John McCain - Page 13 of 20

It was an appropriate speech, though maybe - Page 13 - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 5th Nov, 2008 - 7:32am

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John Mccain
USA As President of the United States of America
3rd Nov, 2008 - 3:02pm / Post ID: #

John McCain - Page 13

You would think that's how it works. Otherwise, why would we bother with this charade of voting? But the reality is, the electoral college was set up for the specific purpose of overriding the popular vote if the people aren't making the "right" decision.

Electoral College: the real deciders
From News Services
Monday, November 03, 2008

Winning the popular vote for president doesn't automatically mean winning the election.

That's because another vote actually determines the outcome: that of the Electoral College.

Americans got a distinct reminder of this peculiarity of their Constitution in 2000, when George W. Bush was able to claim an Electoral College victory even though Al Gore narrowly won the popular vote.

What is the Electoral College?

The Founding Fathers created the Electoral College as a compromise between those who favored direct election of the president and those who were concerned, among other things, that the masses couldn't be trusted to make a wise decision and that the smaller states would not get a fair shake.

How does it work?

When voters cast their ballots in a presidential election, they are in fact voting for electors pledged to a particular candidate. The number of electors a state has equals its number of U.S. representatives and senators. ....

After the general election, the electors meet to cast their ballots -- almost always in keeping with the desires expressed by their state's voters, although they are not legally bound by the popular vote.

International Level: Ambassador / Political Participation: 595 ActivistPoliticianAmbassador 59.5%

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3rd Nov, 2008 - 9:58pm / Post ID: #

McCain John

Did that boring McCain appearance on Saturday Night Live do anything for him?

International Level: Activist / Political Participation: 35 ActivistPoliticianActivist 3.5%

Post Date: 3rd Nov, 2008 - 11:35pm / Post ID: #

John McCain
A Friend

John McCain History & Civil Business Politics

the electoral college was set up for the specific purpose of overriding the popular vote if the people aren't making the "right" decision

Good point, and after showing our presentations for both candidates to our school lunch today... I was completely and utterly disgusted. In an instant, every single Black kid (And I'm not being racist either, it was quite literally every black kid, save about two of them) jumped up and started chanting Obama, and every person who said McCain, was then marked as a racist... well there was colorful language, not sure if I can say that on here.

But, my point is, for about 5 minutes, the ignorance made me a McCain fan, as in one of my later classes, one of these kids were caught with the question "Why are you voting for Obama" and couldn't come up with an answer. So, I am truly, and entirely grateful, we have this system set up.

McCain appearance on Saturday Night Live

Haven't seen that yet, but it is recorded.

Post Date: 4th Nov, 2008 - 8:19pm / Post ID: #

John McCain
A Friend

Page 13 McCain John

I believe that we should go away with the electoral college at times. I think the american people have proven they know what they are doing. To say we should not be trusted to vote the "right man/woman" in is to basically say we are ignorant or just plain stupid.

Post Date: 4th Nov, 2008 - 10:15pm / Post ID: #

John McCain
A Friend

McCain John

After what had happened yesterday... I now believe that a lot of us are actually ignorant. But, I have a question, and I want somebody to clear this up for me. But, I was reading something on and it says:

Engage with China as they become a great power.

Anyone mind telling me, this is not what I think it is? I am honestly just amazed that the guy who wants to put more troops into the middle east, wants to provoke a country whose military numbers are on par with our Total Population. With our military spread out, and no end in sight for the current war... just why? Why would you go and do that? it's preposterous! I was starting to like McCain because of the other issues like Alternative energy. I am all for Nuclear power! But Seriously now! Why, if you have "Military Experience" would you say your going to do such an act? And as president, Commander and Chief of the United States Army, you would actually have the power to do this with little opposition. I'm just... completely shocked. This man is in a position to be a Leader of our country, and it sounds like he is going to destroy it! So please, someone show me this statement is just taken out of context. Because I actually cannot believe that is his Ideas.

5th Nov, 2008 - 4:25am / Post ID: #

John McCain

John McCain's Remarks About Losing Campaign

What are your thoughts about the remarks John McCain made about his loss of the election to President?

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3212 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

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5th Nov, 2008 - 7:29am / Post ID: #

John McCain - Page 13

I was surprised that McCain didn't even slide one snide comment into the concession speech. He usually cannot help himself. I agree with the speech in its entirety. His sincerity actually came through in that speech. He really did a good job of holding the crowd and not letting them boo too much. I think it showed class. I actually do believe that he is happy for Obama but still at the same time disappointed with his loss. However, unlike many actors that threaten to leave the US when the vote doesn't go their way, he states his love for America and is ready to resume his service to it through the Senate.

Those who supported McCain need to support the new administration and do what is right for the country. It doesn't mean just caving into all the new administrations desires and whims, but to work with them to do what is right for the country. We are all Americans and we will have a new leader come January 20th, so we need to move past the campaigning and division and begin to solve problems at hand.

Rather off topic, but...
Now for my 2cents. This campaigning for 21 months has got to stop! The end result is that the candidates are forced to lie. Health care is going to be fixed. Everyone is going to college. Everyone will get a mortgage. Alternate energy will be developed at the drop of a hat and for free. Social security will be repaired. Everyone will have a job. Abortions for everyone. Abortions for no one. It doesnt take 21 months to lay out a platform. If it does, well then we better have more than 48 months for the president! Because it takes longer to do it than tell people about it! Additionally, we spend the sum of many small countries GNP be the end of it. Save 12 months of campaigning and give it to charity! End of 2cents. Heck...give it to me!

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 863 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 86.3%

5th Nov, 2008 - 7:32am / Post ID: #

John McCain Politics Business Civil & History - Page 13

It was an appropriate speech, though maybe a tad long. A very dispirited crowd kept the cheering to a minimum, which helped keep it shorter.

I appreciate McCain's effort to ask people to unite, and that Obama will be *his* president, too. The campaign is over, and it's time to move on, without fighting simply because one side lost.

I am so glad that this election is *over* ... I think I'll go get some sleep.


QUOTE (Rhieland)
someone show me this statement is just taken out of context.
Easy, tiger. "Engage" doesn't mean "destroy" or "go to war"; it simply means to engage them in diplomatic relations.

Reconcile Edited: FarSeer on 5th Nov, 2008 - 8:41am

International Level: Ambassador / Political Participation: 595 ActivistPoliticianAmbassador 59.5%

> TOPIC: John McCain


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