How Do Aliens Choose Their Abducts?

How Aliens Choose Abducts - Sciences, Education, Art, Writing, UFO - Posted: 31st Mar, 2007 - 6:54pm

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Post Date: 18th Jun, 2006 - 12:29am / Post ID: #

How Do Aliens Choose Their Abducts?

[b]How Do Aliens Choose Their Abducts?

Is there a special process they use to find humans to take into their spaceship?

How Do Aliens Choose Their Abducts?
How Do Aliens Choose Their Abducts? (Hover)

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Post Date: 23rd Jun, 2006 - 6:34am / Post ID: #

How Do Aliens Choose Their Abducts?
A Friend

Abducts Choose Aliens How

No one even knows if people are really getting abducted by aliens none the less why they would do it. First you have to ask why they would come millions of light years away in super advanced vehicles to wipe out an anal probe on some unsuspecting slob. That doesn't even make sense, they don't have any kind of body scanning device?

But, it seems like very few intelligent, normal people are abducted. It also seems like an awe full lot of country hill billies are the ones being abducted, people from out in the country. So there might be a qualification there. Also, they never seem to take anyone in leadership, or someone doing anything worth while in the world either.

Post Date: 6th Sep, 2006 - 6:34pm / Post ID: #

How Do Aliens Choose Their Abducts?
A Friend

How Do Aliens Choose Their Abducts? UFO & Writing Art Education Sciences

They seem to choose their victims in a rather clever way. They do this by choosing people who seem to be slightly unhinged or who are in isolated conditions. This is so the people are never believed. biggrin.gif

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Post Date: 6th Oct, 2006 - 8:00am / Post ID: #

How Do Aliens Choose Their Abducts?
A Friend

Abducts Choose Aliens How

So if they only pick crazy people that will not be believed, then what does that tell us? It tells us that people are not really being abducted. After all, what would a super advanced alien civilization need a human for, to study? We have devices that do full body scans without surgery or probes, surely they have something even better. Its just silly to think they are behind us in medical science, and that they would still need to abduct us after so many years of doing it. Its amazing, but their technological devices have never been more advanced than our own techniques. This is because these people are not very imaginative and take their cues from our own technology to make up their abductions.

9th Jan, 2007 - 6:36pm / Post ID: #

Abducts Choose Aliens How

True we have scanners using radio and magnetic waves even radiation! but yet we still do exploratory surgery because our machines can not see all. It is possible that many things the "Alien" machines can not see thus grab a specimen. Why a "crazy" person ...Yes because no one will believe them.

I still ponder if it is not our own government doing experiments on people that they could not other wise pull off. Ok a sick thought but that is my warped thought and no one elses I am sure.

Reconcile Edited: krakyn on 9th Jan, 2007 - 6:38pm

Post Date: 31st Mar, 2007 - 4:03pm / Post ID: #

How Do Aliens Choose Their Abducts?
A Friend

How Do Aliens Choose Their Abducts?

There is some evidence that they are using conducting genetic studies as the abduction syndrome sometimes runs along family lines. The examination of the reproductive organs and other areas bear this out. The speculation/explanation offered usually runs along the lines that their evolutionary process has reached a dead end; they genetically engineered a 'better' version of themselves and in the process lost certain traits of individuality and initiative that they are trying to recover. This is substantiated by the hybrid program that is apparently underway. There are reports of women mysteriously becoming pregnant (some are not so mysterious, the memory of the implantation of a fertilized egg during an abduction remains), carrying the baby close to term and then suddenly being not pregnant. In many such cases the mother is subsequently shown a human/alien cross breed offspring and given to understand that is her contribution.

There is some evidence that the aliens (and it's important to realize at the onset that there is no one group with a single agenda that could be called the aliens, just like there is no one group inhabiting our obscure planet that can be categorized as earthmen) are engaged in some kind of anthropology research project. Often abductees report profound mind scanning followed by display or projection into the mind of scenes of an apocalyptic nature--basically trying to show man's destructive impact on the plant.

