Multiple Incarnations: Recurring Voices From Ages - Page 2 of 5

Really? Such men of probity and honor would - Page 2 - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 7th Jul, 2014 - 12:38am

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Post Date: 7th Jul, 2014 - 12:16am / Post ID: #

Multiple Incarnations: Recurring Voices From Ages - Page 2

As legend reveals, Osiris was brought back to life to make possible his
Sexual congress with Isis. Isis rejoiced at what had been achieved, and
Proudly announced to the Lord, "I am Isis, the most dynamic and the noblest of
The gods. There truly is a god in my womb, and he is the seed of Osiris."[74]
The similarities between the conception of Horus and the conception of Isaac,
The divine gift promised Abram and Sarai, are only too obvious, as this writer
Will attempt to demonstrate.[75] Even in the literature from the early
Christian church are found such controversial themes. From a second-century
Pseudepigraphal document, the following is recorded:

And God said to his only begotten Son, "Go, take the soul of my beloved
Sedrach, and put it in Paradise." The only begotten Son said to Sedrach, "Give
Me that which OUR Father deposited in the womb of your mother in your holy
Dwelling place since you were born." [To which] Sedrach said, "I will not give
You my soul."[76]

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Post Date: 7th Jul, 2014 - 12:17am / Post ID: #

Ages Voices Recurring Incarnations Multiple


A variation of the gods fecund prowess is demonstrated in the moving
Account of Joseph and Aseneth a Jewish tractate, under the same name from
Around the time of Christ.[77] The record speaks of Pentephres, a priest of
Heliopolis, who, upon learning of Joseph's visit to the region, instructs his
Steward to prepare a feast in honor of "The Powerful One of God."[78]
Pentephres informs his daughter that he intends to offer her to Joseph, son of
Jacob, for a bride.[79] Aseneth responded with contempt and refused
Cooperation until, from afar, she catches sight of the "Sun from heaven ...
Come to us on (His) chariot."[80] Paralyzed by his stunning beauty and radiant
Countenance, she acknowledges "Joseph as a son of God"[81]; marveling at how a
Mortal womb could "Give birth to such light."[82] Shaken by his majestic
Presence, the recalcitrant heart of Aseneth is softened, and a remorseful
Daughter prays that her father will "Give (Her) to Joseph for a maidservant
... (For she) will serve him for ever and ever."[83]

Before taking leave, Joseph places his right hand on the head of Aseneth
And pronounces this blessing:

Lord God ... Of Israel ... Who gave life to all things ... Bless this
Virgin and renew her by your spirit, and form her anew by your hidden hand,
And make her alive again by your life, and let her eat your bread of life ...
And number her among your people....Let her enter into your rest which you
Have prepared for your chosen ones, and live in your eternal life for ever and

In preparation for his anticipated return, Aseneth, haunted by her
Idolatrous past, retreats to the privacy of her room where she begins a
Seven-day period of fasting and prayer.[85] After incessantly petitioning the
Heavens for forgiveness, "The morning star rose ... And Aseneth saw it and
Rejoiced (Saying) 'So the Lord God listened to my prayers, because this star
Rose as a messenger.'" From this star an "Unutterable light appeared ... And
Called (To) her."[86] Aseneth, raising her head, found herself in the presence
Of "The chief of the house of the Lord"[87]; "A man in every respect similar
To Joseph."[88] The heavenly emissary subdued her fears and invited Aseneth to
"Wash (Her) face and (Her) hands with living water, and dress in a new linen
Robe (As yet) untouched ... And gird (Her) waist with a new twin girdle of
Virginity."[89] Aseneth, having complied with her host's directives, is then
Told "You are a chaste virgin today ... I have heard (Your humble confessions
And prayers)[90]... Your name WAS written in the book of the living in heaven;
In the BEGINNING of the book... From today, you will be RENEWED and formed
ANEW and made alive AGAIN... Behold, I have given you today to Joseph for a
Bride, and he himself will be your bridegroom for ever and ever."[91]

