How To Become Perfect - Page 4 of 7

QUOTE The trouble is, the leadership of the - Page 4 - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 20th Oct, 2007 - 2:16am

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This Thread is NOT about a Calling and Election Made Sure. That subject can be had in the Mature LDS Board HERE. This Thread is based on the first Post in this Thread.
Post Date: 14th Oct, 2007 - 5:02pm / Post ID: #

How To Become Perfect
A Friend

How To Become Perfect - Page 4

Lets start from the ground up on this one: First off, before looking at what is required to become perfect, lets look at whether we can in this life. If we can, then we need to re-define perfection...

Evidences that we can:

1 line logic
Seth was perfect - D&C 107:43
Noah was perfect - Moses 8:27

3 line logic
All who are sanctified are perfect - Heb. 10:12&14, Moro. 10:33
The are many in the scriptures who were sanctified in the mortal flesh - D&C 88:1-5, 88:26, 20:32-34, 84:23&33, Moses 6:59-60, 1Cor. 1:2, 6:11, 3 Ne. 28:39
Those who were sanctified in the moral flesh were "just men made perfect", and there were many of them. (There are many of them.)

One interesting verse in D&C pointed out the following:

QUOTE (D&C 88:1-5)

1 Verily, thus saith the Lord unto you who have assembled yourselves together to receive his will concerning you:
  2 Behold, this is pleasing unto your Lord, and the angels rejoice over you; the alms of your prayers have come up into the ears of the Lord of Sabbath, and are recorded in the book of the names of the sanctified, even them of the celestial world.
  3 Wherefore, I now send upon you another Comforter, even upon you my friends, that it may abide in your hearts, even the Holy Spirit of promise; which other Comforter is the same that I promised unto my disciples, as is recorded in the testimony of John.
  4 This Comforter is the promise which I give unto you of eternal life, even the glory of the celestial kingdom;
  5 Which glory is that of the church of the Firstborn, even of God, the holiest of all, through Jesus Christ his Son-

Or in other words, their Calling & Election was made sure, or would be soon after this revelation was given. They were sanctified and thus made perfect according to Heb. 10:12&14, & Moro. 10:33. There were many of them at that time that received these blessings. (That is partly how I know there are many now. the other reason is that I have talked to many who have it. And noticed in the wards in which I have travelled that their tends to be a minimum of 1, usually a couple. some wards I have been to have 5 that I was able to confirm. this is from personal experience. Right off the bat, if their is a sealer in the ward you can count that as being 1. But ask your uncle what he knows about C&E first. It is very likely that if he had been in the calling very long, he has received the blessing. Most sealers receive it long before being called as sealers. Oh, and if his wife is still around, try to get her involved in your conversation too. Together they will be able to give you very good insight. Please let us know after you have talked with them anything you feel comfortable sharing...)

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14th Oct, 2007 - 5:15pm / Post ID: #

Perfect To How

The Topic of Calling & Election Sure is already covered in the Mature LDS Section, I believe I already stated that if not in this Thread - elsewhere. Please stop using the Offtopic Tag flippantly in order to carry on two Discussions in one Thread. The last Post was ridiculous and had to be edited as it was half a page long of off topic messages.

14th Oct, 2007 - 11:28pm / Post ID: #

How To Become Perfect Studies Doctrine Mormon


I understand where you are coming from, but much of what you are saying is coming from personal experience.


some wards I have been to have 5 that I was able to confirm

I do not think we can know if someone is perfect in any calling, Sealer, Prophet, Apostle or anyone (save the few you mention in D&C and Moses). This would constitute Judging as found in the scripture
Matthew 7-1

Judge not, that ye be not judged.

I do think, and this is comforting to me, the road to ultimate perfection an event. We do not receive perfection immediately when we are baptized, received the Holy Ghost enter the temple, or become a sealer.
From Elder Bednar's talk And Nothing Shall Offend Them

Paul taught the Saints in Ephesus that the Savior established His Church "for the perfecting of the saints, ....Please note the use of the active word perfecting. As described by Elder Neal A. Maxwell, the Church is not "a well-provisioned rest home for the already perfected" ("A Brother Offended," Ensign, May 1982, 38). Rather, the Church is a learning laboratory and a workshop in which we gain experience as we practice on each other in the ongoing process of "perfecting the Saints."