There is some evidence that some alien abductions are simply studies, tag and release, with implants embedded for tracking and other purposes.

In some cases, such as that of Travis Walton, it seems the abductee was just in the wrong place at the right time, like a pedestrian in a hit and run accident. Others, like Billy Meier seem to have an open exchange with their visitors. (That said admitting up front that the Meier case is deeply contaminated with confabulation over the years. Read "Light Years" to get a reasonable account of the events.)

Before anyone like konquererz responds with a comment that one or more of these scenarios doesn't make sense", stop and realize that there is no compelling reason on the aliens part to make sense to humans and that the argument presented is less a repudiation of alien contact than a confirmation of the limitations of human imagination. Just because you don't get it doesn't mean it is not going on.

Before anyone says that such 'unbelievable' stuff would require personal experience in order to be believed, consider that a truly effective memory masking technology, which the aliens have been known to utilize (it is often reported that the mind was rinsed or a cover story implanted in the minds of abducts resulting in an altered or suppressed memory--in many cases the abduction is simply 'missing time') would render the subject unaware of the abduction experience. Memories often surface as dreams, if at all, and are only recovered by hypnotic regression. Natural human trauma masking contributes to this, the way sexual abuse memories can be masked for decades. Consider, dear reader, that it is possible--whatever the likelihood--that you may have been abducted and not even be consciously aware of the fact. Go back and read that last sentence until it really sinks in.

The "I won't believe it until it happens to me", "It makes no sense that...", "Why would they only take rednecks?" and similar forms of refutation of the evidence only serve to underscore the limitations of the human species. We seem as a culture, as a civilization unable to come to grips with the reality presented by the evidence. We are under semi-covert observation and perhaps manipulation by any number of alien species for any number of reasons and until humanity itself comes to the realization it is going on with some clarity, there is no particular reason for them to be overt enough about it so as to cause a paradigm shift in consciousness. In fact it may serve their purpose if the stories of their activities--particularly ones involving unwilling impregnation and harvesting of fetuses and implants--are disbelieved. Hence they may not want to land on the white house lawn and hold a press conference explaining their intentions.

Grappling with the plausibility of the reported alien activity and declaring it non-nonsensical (as an argument that it is therefore dismissible) merely confirms the limitations of human mindset when dealing with at truly alien phenomenon. They are ALIEN, at first consideration their activities WON'T make sense--that does not mean the evidence is therefore dismissible. The only way any of it will make sense is if you take the evidence that cannot be proven outright to be the result of delusional individuals for what it is--evidence of a not yet understood phenomenon which needs to be noted, related to other evidence until some coherent hypothesis can be developed.

Making the statement that anyone who makes such a report must be crazy only serves to deny the volumes of evidence that we are under observation--a denial mostly intended to protect the apparently fragile world view of the person making the statement. And consider the fact that if Donald Trump had an abduction experience, he would no doubt keep it private so as to prevent his public image from being tarnished by the ridicule of those who can only use that tool to deal with the evidence presented. You might not be crazy to have an abduction experience, but it might be ill-advise ('crazy') to talk about it if you are a respected member of academia, business or politics. So the common class people reporting the experience may simply be more honest or less sophisticated than the upper class who are not reporting their experiences. As long as you stigmatize a reported abduction with the inference that the reporter is delusional, you will limit your access to the information you need to understand an, ahem, alien phenomenon.

If you are not thinking outside the box, you are not thinking at all.

The quaint notion that 'they' come in space ships as our space brothers from nearby planets of the 50's has given way to progressively more sophisticated hypotheses about who they are and what they are up to. They may be as the Pleadians seem to be, an advanced version or branch of humanoids such as ourselves who have faster than light (time-bending) transport and can come from star systems very far away. They may be inter dimensional travelers which would explain the unusual nature of the appearance/disappearance of their craft. Some of them may in-fact be indigenous to the planet, living on a technological scale as far removed from Madision Avenue and Hollywood as those locations are from the natives in the jungle hut. Certainly the tales of the 'little people' who 'take the children' common throughout history suggest that the 'aliens' more specifically the grays, have been here for a long time. Yet another consideration that is gaining ground is that they are traveling in time more than space and are from our future, looking perhaps for a way to change their present.

