Google said on Tuesday that the company has begun offering mobile phone users in more than 30 major US cities the capacity to view highway maps with 'live' traffic data.
Ref. https://www.stuff.co.nz/hlc/1,,93498~3744623a28~,00.html
Google maps will also link with gps location to be able to help guide you from your cell phone. Quite a cool new feature if you ask me. If you have a gps locator, say from garmin, you can also link with google maps to help you find your way via satellite communications. Google maps can thus help you find your way out of the woods! Google is every where!
Pinning down fraudulent business listings on Google maps
A partnership between academic computer scientists and Google has allowed the search giant to reduce by 70 percent fraudulent business listings in Google Maps. The researchers worked together to analyze more than 100,000 fraudulent listings to determine how scammers had been able to avoid detection -- albeit for a limited amount of time -- and how they made money. Ref. Source 5c.