I think we should ask "What must I do to apply the atoning sacrifice of my Savior so that I may continue to be Sanctified and perfected (Ongoing process) to become perfect as my Father in Heaven is perfect (future event).

A very important discussion on the road to perfection is given by Russell M. Nelson Perfection Pending He define two types of perfection mortal perfection and Eternal perfection. I think I have been arguing that Eternal Perfection cannot be achieved in this life and you have been talking about mortal perfection.


Scriptures have described Noah, Seth, and Job as perfect men.  No doubt the same term might apply to a large number of faithful disciples in various dispensations. Alma said that 'there were many, exceedingly great many,"Â  who were pure before the Lord.
This does not mean that these people never made mistakes or never had need of correction. The process of perfection includes challenges to overcome and steps to repentance that may be very painful.  There is a proper place for chastisement in the molding of character, for we know that "whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth."

So you are right there are some mortal perfect (Pure) men. But according to brother Nelson this is not the perfection found in Matthew 5:48 "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect"

So no, I do not believe we receive the complete power, Glory and perfection of the Father(according to brother Nelson) but we can achieve level of mortal perfection that assures that we are assured that ultimate perfection at a later time.

Reconcile Edited: dbackers on 14th Oct, 2007 - 11:30pm

Post Date: 17th Oct, 2007 - 3:20am / Post ID: #

How To Become Perfect
A Friend

Page 4 Perfect To How

Rather off topic, but...
This would constitute Judging as found in the scripture
Matthew 7-1 "Judge not, that ye be not judged."

That would be a good way to put off the judgement as if the scripture is true, then we by not judging would not be judged. However, we we are not judged then we will neither be judge good , nor judged evil.
"Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven:" - Luke 6:37

IMO, The next step would be Judging only positively. Giving the benefit of the doubt, etc. Not only forgiving, but finding the good and love in them and their actions. Because:
"For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again." - Matt. 7: 2

"For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged; and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again." - 3 Ne. 14:2

"And now, my brethren, seeing that ye know the light by which ye may judge, which light is the light of Christ, see that ye do not judge wrongfully; for with that same judgment which ye judge ye shall also be judged." - Moro. 7: 18

You are probably correct that we have been looking at two parts of perfection Mortal perfection and Eternal Perfection. One is with in our grasp here and now, and the other is not.

Paul taught the Saints in Ephesus that the Savior established His Church "for the perfecting of the saints, ....Please note the use of the active word perfecting. As described by Elder Neal A. Maxwell, the Church is not "a well-provisioned rest home for the already perfected" ("A Brother Offended," Ensign, May 1982, 38). Rather, the Church is a learning laboratory and a workshop in which we gain experience as we practice on each other in the ongoing process of "perfecting the Saints."

The lord caused "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints" to be built up because of our "Dead Works".
For it is because of your dead works that I have caused this last covenant and this church to be built up unto me, even as in days of old." - D&C 22:3
However, "The Church of the First Born" though is compiled of those who are have achieved "Mortal perfection", is also NOT a "a well-provisioned rest home". In fact, its members are far busier, and learn MUCH, MUCH faster, both in knowledge and in experience. (This brings up a new idea, a person who has reached "Mortal perfection" and yet who makes mistakes, learns, gains knowledge and gains experience.)
This is even more interesting when compared with something Nelson said in the same talk you quoted from:

In Matt. 5:48, the term perfect was translated from the Greek teleios, which means "complete." Teleios is an adjective derived from the noun telos, which means "end." 10 The infinitive form of the verb is teleiono, which means 'to reach a distant end, to be fully developed, to consummate, or to finish." 11 Please note that the word does not imply "freedom from error"; it implies "achieving a distant objective." -Russell M. Nelson, "Perfection Pending," Ensign, Nov 1995,  86

Matt 5:48 says,
"Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect."

Did you notice that Nelson went out of his way to tell us that this perfection, that God the Father has, that we must achieve is NOT, a perfection that includes, "freedom from error". It sounds to me like Nelson is saying that just as Man can be perfect and still make mistakes, so too can God be perfect or Teleios which "does not imply "freedom from error"; it implies "achieving a distant objective." And nelson is saying that we are to achieve that perfection of God which does not include "freedom from error". Hmmm.....

So then, what is perfection? Even Eternal Perfection? Does it mean to achieve a distant objective?

