Kids die in gun accidents every other day
A joint investigation by The Associated Press and the USA TODAY Network found that children died in accidental shootings - at their own hands, or at the hands of other children or adults - at a pace of one every other day, on average. It is far more often than government records indicate. Ref. USAToday.
According to CDC report:
National Vital Statistics Reports
Volume 65, Number 4 June 30, 2016
Deaths of children age 1 to 14 by accidental discharge of firearms was the lowest death rate of all varieties including falls, drowning, transportation, and every disease or ailment that was tracked. Twice as many children between 1 and 14 died to falls versus accidental discharges. Seven times as many died from accidental exposure to smoke, fire or flames. Additionally, all of these figures across all ages and even across the world have been falling consistently and dramatically for at least the last twenty years. Edited: Nivarum on 15th Oct, 2016 - 5:40am