The Christian Right

The Christian Right - General Religious Beliefs - Posted: 14th Nov, 2006 - 4:23am

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politics This is not about Religion, this is about Politics. Running Against Sodom and Osama: The Christian Right, Values Voters and the Culture Wars in 2006. The enemy being denounced is sometimes generic: gays, liberals, secularists, the left-leaning media and Hollywood; and sometimes specific: [Add names here].
Post Date: 2nd Nov, 2006 - 9:34pm / Post ID: #

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The Christian Right

The Christian Right

Running Against Sodom and Osama: The Christian Right, Values Voters and the Culture Wars in 2006.

A new article looks at how the 2004 strategy of the religious right has been revived for this election. Co-authors Chip Berlet and Pam Chamberlain write: Although leaders of the Christian Right almost universally deny it, the goal of this revived campaign is to elect Republicans to office. The enemy being denounced is sometimes generic: gays, liberals, secularists, the left-leaning media and Hollywood; and sometimes specific: Ted Kennedy, Nancy Pelosi, Rosie O¹Donnell and the ACLU, but the actual target is the Democratic Party and its candidates. Chip Berlet joins us from Boston.

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Post Date: 6th Nov, 2006 - 9:53am / Post ID: #

The Christian Right
A Friend

Right Christian The

I have been saying this for years and now its come into fruition and they are ready for the war of the next two years of elections. Its all but officially announced. The Right is the Christian Coalition, and they pit all Democrats against christianity and call them "leftists". Which is interesting because that would make them what, rightists? Whatever, religion in politics is going to go from bad to worse if the republicans win. Its no longer about two different party views, its about voting politics with or without religion. In some of the races in the mid-west I am voting democrat simply because their opponent is an extreme right-wing republican=religious values candidate. Its being done so blatantly that its almost appalling!

As long as religion has its own party, then laws being made are regarding the establishment of religion. Its such a gross opening for abuse that I am simply flabbergasted that the religious right cannot see it. By calling anyone not for right-wing christian values leftists they are helping to create a deadlocked two party system, pushing for a one party system. They came close to doing it last election winning all government bodies and the courts and filling them with religious right candidates. Thats what created the rubber stamping government of George Bush these last two years.

Religion needs to get out of politics before they cause real damage. Just imagine if it wasn't christianity getting into politics and it was Islam? Well, by doing this, it is allowing and indeed paving the way for that type of government. A government that governs via religion.

7th Nov, 2006 - 9:04pm / Post ID: #

The Christian Right Beliefs Religious General

The only thing government should do concerning religion is guarantee we can worship the way we choose. I haven't been to church since the Pope told the world the United States should let anybody cross our southern border any time they want. Where does he get off? I can't believe Catholic churches in America bow and kiss the ground when a Pope a half a world away mouths off about something he knows nothing about. It's not just poor Mexicans crossing our borders, there are terrorist mixed in with the illegals.

Post Date: 11th Nov, 2006 - 9:55am / Post ID: #

The Christian Right
A Friend

Right Christian The

But thats part of the problem. Christians think that they have a right to impose their own views on everyone through the government. Ted Haggard, recently found to be have Meth fuel gay sex, met with the president every week to discuss the moral path of the country. Since when is it the presidents job to guide the moral path of the country? Since when is it within the presidents power to decide that his christian morals need to be ours? The very fact that there is an agenda, a political agenda, in a christian organization is simply ludicrous.

11th Nov, 2006 - 2:44pm / Post ID: #

Right Christian The

QUOTE (konquererz @ 11-Nov 06, 3:55 AM)
Christians think that they have a right to impose their own views on everyone through the government.

You know perfectly well that that isn't true. The "Christian Right" is far less of a monolithic entity than the Liberal Left. Yes, the Christian Right have huge concerns. Based upon their religious beliefs, they see serious problems in the country. Things like a "transgendered" kindergarten. Gay and Lesbian clubs recruiting in middle and high schools. Erosion of basic moral standards in society.

But very few of the groups on the "Christian Right" can even agree on what they want to see, let alone how to reach that vision.

Nor do they try to "impose their views on government" any more than any other group. Yes, the Christians on the right try to get legislation passed that agrees with their world views. So do you. So do the far left environmentalists. So do the gays and lesbians. So do La Raza, NAACP, AARP, NRA, and the Sierra Club.

As for the Christian Right have undue influence in Washington, that is also untrue. So, Ted Haggard was/is a friend of President Bush, and "advised" him.

Who advises Al Gore on a regular basis? Who advises Hillary Clinton? Who advised Bill Clinton? Based upon your statements, if Hillary Clinton gets elected to President, then the feminist lobby will have undue influence.

It seems to me that your posts on this subject smack of conspiracy theory. I don't see that your arguments about the evil intentions and actions of the Christian Right hold water when compared to the similar intentions and actions of other interests in the United States.

Post Date: 13th Nov, 2006 - 7:21am / Post ID: #

The Christian Right
A Friend

The Christian Right

QUOTE (Nighthawk @ 11-Nov 06, 9:44 AM)
You know perfectly well that that isn't true. The "Christian Right" is far less of a monolithic entity than the Liberal Left.

I see, that would be why we managed to have so many people in congress that think the Bible is what our laws should be based on. That is why at least three school districts have managed to start teaching creation in the science class room. That is why they almost passed a ban on gay marriage and even a democratic president signed a bill defining marriage as between a man and a woman. Gays don't have the same rights as straight people, creationism in the class room, our president thinks the world was created in six days, and the liberals have taken over. Its the same argument the right has made for the last twelve years while they have had senatorial and house control. Its always a liberal conspiracy.

The difference is that the christian right is not trying to gain rights for their group. Gays are trying to get the same rights as you, such as tax breaks and marriage rights. Women are trying to get the right to choose (I don't agree) and get equality in the work place, but the religious right is trying to impose christian morality through law. What other purpose would they or could they have? Christians aren't discriminated against, what purpose would they have but spreading their own moral views?

And no, I have seen the liberals decline in power for years, even when I was a conservative. Liberals have lost the ability to stand up and speak what they are for, constantly changing their views to try and get a foot hold back. Thats one reason I didn't like John Kerry, he wouldn't stick to his views and stand up for them. No, the religious right has won the battle for many years, harnessing the power of christian voters, getting churchs to rally for the republicans. You can't argue this, John Ashcroft came to my church many times when I grew up, he toured all the churchs around election time, shaking hands and singing hymns.

When you have churchs being used as platforms, that much more monolithic that the liberals. They don't even have a platform like that to use!

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13th Nov, 2006 - 1:01pm / Post ID: #

The Christian Right

I see, that would be why we managed to have so many people in congress that think the Bible is what our laws should be based on.

I am not so much into US politics and laws but isn't common knowledge that the US constitution is based upon Bible principles? And this has been done for years, what is then the fuss over this?

14th Nov, 2006 - 4:23am / Post ID: #

The Christian Right General Religious Beliefs

The problem I have with these mainstream Christian "advisors" is that they are *paid* to proclaim their moral agenda. People pay their preachers to pray and sermonize, and high-ranking officials pay these preachers to advise them on the moral high ground.

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