So you are right there are some mortal perfect (Pure) men. But according to brother Nelson this is not the perfection found in Matthew 5:48 "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect"
Although this Eternal perfection which happens at the resurrection is interesting, I am primarily interested in the growth I can have here and now. I do not worry about the "Eternal Perfection" as it can only result in what I am capable of obtaining here and now, which you called "Mortal Perfection" and I add without "freedom from error".

Rather than look at the blessings of this perfection, which really aren't applicable to achieving this mortal perfection, why don't we look at how to become "mortally perfected". It is now possible, and within our grasp. How do we grasp it? Do we just focus on bridling our tongue? (James 3:2) I want details, not generic and ambiguous answers. Real answers. I know a man who prayed and asked what he had to do to receive his C&E. He received a direct answer that he applied and 48hrs later he had the promise. (He didn't even know if God existed the week before. A real Lamoni.) That is what I call concrete answers... ;^) So, what does perfection mean? and how do we achieve it? (Mortal Perfection)

18th Oct, 2007 - 10:58pm / Post ID: #

Perfect To How

Speaking for myself. I am a long way from whatever definition of perfection we agree on. I am working now on just trying to overcome some weaknesses, fulfilling my church callings, teaching my family the importance of obedience, and moving toward my God rather then away him. I am not sure I can even fathom anything beyond that at certain times in my life.

I am in need of all the help I can get, that is why I sometimes have to focus on the small principles of the Gospel such as prayer, scripture reading, journal writing.

That does not mean I do not understand some of the deeper things of the Gospel, but sometimes I am distracted by them. I sometimes have to wake up in the morning and just say "I do not know if I can do it all today, but I can do the important stuff". I pray. I plead with the Father that today I can do some good things with my life, improve on something that I am weak at and help my Family to improve.

I am not able to say yet "Today I will be perfect"
I do say in my mind "I am going to do better. I am going to be the Man that my Savior would have me be". I still make mistakes and I still need to come to my Father in prayer asking for His forgiveness. Right now that is where I am at. I hope someday I can move to the next level.

Post Date: 19th Oct, 2007 - 6:46am / Post ID: #

How To Become Perfect
A Friend

How To Become Perfect

"Speaking for myself. I am a long way from whatever definition of perfection we agree on. - dbackers"

Two things you didn't mean to point out, but you still pointed out in the last post.
1. Humility - ability to learn, teachability, begins by accepting that we have room to progress or improve. This is not something that goes away after we are mortally perfect, (in my opinion, it doesn't go away when we are Eternally perfect either). But this humility is coupled with Hope and Faith. If it is not coupled with hope and faith, then it is called dispair. Moro. 10:22
2. Faith - Ability to believe. We can never achieve something unless we can believe we can acheive it. In the case of perfection, one of Satan's greatest lies is that we can't acheive perfection. And we all fell for it. Making it impossible in our minds places it safely beyond our reach. Then, Satan walks away without even worrying about us because we bought into his lie and won't even try. There is no chain stronger than the chains of our own thoughts that bind us in the prison of our own minds, from which we cannot escape even though we hold the prison key securely in our right hand. Like Houdini who bragged that he could escape from any jail cell. Then he was finally put in an unlocked cell, (which he thought was locked), and he couldn't escape, because he couldn't pick the already open lock...
If we can learn to free our minds to "believe all things", then surely we can believe that we too can "over come all things" and become "made perfect". (It may even be easier for us when we consider that there is only 1 or 2 major things we picked up as a child that still plage us.) But then again, we don't have to be perfect to be perfect.... :^) Remember, I think it was you who said, "we are made perfect through the atonement".

Pretend that you could become some form of perfection, "which we could agree on". How would you do it? How would any of us do it? What is required to be "perfected in Christ"?

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Rather off topic, but...
Modified for grammer - It was too late for me to be typing... My thoughts sound really good and made sense until I read them. I hope I fixed them so they make sense, but as Einstien said, "you can not correct a problem with the same mind set that created it."

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19th Oct, 2007 - 6:50pm / Post ID: #

How To Perfect - Page 4


... I know a man who prayed and asked what he had to do to receive his C&E(Pefection in our discussion). He received a direct answer that he applied and 48hrs later he had the promise.