To understand how the aliens pick their abduction specimens, you would have to understand the aliens and their agenda. That is demonstrably a hard thing to do.

The aliens pick their subjects, to answer your question as directly as I can, for their own reasons to accomplish their own agenda.

As to how you can get on the list, it helps if you are born into a bloodline that is being studied. It helps to read the literature and keep an open mind. Project a willingness to be open and look into the subject further. You may meet a humanoid alien someday and barely realize it until afterward.

Only an open study of as many cases as we can get the abductees to document openly might reveal a pattern which would help us understand that agenda.

Whatever it is, it seems to be coming to a head as December 21, 2012 approaches.


Reconcile Edited: Cyberflyer on 31st Mar, 2007 - 4:30pm

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31st Mar, 2007 - 5:39pm / Post ID: #

How Aliens Choose Abducts

Cyberflyer, interesting reading. I always found the topic to be fascinating and intriguing, nevertheless you speak on your post about "evidences" but what REAL evidences there is out there to PROVE that these abductions you are speaking about did in fact took place?

Post Date: 31st Mar, 2007 - 6:54pm / Post ID: #

How Do Aliens Choose Their Abducts?
A Friend

How Aliens Choose Abducts Sciences Education Art Writing & UFO

Evidence and proof are two different things and the issue revolves around what constitutes 'proof'.

There is all kinds of evidence available. One seminal work was David Jacobs's The UFO Controversy in America, which was, I believe his doctorial thesis expanded into a book. Anything by Jacques Vallee. If you can get your hands on a copy of the first edition of the Genesis III book "Contact from the Pleiades", the extensive photo journal of Billy Meier's early contacts (the later ones are most likely frauds), you will have a mind opening experience. At least I did in 1979 when I first encountered it.

Read Edward Ruppelt's first edition of "The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects"--The Air Force made him modify later editions. Ann Druffel's biography of the atmospheric physicist James E. MacDonald titled 'Firestorm' (if I remember correctly) is good. Major Donald Keyhoe wrote produced some good work, although it comes across in a journalistic style with a touch of tabloid melodrama.

The crop circle people have lots of landing trace cases. Steven Greer's disclosure group has a list of credible witnesses (pilots, astronauts, military people, police, you name it) a mile long prepared to testify in front of congress.

As far as abduction goes, start with "Missing Time" by Budd Hopkins and continue with Intruders and Witnessed. David Jacobs has done a lot of good research and produce a rather dark conclusion in "The Threat". John Mack did good work. And a well respected author whose name excapes me, took a look at it in "Close Encounters of the 4th Kind". These will give you a good introduction to the field. A respected newspaperman published a book some time back that described his experiences onboard a craft in which a large number of prominent people were briefed on the reality of alien presence. Not exactly an abduction experience, but it fits. There was later some controversy about that book's authenticity. There usually is.

There is too much evidence for me to begin to list here but Goggle and the preceding paragraphs will get you going.

If you really want to study the subject, consider joining Hopkins' Intruders Foundation.

Can I PROVE to you that we are being visited, that abductions are taking place?

I rather doubt it.

You might not believe it if it began happening to you.

There is enough credible evidence (and I must emphasize it has to be sorted out from the un-credible evidence and the outright hoax, confabulation and misdirection) for me to win a trial in a court of law on any other matter and I am not a lawyer.

