Barack Obama
Democratic Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois said Tuesday he is taking the first step in a presidential bid, filing paperwork that will allow the newcomer who has rocketed to the top of national politics to raise money for a White House campaign.
Ref. USAToday.com
I don't know much of anything about Mr. Obama's politics, other than the fact that he is a Democrat. First impressions are that he is very liberal, but I haven't read anything he has written or expressed.
I do find it very odd that he is challenging Hillary Clinton. I would think that would be political suicide in the modern Democratic Party.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 854 85.4%
Mr. Obama is a very very very good and effective speaker. He definitely has the gift of a silver tongue. Listening to some of his speaches, it is almost like hearing a preacher. Better yet, this guys doesn't seem to have many or any ghost in the closet. At least, in his past elections nothing has come up and that is pretty amazing in todays politics. Undoubtably, he is a true liberal, which would keep the base of the party happy. If I am Hillary, the scary part is that the media seems rather fond of the guy too.
While I don't share his views, this guy is a legitimate challenger to Hillary and watching a debate between these two would be delightful. All I can say is that of all the perspective serious candidates for the Democratic nomination, they are with out a doubt, going to give us a very liberal voting option.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 863 86.3%
I have been following Barack Obama for a while now and absolutely love him. He has my vote and my help during his election. Now onto why he can win the democratic nomination.
1. People don't like Hilary. She doesn't have a likable factor.
2. He stands strong for ethics and morals, which he backs up in his life and his history backs that up as well.
3. Obama doesn't back down. This war was wrong when it started, its wrong now. Ethics legislation was needed when the Republicans held Senate power, and its needed now when Democrats hold it. He just got it signed recently, holding to his promise of a Senate ethics bill.
4. He is a better speaker than Bill Clinton. He speaks with lots of facts and knowledge, he speaks with authority, he speaks with passion because he knows what he is talking about and believes it as well.
5. He is good, when he believes something is good for the people, he doesn't force it, he slowly brings people to his side until you want that too, he doesn't just say its for your own good and do it, even when he can.
Above all, Obama is an honest family man that can relate to the average person and actually seems to care about what happens to people. He really has peoples best interest at heart. How many candidates put out a weekly podcast speaking directly to his supports regarding the issues he is addressing in congress? No one that I know of. He is really a piece of work and I would be honored to elect him president. Hilary doesn't have a shot in my opinion, but we will see. He hasn't backed down from challenging her on issues like the war in which she won't take a concrete stand.
Obama to launch White House bid
Democrat Senator Barack Obama is to formalise his bid for the US presidency with a speech in Illinois.
Ref. https://news.bbc.co.uk/go/em/-/1/Hi/world/a...cas/6349081.stm
WOW, John Howard's vote for the next president is in and it isn't for Obama or ANY DEMOCRAT. However, he does suggest that terrorists would like a Democratic landslide...
If I were running Al Qaeda in Iraq, I would put a circle around March 2008 and pray as many times as possible for a victory not only for Obama but also for the Democrats. |
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 863 86.3%
Here's a small mention of interest from a weblog (https://littlegreenfootballs.com/weblog/), which notes that an AP story tells of muslim influence in Obama's background:
This is the original version of their lead paragraph: Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said Sunday he does not think voters have a litmus test on religion, whether evangelical Christianity or his childhood years in the Muslim faith. This paragraph has now been quietly edited, and the original assertion softened up: Obama Stresses Appreciation for Faith. (Hat tip: zombie.) IOWA FALLS, Iowa (AP) - Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said Sunday he does not think voters have a litmus test on religion, whether evangelical Christianity or his childhood years in a largely Muslim country. |
Obama, who was born in Hawaii, lived in mostly Muslim Indonesia with his mother and stepfather from 1967 to 1971. He subsequently returned to Hawaii to live with his maternal grandparents. |
At the house party in Iowa Falls, Obama said, "I'm going to have to be run through the paces, people are going to have to lift up the hood, kick the tires and be clear that I have a grasp of the issues that are of utmost importance in people's lives." In that vein, Obama said he has quit his cigarette habit and now chews nonprescription Nicorette gum all day. |
International Level: Ambassador / Political Participation: 595 59.5%