The trouble is, the leadership of the Church does not typically teach you can reach perfection in one glorious prayer session. It takes most of us a lifetime of prayer, and struggle. Perfection or Purity is a process and not an event where one day we awake and the Lord declares us as perfect. The savior chips away at our imperfection and molds us as he would have us be.

From What Does It Mean to Be Perfect?
By Elder Cecil O. Samuelson


While this goal is admirable and appropriate, it is unfortunate that some consider that this perfection must occur immediately. A careful study of the footnote in our scriptures to this verse teaches us that the notion of being perfect means that we are "complete, finished, fully developed." Thus, while we should be engaged in the process of perfection, we need to acknowledge that achieving this goal will likely take a long time for all of us. The Lord said, "Ye are not able to abide the presence of God now, neither the ministering of angels; wherefore, continue in patience until ye are perfected" (D&C 67:13). This is good advice for all of us.

It is a long process that involves patience and diligence.
From Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin Guided by His Exemplary Life

Perfection is worth striving for even if it is ultimately unattainable in this life. For it is through our struggle to become like the Savior and His Father that we ourselves become perfected. If we follow the pattern that Christ set for us, we will be responding to the scriptural mandate to "come unto Christ, and be perfected in him"

So this leads to your request.

I want details, not generic and ambiguous answers. Real answers.

Well, I have three concrete answers that President Kimball gave to us to live a "Zionlike" Life.


First, we must eliminate the individual tendency to selfishness that snares the soul, shrinks the heart, and darkens the mind. "¦

"Second, we must cooperate completely and work in harmony one with the other. There must be unanimity in our decisions and unity in our actions. "¦

"Third, we must lay on the altar and sacrifice whatever is required by the Lord. We begin by offering a "broken heart and contrite spirit." We follow this by giving our best effort in our assigned fields of labor and callings. We learn our duty and execute it fully.

Finally we consecrate our time, talents, and means as called upon by our file leaders and as prompted by the whisperings of the Spirit" (in Conference Report, Apr. 1978, 123).

Brother Nelson added:

When our imperfections appear, we can keep trying to correct them. We can be more forgiving of flaws in ourselves and among those we love.

I simplify it to: do all that we can do to keep the commandments, Put our whole heart and love into the work and repent when we fall Short.

And then we must realize it is out of our hands. It is not we who choose when or how we are perfected, the Lord makes that determination. Sometimes even after obedience and a pure life the Lord does not immediately give us the answer.

From Patience
By Elder Neal A. Maxwell


Sometimes that which we are doing is correct enough but simply needs to be persisted in-patiently-not for a minute or a moment but sometimes for years.

Reconcile Edited: dbackers on 19th Oct, 2007 - 6:53pm

Post Date: 20th Oct, 2007 - 2:16am / Post ID: #

How To Become Perfect
A Friend

How To Perfect Mormon Doctrine Studies - Page 4

The trouble is, the leadership of the Church does not typically teach you can reach perfection in one glorious prayer session. It takes most of us a lifetime of prayer, and struggle. Perfection or Purity is a process and not an event where one day we awake and the Lord declares us as perfect. The savior chips away at our imperfection and molds us as he would have us be.

You are right. The leaders do not typically teach this. But it does happen, like Lamoni, Alma the younger, and others... I liked the way you referred to the Lord having to chip away at our imperfections. The symbol is perfect in that we choose how stiff and hard we are. The harder we are, the more difficult we are to "chip" and only small pieces can be "chipped off" at a time. This is very difficult material to work with. If we become soft with a broken Heart and a contrite spirit, we become malleable and the Lord doesn't have to fight against us to create the masterpiece. It is us who decide what sins tempt us and how bad that temptation is. It is also us who decide how fast we are willing to progress. God would that we all progress like Christ did. But we won't, but choice. Too many favorite sins I guess... Lamoni went from not even knowing if God existed to being perfected in 3 days, while he was ?asleep?.