Post Date: 7th Jul, 2014 - 12:17am / Post ID: #

Multiple Incarnations: Recurring Voices From Ages Studies Doctrine Mormon

It is unnecessary to narrate the entirety of Aseneth's purification
Ritual, but suffice it to state that the Jewish author's shrewd insight is as
Eloquent as it is exhilarating.[92] Having found her pure, the heavens
Announced "Your name will no longer be called Aseneth, but ... Will be called
City of Refuge ... (For) in you many nations will take refuge with the Lord
God, the Most High.[93] Joseph, too, recognized the greatness of his
Bride-to-be. "Blessed are you by the Most High God ... Because the sons of the
Living God will dwell in your City of Refuge."[94] Such a disclosure affirms
The pivotal and maternal role Aseneth will play in the incarnation of divine

Her adoration and eternal regard for her royal suitor is poignantly
Reflected in mellifluous poetry:

And Aseneth said to Joseph, "Come, my Lord, and enter our house ...And
She grasped his right hand and led him into her house and seated him on ...
Her father's throne. And she brought water to wash his feet. And Joseph said,
"Let one of the virgins come and wash my feet." And Aseneth said to him, "No,
My Lord, because you are my lord from now on, and I (Am) your maidservant.And
Why do you say this (That) another virgin (Is) to wash your feet? For your
Feet are my feet, and your hands are my hands, and your soul my soul, and your
Feet another (Woman) will never wash."... And Joseph looked at her hands, and
They were like hands of life, and her fingers fine ... And after this Joseph
Grasped her right hand and kissed it, and Aseneth kissed his head and sat at
His right (Hand).[95]

Announcing his intentions to marry Aseneth, Joseph sought Pharaoh's
Blessings; to which a joyful pharaoh exclaimed, "Is not this (The) one
Betrothed to you since eternity? And she shall be your wife from now on and
For ever and ever."[96] Upon seeing her ineffable beauty, he tells Aseneth,
"The Lord, the God of Joseph, has chosen you as a bride for Joseph, because he
IS the FIRSTBORN SON OF GOD[97] ... And you shall be a daughter of the Most
High."[98] Placing golden crowns on their heads (Which had been in his house
"From the beginning"), he "Brought them mouth to mouth and joined them by
Their lips."[99] Following the celebration, "Joseph went in to Aseneth, and
Aseneth conceived from Joseph, and gave birth to Manasseh and Ephraim, his
Brother, in Joseph's house."[100]

Post Date: 7th Jul, 2014 - 12:37am / Post ID: #

Page 2 Ages Voices Recurring Incarnations Multiple


It should come as no surprise that references of gods consorting with
Mortal women is not limited to the Judeo-Christian world. Similar accounts are
Also found in Buddhism, as in the sixth-century B.C.E. Story of Shuddhodana
Gautama and his wife Maya, King and Queen of the Shakya (A people who lived at
The southern foothills of the Himalayas). "For twenty years they had no
Children. But one night Queen Maya had a strange dream in which she saw a
White elephant entering into her womb through the right side of her chest, and
She became pregnant."[101] After the customary gestation period, Siddhartha
Gautama was born, at which time, we are told, "Heaven and Earth
Rejoiced."[102] The joy soon turned to sadness, however, for shortly after the
Child's birth, Queen Maya died. A hermit (Asita) living in the nearby
Mountains, saw a radiance about the palace and came to see the newborn infant.
To the royal family, Asita declared, "This Prince, if he remains in the
Palace, when grown up will become a great king and subjugate the whole world.
But if he forsakes the court life to embrace a religious life, he will become
A Buddha, the Savior of the world."[103]

Although the King was delighted to hear the prophecy, he soon became
Fearful that his only son would choose to leave, becoming a "homeless
Recluse." Destiny prevailed for at age twenty-nine the prince would leave
His bride of ten years, a newborn child, and all the comforts of royalty to
Begin a six-year journey culminating in an epic transformation: from
Siddhartha to the Buddha.[104]

