Iran Plane Crashes - Page 2 of 3

The last time Iran had a plane crash it was - Page 2 - Culture, Family, Travel, Consumer Reviews - Posted: 12th Jan, 2020 - 8:45pm

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Iran Plane Crashes Iran Plane Crash Victims
12th Jan, 2020 - 4:26pm / Post ID: #

Iran Plane Crashes - Page 2

That's a good indication that they were ready for airstrikes and that they are very jumpy which they should be.

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12th Jan, 2020 - 7:39pm / Post ID: #

Crashes Plane Iran

Also indicative of poor training. An airliner that has just taken off and gaining altitude, with a civilian transponder, does not look like a military target. Combination of nerves, fear, pressure, and .... Poor training.

12th Jan, 2020 - 7:45pm / Post ID: #

Iran Plane Crashes Reviews Consumer & Travel Family Culture

Yet they will need to examine who exactly was on that flight and if they simply did not want them or the cargo to leave Iran.

12th Jan, 2020 - 8:11pm / Post ID: #

Page 2 Crashes Plane Iran

Sure, but unlikely. Have you considered that conspiracy theories like that may have been concucted by the Iranians to distract attention away from their culpability?

They were on high alert, their crews have authority to launch at their own discretion, their nation had just fired missiles at a hostile power known for overwhelming use of cruise missiles and air power, they saw a target at low altitude, assumed the worst, did not double check target parameters were indicative of a civilian, and fired. Tragic mistake. How's that for a theory? Especially after the Iranians admitted it.

12th Jan, 2020 - 8:15pm / Post ID: #

Crashes Plane Iran

Sure but who actually pushed the button? Usually there is a chain of command. Are those monitoring airspace simply allowed to do that or don't they have to get clearance from higher ups who should know better.

12th Jan, 2020 - 8:23pm / Post ID: #

Iran Plane Crashes

Somebody produced a news clip from Iran from approximately three years ago where an Iranian senior officer proudly claimed their air defence forces had individual authority to launch. The aircraft was apparently not in the air long, so the air defence crews probably didn't have the target acquired for any great length of time. If they actually called up the chain of command, they quickly told them to launch. Regardless of authority, somebody didn't check target parameters, and many innocents were lost. The fault most likely lies at the feet of not just the button pushers, but the command structure that enabled shoddy training and processes.

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12th Jan, 2020 - 8:29pm / Post ID: #

Iran Plane Crashes - Page 2

I have no military experience but just from a perspective of logic from the moment they fired those missiles they should of had a no fly situation in effect for the rest of the evening. However, what is puzzling is the location of the plane when it was targeted. This was not a plane coming from across border but going away from the airport. Its also kind of idiotic to think that America will send in low level aircraft the size of a bomber when we have small drones and as was mentioned earlier… missiles that can hit from afar as it did with their general. Now the real hurt is they killed their own people in the process. What a bummer for anyone thinking of visiting or leaving Iran by plane from now on!

12th Jan, 2020 - 8:45pm / Post ID: #

Iran Plane Crashes Culture Family Travel & Consumer Reviews - Page 2

The last time Iran had a plane crash it was one of their own: Iran Aseman Airlines Flight 3704 and guess what… this airline is banned from European airspace for failing to meet air safety standards.

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