But if that trial was "are abduction reports real" I would likely loose the case, simply because the notion that there are other life-forms more advance than our own is so far 'outside the box' of conventional consensus opinion. It is of such a nature that it remains inconceivable at some fundamental level--and I can't prove anything you cannot conceive of. It's a paradox. The vast (80%?) majority of us believe we cannot, are not alone in the universe. But the prevailing socially understood public opinion is that we are alone on the planet--that the the sightings, the landing trace case, the films and still pictures, the abduction reports, the recovered implants all are not sufficient evidence to prove the contrary.

On top of that, we are now in a wonderland of digital reality where any image, movie or audio documentation can be manufactured or doctored. So a sufficiently skeptical mind cannot be led to the point where the issue is proven. By the same token, you cannot prove to me that they are not here.

Even further, the manchinations of the powers that be are such that you can't assume what they tell you on the evening news is the truth--an issue which results in part, I believe, from the success the PTB achieved in misdirecting the evidence offered during the UFO flaps of the 40's and 50's-including the recovery of debris from downed craft--into public opinion that it was weather balloon wreckage and swamp gas. Now they are at the point where they can televise the intentional total catastrophic demolition of several major buildings on the breaking TV news and explain it away with a conspiracy theory about jet fuel melting a few steel beams (something not possible in known physics) and have the majority of the country believe that improbable tale.

I notice you are LDS. If the concept of alien (inter-dimensional, extra-terrestrial, exo-reality-based) life forms happens to be antithetical to your religious beliefs and you hold them firm, then I need not bother to try to prove them to you. You may as well try and 'PROVE' the existence of your supernatural God to me with the ancedotal evidence of the bible and the ascription of serendipitous coincidence to divine intervention.

Not to be disrespectful, but you get the point.

There is plenty of evidence.

Sorting out the credible evidence from the un-credible is a big step. In the Phoenix lights case there were myriad reports of a massive object, V-shaped in configuration that floated the length of the state--parked over Sky Harbor airport in Phoenix, was observed visually but not on radar and attracted the attention of fighters from Luke AFB. There were also that night a little later a series of flares dropped by an A-10 that drifted down behind South Mountain and were caught on video. I was presented with the video the next day and asked to comment to the media. My only observation at the time was that they could be anything and proved nothing. That ended up on the editing room floor, so to speak. There is no question something unworldly flew over Phoenix that night. But the easily available evidence is worthless at first glance and provable as something else when forensics is applied.

Then what is left is for an open mind to consider the evidence that is credible and make the best judgement it can.

Took me ten years of research to arrive at the understanding I have starting from a objectively skeptical view point.

I don't know what can be proven, but understanding can be reached.

There is an outstanding episode of the X-files in which a writer interviews Scully for a book about an incident and she implores him to write only the truth. He pauses and replies "My God, I can't possibly do that. There are as more versions of the truth then there are witnesses in this case". An he is right. The episode should be required viewing for anyone contemplating an attempt to sort out the subject.

Jose Chung's "From Outer Space" (Season 3)

After ten years of investigation, I am certain of very little.

Humanity is not alone at the top of the food chain nor do we have sole dominion over the plants and the animals, ect.

We may well be the product of alien intervention in our development, very likely so.

The non-homo-sapien entities have been here for a long, long time, there are many of them with varying agendas and capabilities.

Figuring out the big picture is more of a spiritual problem than a scientific one.

The only viable approach is one of open-minded cautious skepticism. You have to understand at the onset that the phenomenon you are investigating has capabilities so far beyond our present understanding as to be literally unbelievable. And at the same time realize that all manner of issues conspire to introduce false evidence.

I personally investigated the case of a fellow who was adamant that a bright hovering light in the sky had begun to observe him where one had never been before. The investigation revealed that it was Venus, beyond any doubt in my mind.

I have also been taken on a trip outside my body and this hard consensus reality to a realm I won't bother to explain here by someone who, while appearing nominally human, I have concluded was not.

To answer your question as simply as I can, I cannot likely prove anything to you.

There is certainly, however, enough evidence that you can prove it to yourself.


Reconcile Edited: Cyberflyer on 31st Mar, 2007 - 7:14pm

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