Turning again our attention to the gods of ancient Egypt; as the viceroy
Of God, the king was considered to be both divine and human: Divine, so long
As he was fulfilling his fiduciary responsibilities. Once dead, he was
Considered an equal with the gods.[105] "(The king) did the same as Re ... He
Raised himself up like Osiris; ... He was at one with Osiris."[106] What was
At first a rite or ritual allowed only for the king was later made available
For the entire populace; "The democratization of mortuary beliefs ... Which
Enabled the deceased to become Osiris EX OPERE OPERATO."[107] The king had a
Dual nature; he was both a god, but "Simultaneously the obedient servant ('the

On matters pertaining to the priesthood, the Egyptians held to the

A priest had to be initiated into the secret of the service performed for
The deity....He actually had to belong to the divine sphere if he wanted to
Associate with God. For this reason, the Egyptian priesthood, in theory, only
Represented the deified king. In practice, it developed as a result of a
Delegation by the king of his rights and duties.[109]

Post Date: 7th Jul, 2014 - 12:37am / Post ID: #

Ages Voices Recurring Incarnations Multiple

Modern scripture reflects in kind; to be a High Priest is to belong to
The "holy order of the Son."[110] The scriptures are not bashful or economical
When it comes to concealing the greatness of those found within this holy

To the Hebrews, Paul declared "And all those who are ordained unto this
Priesthood are made LIKE UNTO THE SON OF GOD, abiding a priest
Continually."[111] Abraham was told that such are God's rulers, and that he,
Too, was one of them; chosen before he was born.[112]

And there stood one among [the rulers] that was LIKE UNTO GOD, and he
Said unto those who were with him: We will go down, for there is space there,
And we will take of these materials, and we will make an earth whereon these
May dwell ...

And the Lord said; Whom shall I send? And one answered LIKE UNTO THE SON
OF MAN: Here am I, send me...[113]

Let us be clear: "One like unto the Son of man" Is NOT "The Son of man"
But one LIKE the Son of man. Such epithets identify separate and distinct
Personalities. While such may share a common heritage, or engage in
Complementary missions or ambitions, nonetheless they remain uniquely
Individual. To elucidate: Seth, we are told, was after the likeness and image
Of his father; but that doesn't make him Adam.[114] Furthermore, in both Moses
4:1 and Abraham 3:27, we read of individuals who make certain their
Intentions: "Here am I, send me." Citing from the book of Moses, we are told
It is the "Only Begotten" Who offers to come down; While in the book of
Abraham it is one "Like unto the Son of Man" Who offers himself.

What is there about life on earth that would remotely interest the noble
And great? Why would heaven's elite seek cyclical occasion to be found among
The sons of men? To explore possible explanations, we turn our curious
Attention to the man Abraham.

Post Date: 7th Jul, 2014 - 12:37am / Post ID: #

Multiple Incarnations: Recurring Voices From Ages


We are told that the Lord appeared to Abram in a vision to announce, "I
Will be thy shield; I will be thy exceeding great reward."[115] Abram
Understood the generative nature of the proclamation, but questioned only how
Such was possible, considering he and Sarai were unable to conceive.[116]
Again came the reassuring words, "he [the Lord] that should come forth out of
Thine own bowels shall be THINE HEIR"[117]; "An everlasting seed"[118]; "My
Beloved son."[119] The Lord's intentions are very clear: Following the pattern
Of ancient Egypt, as detailed above, Abram is to FATHER God; he is to mediate
The incarnation of the Divine. But that's just the beginning. Directing his
Attention to the heavens, God invites him to count the stars; a formidable
Challenge for even the most adroit mathematician. Such an exercise was
Intended to demonstrate the impossible; for as physicist Carl Sagan reminds
Us, there are more stars in our universe than are found grains of sand on all
The beaches of this earth an incomprehensibly large number.[120]

Referring to God's promise of "Lands for an everlasting possession,"[121]
Abram, mindful of his mortality, asked God how such was possible. An
Understanding Lord reminded his inquisitive faithful that "Though thou was
Dead, yet am I not able to give it thee?"[122] Or, in present day vernacular,
Although you were once dead, are you now not alive, and thus present to
Receive what it is I have to give? "And if thou shalt die, yet thou shalt
Possess it..."[123] Or perhaps, And although you will die, am I not able to
Return you AGAIN to your promised homeland? Isaac, as the incarnation of the
"Exceeding great reward," Was also said to have experienced a RETURN from
Death. To the Hebrews, the Apostle Paul stated the following:
By faith Abraham, when he was tried, OFFERED UP ISAAC; and he that had
Received the promises offered up his ONLY BEGOTTEN SON,
Of whom it was said, That in Isaac shall thy seed be called;
Accounting that God was able to RAISE HIM UP, even FROM THE DEAD ...[124]

