Ultra-orthodox Jews New Eyeglasses

Ultra-orthodox Jews Eyeglasses - Studies of Judaism - Posted: 8th May, 2013 - 9:24pm

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Discuss  Ultra-orthodox Jews New Eyeglasses They prevent looking at immodest women
8th May, 2013 - 9:24pm / Post ID: #

Ultra-orthodox Jews New Eyeglasses

I would like to know if any of you would wear something like that? I suppose marketing is everywhere but it isn't just more practical to not "Look"?

international QUOTE
Ultra-Orthodox Jews have new eyeglasses in order to prevent their eyes from seeing immodest women.

In previous years, we have seen ultra-Orthodox Jews traveling to Uman, with black masks over their face.

Now, an ultra-Orthodox Jewish organization affiliated with the Breslov Hasidic movement, is offering Jews flying to the tomb of Rabbi Nachman in Uman, so called sealing stickers that can be attached to the lenses of their eyeglasses in order to ensure full eye protection.

Leaflets distributed in recent days between the Hasidic circles, informs the men about the new step forward in the struggle during flights.

"This is the way we traveled to Uman last year, with a smile," One caption under a picture showing a rabbi with a scarf covering his face, reads. "This year we recommend you travel with scarves too, but if it's hard, you can use these special eyeglasses instead place," The advertisement also said. Source 8

Ultra-orthodox Jews New Eyeglasses
Ultra-orthodox Jews New Eyeglasses (Hover)

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Post Date: Sat Jun 8 7:11:32 GMT 2024 / Post ID: #


Ultra-orthodox Jews New Eyeglasses

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You know I was thinking ultraorthodox jews new eyeglasses has only this many replies today how what and maybe get a better idea.

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