Caledonia Aboriginal Land Rights Claim

Caledonia Aboriginal Land Rights Claim - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 11th Oct, 2007 - 8:28pm

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11th Oct, 2007 - 8:28pm / Post ID: #

Caledonia Aboriginal Land Rights Claim

An on going issue of who owns the lands along a major watershed known as the grand river has been on going for a long time now. Below are some link that provide information on this.

The Government present position and action.

The aboriginal claim.

If I am incorrect in this statement please do feel free to correct me. From what I have read and understand is that when this land was given as a reward to the Six nations reserve for their service in the American Revolution it would have been accepted by the Reserve council and the unofficial Native council of the reserve. When the lands were reduced as requested by the Government or sold at some points the Official Native council were the only ones that recognized this. The People (Native) Council were not in favour of this and as such refused to acknowledge the selling of this land and as such they still feel it is theirs and that the lands were stolen from them.

A bit of back ground to the best I can is that during the 1800's you had on the reserve the traditional group of Council Chiefs which I referred to as unofficial Native council. The people respected this group and followed them as they had the tribes best interest at hand. The official Native Council was members that worked with and was friendly towards the government. This issue that occurred was neither council would recognize each other. This the land sale is in question as to wether or not it was official.

Other such issues have arose before and if not all the lands then some of them were return to the reserve.

Please do post your thoughts or insights.

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