The TESTAMENT OF ISAAC likewise affirms the sacrifice was COMPLETE:
On the day when Abraham, the father of the fathers, offered him as a
Sacrifice to God, the perfume of his sacrifice ascended to the veil of the
Curtain of the one who controls everything.[125]

From yet another early Christian text we read of the archangel Michael's
Visit to Jacob, who announced, "Blessed is your father Isaac who begot you,
For he WAS a perfect sacrifice, acceptable to God."[126]

Ancient literature is not parsimonious in its affirmation of life after
Death of death begetting life. As Silvanus asked, "How many likenesses did
Christ take on because of you? Although he was God, he was found among men as
A man."[127] Or, as the author of another early Christian text chimes, "For he
Who IS both WAS and SHALL BE."[128] Such certitude is reminiscent of Paul's
Teachings to the Hebrews; that Christ is the same yesterday, today, and
Forever.[129] The prophetess Sibyl avowed that, "All will obey [the rising
Sun] as he enters the world AGAIN."[130]
However, self-certified authorities take umbrage with the notion of
Multiples lives, stridently insisting that such beliefs are of unsavory
Origin. The late Elder Bruce R. McConkie said of reincarnation that it is "A
False doctrine. Men are born, die, and are judged once."[131] Catholic
Orthodoxy is no less flexible: "When 'the single course of our earthly life'
Is completed, we shall not return to other earthly lives: 'It is appointed for
Men to die once.' There is no 'reincarnation' after death."[132] In the
ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MORMONISM, editor Daniel Ludlow recites for us the following:
In the Latter-day Saint belief, there is only one physical death for any
One person.... The physical body is prerequisite to becoming like
God....Mortality is a time to be tested and proved.... In reincarnation, there
Are many future lives, so there is no urgent need to repent now. Reincarnation
Contradicts Amulek's admonition that "This life is the time for men to prepare
To meet God" (Alma 34:32).[133]

On the contrary, there is no contradiction if anything, reincarnation
EMPHASIZES the inviolable need for a mortal setting in which to improve one's
State or circumstance. But with unabated fervor, our editor continues:

The Prophet Joseph Smith said that transmigration of souls (Spirits) was
Not a correct principle (TPJS, pp. 104-105).[134]

But that's not what the prophet said. In discussion with Robert Matthias
(Also known as "Joshua the Jewish Minister"), Joseph asked his guest about his
Views respecting resurrection, and described their exchange in these terms:
He (Joshua, claimed to possess) the spirit of his Fathers. That he (Was)
A literal descendent of Matthias the Apostle ... And that (The Apostle's)
Spirit (Was) resurrected in him. That this is the way ... Of eternal life,
This transmigration of soul or spirit from Father to Son.... And he said also
That he possesses the soul of Christ. I told him that HIS DOCTRINE was of the
Devil, that he was in reality in possession of a wicked and depraved spirit
Although he professed to be the spirit of truth itself.[135]

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Post Date: 7th Jul, 2014 - 12:38am / Post ID: #

Multiple Incarnations Recurring Voices Ages - Page 2

Joseph did not disparage or trivialize the doctrine of reincarnation, as
Some have charged he only challenged the flagrantly flawed claims and
Doctrinal interpretations of a religious zealot.[136] In fact, one could mount
The argument that Joseph's understanding of this subject materialized as early
As March, 1830 (If not earlier) at the time he received what is now known as
Section 19 of the Doctrine and Covenants. As physician Robert Beckstead
One revelation that Joseph Smith received that may have played a role in
His conversion to multiple mortal probations was D&C 19 that states that those
Who die without repentance will receive a corporal punishment after the same
Manner that the savior suffered. Jesus Christ warned, "If they would not
Repent they must suffer even as I; Which suffering caused myself ... To
Tremble because of pain, and to bleed at every pore, and to suffer both body
And spirit." After death, one cannot suffer in the body, tremble because of
Pain and bleed unless one reenters mortality that is another mortal

