
Post Date: 2nd Jun, 2006 - 12:02am / Post ID: #

Citizen: Valla

Our latest Cozyville prospect, Valla, just came into the Town looking at the prospects of setting up home in Cozyville!

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3rd Jun, 2006 - 10:49pm / Post ID: #

Valla Citizen

Cozyville is an adorable community and I'm excited to make a fresh start in a small town environment. I've purchased a lot on the outskirts of town, not far from the schools. This will be ideal for my future children which I hope to have one day, after I meet the right man, of course! I've contracted to build a modest home which I admit to feeling concern about. Some of the neighboring houses are very fancy. I hope there are friendly people who own these houses and don't my little house. It will suit me fine because I hate to do housework and with a smaller house, there's less of it to do.

6th Jun, 2006 - 8:49am / Post ID: #

Citizen: Valla Archive RPG Cozyville

I've spent the last few days unpacking and setting up my new home. It's coming along very nice, though there's still a lot of work to do. I've also been around town getting to know some of the citizens. They sure are a superstitious bunch. A few days without electricity, and they are ready to burn me for witchcraft. Or maybe it's the big wart on my nose that has them concerned. No, I guess not because the electricity seemed to put them at ease. I've got to get that wart removed, or what man will take an interest in me? It makes me look very unattractive. Oh well, those things cost money and I'm trying to save to get my water turned on. Water takes a back seat to fashion, however. My clothes were horribly drab (could also be contributing to the witchcraft thing) and FarSeer Fashions was having a great sale, so I splurged. Now I'm feeling much more peaceful. (Nothing like new clothes to bring on the peaceful feeling.) Included in my purchases is a hat which, if tilted just right, puts my wart in shadow which makes it much less noticeable.

1st Jul, 2006 - 1:31am / Post ID: #

Valla Citizen

I'm beginning to wonder if it was a mistake to move here. I like the small town atmosphere but am terribly lonely. People stay to themselves quite a lot. To cheer myself up today, I treated myself to a delicious deli sandwich at Latina's Deli & Bakery. I'm still trying to save to turn on my water but a girl has got to eat, doesn't she? I love my home but am having a pest problem with flies. Or maybe I should say fly for it seems a particular one would almost consider himself a pet, he is always buzzing around. I would like to get rid of the fly, but how? Should I buy a pet frog to eat the fly? But a frog might give my more warts, so I better not. It is something to think about.

12th Aug, 2006 - 12:51am / Post ID: #

Valla Citizen

I've really enjoyed talking to everyone in town and getting to know everyone better. I've been way too busy to earn enough money to turn on my water and telephone. I've unfortunately become very addicted to the arcade in town and that's what I spend most of my money on. I know it's terribly irresponsible, but it's a lot of fun. I've also been out of town a lot on camping trips and vacations. Now that autumn is on the way, I will stay in town and try to settle down to a job and earn lots of money. Today, a salesman knocked at my door. He wanted me to buy a 'Support the Democrats' sticker. I told him to sticker up his nose. I have other more important things to spend my money on. Like video games.

Reconcile Edited: Valla on 12th Aug, 2006 - 12:52am

15th Oct, 2006 - 9:20am / Post ID: #

Citizen: Valla

A teenage boy, selling subscriptions to the newspaper, came by last week and asked if I would take a subscription to the Cozyville Newspaper. Of course I said 'Yes!', as I was looking for a job desperately. What a cutie he was with curly black hair and brilliant blue eyes. If I were only 10 years younger. I was able to find a part time job, serving hamburgers, thanks to an advertisment I saw in the newspaper. It's a start, and I'm enthused by the many possibilities which are available in this cute community. I want to make enough money to get the gigantic wart on my nose removed, and then maybe I can find someone to marry me. On the other hand, it's October so maybe I'll hold off a few more weeks. It's nice not to have to dress up on Halloween.

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15th Oct, 2006 - 8:42pm / Post ID: #

Citizen Valla

I'm so happy, everything is going great. I've been working out at the gym and my body has never looked better. My part time job leaves me plenty of time to socialize and I've met and married the man of my dreams. My good dreams, that is. Our marriage was very impulsive but he's perfect for me, smart and funny and a hard worker. I couldn't ask for a better spouse and just know that our life will be one big fairy tale. We are poor financially but rich in love. The poor financial part was felt a little more that the rich in love part, when the water bill came due this week. Luckily, we had enough from selling our wedding gifts to pay the bill, with lots left over. Who needs 7 toasters?

19th Oct, 2006 - 10:28am / Post ID: #

Citizen Valla Cozyville RPG Archive

My new husband, Mr. Dory, and I watched the Academy Awards last night. I was amazed that Male Bigson didn't even get a nomination for his film "Heart of a Brave!" That film was fantastic and I happen to think the reason has a lot to do with all the bad publicity he has been getting lately. The disappointment of it all drove me to eat all the Halloween candy Hunky had bought for the upcoming festivities.

Talk about bad press, the local newspaper has reported my citizenry as slacking just because it took me some time to get my water turned on. At least no names were named so maybe nobody knows who is being talked about. I honestly didn't think anyone knew about my borrowing that water from the local park pipe. I guess that's not an easy thing to hide. Oh well, I better go. Hunky is waiting for me to walk to town so we can buy some more Halloween candy.

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