Military Drones
Drones could defend airports
The Homeland Security Department and the military this summer will test whether drones flying 65,000 feet above the nation's busiest airports could be used to protect planes from being shot down by terrorists with shoulder-fired missiles.
Drone attacks have increased terror acts
The chief justice of the Lahore High Court ON Wednesday remarked that drone attacks are against the integrity and sovereignty of Pakistan, and if these are not being carried out with the government consent, it should take measures to stop them. Ref. Source 5
US buys most expensive drones ever:
With $14 trillion in the hole and a slew of wars seemingly no one wants America to be in, what better way for the United States to spend their money by putting $23 billion into spy planes? Each of the four dozen-plus spy crafts comes at a price tag of $218 million apiece - ten times the price of the largest armed attack drone. Ref. Source 1
Pentagon Seeks to Sell Drones to Iraq, Turkey:
Fleets of military drones are proliferating in the Middle East, potentially adding to tensions in the region, under a renewed push by the US Defense Department to lift restrictions on arms sales and boost profits for US manufacturers. Ref. Source 8