Was Jeffrey Dahmer Saved?

Was Jeffrey Dahmer Saved - The Bible Revealed - Posted: 28th Mar, 2018 - 1:52am

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  Was Jeffrey Dahmer Saved Does the most evil of men deserve to find God and be baptised? Would you baptize such a person as Jeffrey Dahmer?
13th Jan, 2008 - 1:12am / Post ID: #

Was Jeffrey Dahmer Saved?

Jeffrey Dahmer

Jeffrey Dahmer, a serial murderer, was baptized by Rev. Ratcliff and said he found peace with God. Rev. Ratcliff later lost half of his congregation because of the baptism of Dahmer.

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Well, I would like to tell you a true story about Dahmer which was reported in the "Christian Chronicle" and "The Daily Oklahoman" newspapers. A Christian lady named Mary Mott saw Dahmer on a TV show discussing his need for inner peace. Mott mailed a series of Bible lessons to Dahmer which he completed and mailed back to Mott. He thanked Mott and said he wanted to become a Christian. Through a series of events a Christian minister, Roy Ratcliff, went into the prison and studied the Bible with Dahmer. He was immersed in water for the remission of his sins on May 10, 1994. He continued to study the Bible every week in prison until the day of his murder, Nov 28, 1994. One TV report quoted Dahmer as saying that he was at peace with himself and God, just two weeks prior to his murder.
See: Source 8g

What are your thoughts?

The actual case is covered in this Thread:
Jeffrey Dahmer

Image from Wikimedia public domain.

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14th Jan, 2008 - 1:20am / Post ID: #

Saved Dahmer Jeffrey Was

I think it was fine him being baptised. That is what Christianity is all about isn't it; realising that God incarnate in his son died for the sins of everyone. People are saved through the confessing and repenting ones sins, and trying to live a more Godly life. The point of Baptism is making a public show of your faith, a declaration that you have found forgiveness through God; Baptism is much more than just the icing on the cake however, it is a necessity laid down in the Great Commission (See Matthew Ch 28 Vs 19 & 20).

No matter how much wrong you have done in life, you can never be too bad to be baptised, otherwise the whole thing would be pointless. Jesus didn't come and live with the upper class, he mingled with the sinners, the down-and-outers, the outcast, and the socially inept; his aim being to show them the love of their creator. If Dahmer found this love, and sought forgiveness for his sins, then good on him.

14th Jan, 2008 - 1:25am / Post ID: #

Was Jeffrey Dahmer Saved? Revealed Bible The

You are correct Ant. Even is there is anything wrong in baptizing him Jesus will sort that out in the next life, however if he wants to be baptized and we refuse him then we are the ones to pay for that!

14th Jan, 2008 - 10:09am / Post ID: #

Saved Dahmer Jeffrey Was

Very true. If he understood and accepted what was meant in the baptism, then by all means let him be baptized. If in his heart this was a sham, then it will be known after his death and that is not for us to sort out. It is only unfortunate that many find this after they have done horribly wrong.

15th Jan, 2008 - 12:05am / Post ID: #

Saved Dahmer Jeffrey Was

What I find most interesting about this is that Rev. Ratcliff later lost half of his congregation because of the baptism of Dahmer. Sounds familiar to the Pharisees at the time of hrist who could not see him ministering to what they saw as the 'unworthy'?

28th Mar, 2018 - 1:52am / Post ID: #

Was Jeffrey Dahmer Saved?

While he said on camera that he found god according to other prisoners he tormented them by using his food to mimic body parts and blood.

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