Further evidence that the young prophet knew of, if not championed a
Belief in multiple incarnations, is offered by apostle Orson F. Whitney who
Recorded the following in his diary, (As it pertained to a personal discussion
With then president Lorenzo Snow):
During our talks, he told me that his sister, the late Eliza R. Snow
Smith was a firm believer in the principle of reincarnation and that she
Claimed to have received it from Joseph the Prophet, her husband.[138]

But not all who occupied the chair of a prophet shared a favorable
Opinion of this doctrine. Apostle Whitney also records the following in his
This evening I heard that Pres. Woodruff, in a meeting at Manti, a few
Years ago, publicly declared that the doctrine of reincarnation, that is one
Spirit having several bodies, to be false; that he was Wilford Woodruff and no
One else, &c &c. Alright, bro. Woodruff, if you really said it, it is between
You and the Lord. I believe it to be a true doctrine, & have for the last
[-blank-] years.[139]

As the scriptures remind us, with every true prophet, priesthood, and
Doctrine are found false and counterfeit alternatives.Along with his
Predecessor, President Joseph Fielding Smith, likewise expressed his
Displeasure with this "Doctrine of the devil":
The devil will teach people any doctrine that will contradict the truth.
The great works accomplished by our Redeemer before he was born including the
Creation of worlds at the command of his Father were accomplished by him in
His spirit existence.[140]

Post Date: 7th Jul, 2014 - 12:38am / Post ID: #

Multiple Incarnations Recurring Voices Ages Mormon Doctrine Studies - Page 2

Really? Such men of probity and honor would have us believe that Christ,
BEFORE ever having experienced mortality, was nonetheless both God and
Creator. Furthermore, that as an ante-mortal, incorporeal personage He was
Somehow able to create the corporeal. Fascinating. Unfortunately, it is the
Predictable nature of apodictic men to spend more time defending why they are
Right than to consider the possibility they are not. To paraphrase Plato,
Neither man nor his opinions are to be reverenced more than the truth[141];
For as Elder McConkie wisely concedes,
Prophets are men and they make mistakes. Sometimes they err in doctrine.
This is one of the reasons the Lord has given us the Standard Works.... Truth
Is eternal and does not vary. Sometimes even wise and good men fall short in
The accurate presentation of what is truth. Sometimes a prophet gives personal
Views which are not endorsed and approved by the Lord.... Wise people anchor
Their doctrine on the Standard Works.[142]

Enoch observed that "In the days of our father Adam, the Lord came down
Onto the earth ... And he inspected all his creatures which he himself had
Created in the beginning ... (After which time) he ... Created Adam."[143]
From the MEMPHITE THEOLOGY, a creation-drama dating back as many as
Five-thousand years, and found recorded on the SHABAKA STONE a remnant of
The 25th Dynasty, we are told that Ptah-Nun is the father of Atum (Adam), and
Ptah-Naunet is the mother who bore Atum (Adam).[144] To the point: Adam is the
Lord's son, for Adam was the Lord's creation, the fruit of his loins.[145] But
Such a disclosure should come as no surprise the scriptures state with
Uncompromising clarity, "Adam ... Was the son of God"[146]; and as a son of
God, Adam was therefore a god himself; for as the Lord told Joseph Smith, sons
Of God are themselves gods![147] The incorporeal does not generate the
Corporeal like can only beget like. The Egyptian BOOK OF THE DEAD affirms
That "Atum (Adam) created the gods (I.e., the Ennead) from his flesh."[148]
Yet, ironically, such men also acknowledge that coming to earth is a
Requirement of all hoping to one day themselves become gods. (As the couplet
Intones, "As man is God once was As God is man may become.") As Mr. Ludlow
Reminds us, central to the theology of the LDS Church is the belief that all
Must FIRST come to Earth to be proven, and ONLY then are the worthy candidates
For godhood.

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