It Is Not Important For My Salvation... - Page 6 of 7

Often enough in our Gospel Doctrine class, - Page 6 - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 25th Jul, 2011 - 10:48pm

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Mormon Doctrines Answers you hear all the time that start to sound robotic. This Thread is the start of a huge commentary by YOU and me. Get ready for the match *ding* *ding*
20th Jul, 2011 - 2:38am / Post ID: #

It Is Not Important For My Salvation... - Page 6

I love the "Pat" answers, as they tell me I have hit a nerve on the person giving the summon or teaching. It is an escape from a topic that is to deep for them or they are uncomfortable with. I understand the Mormon church is deeper in teaching than many and can only really compare to churches and ministers I have seen from Jamaica.

I have suspected this reaction might also stem from a believe that is based strictly on belief (Been told the fact over and over from child hood so it is just blindly accepted as truth.) or feeling VS his written word.

I have heard this same question asked many time in many places and these are the thought I drew from those occurrences.

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21st Jul, 2011 - 4:04am / Post ID: #

Salvation My Important Not It

international QUOTE
Let us even move away from here, let's go to a typical Sunday School class where the teacher asks a question and the same answer is repeated, "Keep the Commandments", and you feel like saying, "Okay already! Which Commandments and how do you keep them? When you get up one morning and you are tired and skip a few what do you do? I mean you have blood in you right? We are all sinners right? We need some specifics right?"

Here is my take. Sunday School and Priesthood have become staid. We are too afraid to offend someone or "get it wrong" or cause a debate. The manuals are more and more simplified and they even tell us what topics to avoid (like plural marriage).

We have Gospel Doctrine class for those more mature in the Gospel and Gospel Principles class for those who are not. Frankly, I can hardly tell the difference between the two anymore. Gospel Doctrine class at least needs to be significantly depopulated and the lessons opened up.

21st Jul, 2011 - 12:20pm / Post ID: #

It Is Not Important For My Salvation... Studies Doctrine Mormon

international QUOTE (bcspace @ 21-Jul 11, 12:04 AM)
We have Gospel Doctrine class for those more mature in the Gospel and Gospel Principles class for those who are not.

That's very true, I thought it was only in my area of the world but it seems to be happening everywhere.

international QUOTE
The manuals are more and more simplified and they even tell us what topics to avoid (like plural marriage).

I don't recall a manual that tell us what topics to avoid like Plural Marriage, do you mind sharing which manuals? Thanks.

25th Jul, 2011 - 6:20pm / Post ID: #

Page 6 Salvation My Important Not It

When should a "new" member stop going to Gospel Principles class? After 5 years, how about 10? Let's face it; some people could consider the Gospel Principles class as a class for dumb people. To add to that the Gospel Doctrine class is only 40 minutes to an hour long, with people there with not all the same scripture, or Church history, knowledge, so it would be hard to talk, in detail, about a subject, when there are people there who haven't the slightest clue what your talking about.

25th Jul, 2011 - 7:07pm / Post ID: #

Salvation My Important Not It

international QUOTE
When should a "new" member stop going to Gospel Principles class?

When they have a full understanding of basic Gospel Principles.

international QUOTE
some people could consider the Gospel Principles class as a class for dumb people.

Someone with a lot of pride in their hearts could consider a class that deals with doctrines necessary for salvation as dumb in which case they would have to repent and humble themselves.

25th Jul, 2011 - 7:52pm / Post ID: #

It Is Not Important For My Salvation...

international QUOTE
I don't recall a manual that tell us what topics to avoid like Plural Marriage, do you mind sharing which manuals? Thanks.

Well I don't if you would consider something like this avoidance but I do:

international QUOTE
6. Plural marriage
The following information is provided to help you if class members have questions about the practice of plural marriage. It should not be the focus of the lesson.
"Lesson 31: "Sealed "¦ for Time and for All Eternity"," Doctrine and Covenants and Church History Gospel Doctrine Teacher's Manual, (1999)

One comes across similar items in the manuals from time to time. What it communicates to the teacher is to be prepared to discuss it but don't bring it up yourself.

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25th Jul, 2011 - 9:17pm / Post ID: #

It Not Important My Salvation... - Page 6

Sadly that is why when people want to discuss anything seen as taboo or 'deeper' they have to resort to sites like this one, it shouldn't be like this but that is how it is. Thank goodness for the internet!

25th Jul, 2011 - 10:48pm / Post ID: #

It Not Important My Salvation... Mormon Doctrine Studies - Page 6

Often enough in our Gospel Doctrine class, I see a half dozen people who answer all the questions and get involved in the discussion while the rest of the class is looking down at their scriptures or the floor or playing on their cell phone/iPad/eReader. No participation at all.

It seems to me that a lot of people don't really care if it's important for their salvation to discuss even these simple/simplified lessons. Or is it that they really don't know what the topic is about. One thing that I think is really sad is how many people don't know the scriptures very well. I'm no scriptorian myself, but honestly, I get more out of the Young Women lessons I'm teaching now than I did from Gospel Doctrine. They are teaching these girls some big concepts.

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