O God, Aaron hath told me that there is a God; and if there is a God, and if thou art God, wilt thou make thyself known unto me, and I will give away all my sins to know thee, and that I may be raised from the dead, and be saved at the last day. And now when the king had said these words, he was struck as if he were dead." - Alma 22:18

Just as we have been discussing, there is a great confusion about perfection because some teachers refer to perfection that means "complete, finished, fully developed" which never comes in this life, and others refer to perfection that can come in this life. Most teachers are like you and think that any type of perfection is unattainable in this life. This adds to the confusion and causes people to misinterpreted scripture. For example, if you cannot comprehend that perfection can come in this life, then every scripture that teaches that we can be perfected is immediately discarded as referring to some future and currently unattainable date. The mind thinks it understands and dismisses the scriptures without further consideration. Because this happens with every topic, it is best to read the scriptures without preconceived notions as to what they are telling us, (Even if those preconceived notions come from a lifetime of church attendance.)

With God all things are possible. But with man, we limit ourselves to our own realm of possibility.

The quotes and ideas you added are good. They are however specific. the problem with specifics is that people begin to focus on the action. For example, the actions you listed are:
1. Be selfless - give more to others than you take for yourself.
2. Cooperate with others - don't fight, try to achieve the same goals.
3. Unanimity - Reach a consenscious in decisions and actions.
4. Sacrifice - Give to the Lord what he wants regardless of what you want.

The problem with such specifics it that we can never make it to heaven by focusing on our actions. Sin is not determined by our actions. So, following/obeying a law such as the Law of Moses or the Laws of a Government/Church will NEVER bring us to perfection. These last 3 sentences which I typed go directly contrary to the teachings of the world. But they are true. We can never be saved by dead works. What is a dead work? It is something we do out of duty, expectation, requirement, or any other reason than "because I want to".

For example, praying is counted evil before God if, we do not pray with real intent, (Moro. 7). So, we cannot become perfect by doing anything physical or obedience related. The heart must be changed such that it has "no more desire to do evil, but to do good continually". - Alma 19:33, Alma 41:5, Alma 29:5

By first paying attention to our dead works, things we do, but don't really want to do, we become aware of how much we lie to ourselves and others. This lying is called a dirty heart. Our actions are not honest and they cause us to appear better than we are. Although this looks good, it is counted unto us as evil. Moro. 7:6-10 We must gain a pure heart.
Who can say, I have made my heart clean, I am pure from my sin? Prov. 20:9
Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. Matt. 5:8, 3 Ne. 12:8

They will see God because the y will be brought back into God's presence. Which happens when they are perfected in this life or the next, as was the brother of Jarod and everyone else who has this privilege.
"Ye are not able to abide the presence of God now, neither the ministering of angels; wherefore, continue in patience until ye are perfected" (D&C 67:13)

When we realize that our actions are now inline with our hearts, we want to change from our negative life to a positive life. This requires Charity or Love. How do we gain Charity? We simply ask for it, with a sincere and honest request in prayer. But our prayer must be sincere and with real intent, or it will do nothing but be counted evil toward us.

"And again, behold I say unto you that he cannot have faith and hope, save he shall be meek, and lowly of heart.
    If so, his faith and hope is vain, for none is acceptable before God, save the meek and lowly in heart; and if a man be meek and lowly in heart, and confesses by the power of the Holy Ghost that Jesus is the Christ, he must needs have charity; for if he have not charity he is nothing; wherefore he must needs have charity.
    And charity suffereth long, and is kind, and envieth not, and is not puffed up, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil, and rejoiceth not in iniquity but rejoiceth in the truth, beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.
    Wherefore, my beloved brethren, if ye have not charity, ye are nothing, for charity never faileth. Wherefore, cleave unto charity, which is the greatest of all, for all things must fail-
    But charity is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth forever; and whoso is found possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with him.
    Wherefore, my beloved brethren, pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love, which he hath bestowed upon all who are true followers of his Son, Jesus Christ; that ye may become the sons of God; that when he shall appear we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is; that we may have this hope; that we may be purified even as he is pure. Amen.

So, to recap:
1. Humility - teachable, begins by accepting that we have room to progress or improve.
2. Faith - Ability to believe we can.
3. A Pure Heart - Actions are inline with intentions, Not necessarily meaning that we have love, but that we stop pretending to be something we are not. Being honest or pure in heart or intent.
4. Charity - We have pure love Like, For and From Christ. Our hearts are changed from evil to good. From hate to love. So that our intentions which match with our actions are good, "because we want to". We pray because our hearts love it and we find joy in it!

So, What is next?

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JB: Please check over your tags when you Post, I corrected a badly formed tag that was causing no quotes to show. Also, in some places you had no quote tag at all.

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