New Poll: John McCain Would Beat Either Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama
Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- A new poll released on Wednesday by Rasmussen Reports finds Republican presidential candidate John McCain would beat either pro-abortion Democratic candidate, Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton, in a head to head matchup. The poll follows on another conducted weeks ago showing McCain faring the best against the two among all Republican candidates. According to the polling firm, McCain leads Clinton in a nationwide survey by a 48 to 41 percentage point margin with the rest undecided. McCain runs ahead of Obama 47 to 41 percent. The surge McCain has experienced within the Republican primary battle, resulting in victories in South Carolina and Florida, has helped him against the Democratic candidates. A Rasmussen poll in mid-January found McCain running two points behind Clinton and five behind Obama just days before he won in South Carolina.
Ref. https://www.lifenews.com/nat3683.html
I am wondering the same thing... McCain may actually bring across some Democrats though, not so?
Will Conservative Republicans Back McCain? Following Romney's Departure, John McCain Appears Set to Become GOP Nominee A day after John McCain is booed at the Conservative Political Action Conference, Michael Tomasky, editor of Guardian America, examines the Republican race and McCain¹s relationship with the three wings of the GOP: the neoconservatives, the theo-conservatives and the radical anti-taxers. Ref. Read More... |
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3238 100%
John McCain's Campaign Begins Effort to Reach Out to Pro-Life Voters
Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- John McCain's presidential campaign is beginning its effort to reach out to pro-life voters now that the Arizona senator is a virtual lock to become the Republican nominee. Campaign staffers talked with CBN News correspondent David Brody about the efforts to work with pro-life advocates to oppose Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton. Brody writes in an article on Wednesday that McCain has already started calling top pro-life leaders across the country in an effort to assure them he will carry the pro-life banner on abortion as president. He says McCain hopes to build a network of top pro-life advocates like Sen. Sam Brownback and Gary Bauer, both former presidential candidates, to make his case. "The sales pitch to social conservatives is basically this: McCain is solidly pro-life, he'll be good on judges and do you really want a Democrat in the White House?" Brody writes. Brody says the argument about judges -- namely that Obama and Clinton will appoint judges who will keep abortions legal for another 35 years while McCain would likely appoint judges who will be willing to overturn Roe v. Wade -- is a "compelling one."
Ref. https://www.lifenews.com/nat3729.html
McCain's Temper
He's been dubbed "Senator Hothead" by more than one publication, but he's also had some success extracting his hatchet from several foreheads. Even his Republican Senate colleagues are not spared his sharp tongue.
Will McCain's Temper Be a Liability?
Ref. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory?id=4301022
Could you imagine him in the hot seat with some world leader insulting him over an issue.
International Level: Activist / Political Participation: 29 2.9%
McCain Lobbyist Connection
Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., is today denying allegations that he had an improper relationship with telecommunications lobbyist Vicki Iseman when he was chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee eight years ago. According to a New York Times article released last night, unnamed McCain advisers urged the senator to cut off his relationship with Iseman, fearing it might hurt him during his 2000 bid for the presidential nomination. The McCain camp is fighting back, calling this a "false smear campaign" on the part of The New York Times.
Ref. ABCNightline
McCain's Campaign Finance Trap
Could a Federal Funding Request Stymie McCain While Opponents Keep Spending Big? Sen. John McCain is facing criticism from the government's top campaign finance regulator over his handling of an application for public financing last fall.
Ref. https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/Vote2008/story?id=4333948&page=1
This is obvious already, we know he is the man for the Republicans:
QUOTE (USAToday) |
Sen. John McCain, R.-Ariz., has clinched the Republican nomination for the presidency, the Associated Press says. AP projected McCain won Texas, Ohio, Vermont and Rhode Island primaries to put him over the top. |
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3238 100%