Abortion & Constitution
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia: Abortion Isn't Found in the Constitution
Warrensburg, MO (LifeNews.com) -- Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia spoke to students at the University of Central Missouri on Tuesday night and told them that abortion isn't found in the Constitution. He also indicated he would be lucky to get 60 votes in today's political climate where abortion rules how senators vote on judicial confirmations. "The reality is the Constitution doesn't address the subject at all," Scalia said of abortion. "It is one of the many subjects not in the Constitution which is therefore left to democracy." "If you want the right to an abortion, persuade your fellow citizens it's a good idea and pass a law. If you feel the other way, repeal the law," He said, according to a Columbia Tribune report. According to the newspaper, Scalia rejected the pro-abortion notion that the founding document is a "Living Constitution," That is supposed to change with the times rather than guarantee ironclad rules and legal principles. He also rejected the idea that the Supreme Court is bound by precedent -- such as in the Dred Scott or Roe v. Wade cases. "For me, perhaps most important of all, does the precedent allow me to function as a lawyer, which is what a judge is supposed to do?" He asked.
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Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg: Roe v. Wade Went Too Far on Abortion
Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- In an amazing admission, pro-abortion Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg says the Roe v. Wade case that allowed virtually unlimited abortions throughout pregnancy went too far. She admitted that the sweeping decision made it an easy target for critics. In the conversation with Princeton University Provost Christopher Eisgruber, Ginsburg also mentioned her favorite part of the Constitution as the due process section of the 14th Amendment -- an irony given her pro-abortion stance. The conversation between the high court judge and Eisgruber came last week, according to Town Topics, a weekly newspaper devoted to all things Princeton. At the Richardson Auditorium, Ginsburg said the decision in Roe to topple the pro-life laws in states across the nation "wasn't a big surprise" -- though she admitted she was surprised at "how far the Court had gone." "I think the Court bit off more than it could chew," she said, according to Town Topics, and explained that she thought the high court left little room for state legislatures to limit abortions. "There would have been an opportunity for dialogue with state legislatures" to "reduce restrictions on access to abortion" had the ruling been written differently.
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Pro-Life Groups Start Effort to Stop President Obama's Taxpayer Funded Abortions
Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- A collection of pro-life groups will hold a news conference in front of the White House on Friday to announce a new effort designed to stop the taxpayer-funded abortions in President Obama's budget. Obama wants tax-funded of abortions in some circumstances and Congressional Democrats may open up more. As LifeNews.com has extensively reported, Obama's budget opens up pro-abortion funding in two instances. It calls for tax-funded abortions in the District of Columbia by repealing the Dornan amendment that has prevented tax-funded abortion in the nation's capital for many years. The abortion rate in Washington, D.C. Is already one of the highest in the nation and Obama's budget's making Americans fund abortions there would violate his pledge to reduce abortions. The Obama budget also changes the language governing funding for the Legal Services Corporation (LSC) and loosens it to allow LSC grantees to conduct pro-abortion litigation. The Family Research Council isn't content to let those changes stand and has started a national campaign to make it so taxpayers are not "on the hook for funding abortions." The group is concerned that Obama will work with Congressional Democrats to overturn other protections such as the Hyde amendment. "President Obama has already targeted prohibitions on tax dollars going to pay directly for abortions in our nation's capitol, and that is only the beginning," FRC president Tony Perkins said. "They want to overturn pro-life 'riders' that ensure that U.S. Taxpayers are not forced to hand-over their hard-earned dollars to pay for and promote abortion on demand." Ref. Source 7
House Panel Adopts Phony Amendment that Allows Abortion Funding
Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- A House of Representatives committee, late Thursday, approved a phony "compromise" amendment to the health care legislation it is considering. The amendment, sponsored by an abortion advocate, gave the impression that it would stop tax-funded abortions in the health care bill but, in reality, would allow it. The House Energy and Commerce Committee has been considering its version of the House government-run health care plan, H.R. 3200. Rep. Lois Capps, a California Democrat, proposed an amendment that she claimed was a "compromise" between pro-life advocates and abortion proponents. The amendment explicitly permits the Secretary of the Health and Human Services Department, pro-abortion advocate Kathleen Sebelius, to include abortion in the services offered by public option and requires abortion coverage in the government health plan if the Hyde amendment is ever reversed. HR 3200 authorizes taxpayer-funded affordability credits and he Capps amendment specifically requires taxpayer subsidies to flow to plans that include abortion, but creates an accounting scheme designed to give the impression that public funds will not subsidize abortion. The Capps amendment also requires that a plan that includes abortion be made available in every region of the country. Despite bipartisan opposition from Republicans and some pro-life Democrats on the committee, the panel approved the Capps amndment on a 30-28 vote. Ref. Source 9
"12th and Delaware" Offers Unique Inside Look at Struggle Between Abortion Clinic and Anti-Abortion Pregnancy Care Center
A new documentary by the Oscar-nominated directors of Jesus Camp offers a rare inside look at the pitched battle over abortion rights that's being waged not just in Congress and the courts, but on the street corners of small-town America-in particular, one street corner where an abortion clinic and an anti-abortion pregnancy care center sit across the street from each other. Ref. Source 5
Police Force Pro-Lifers to Put Signs on Ground at Public Rally
Yesterday afternoon, I joined concerned citizens from around the Dayton area at the Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rally on the PUBLIC campus of Sinclair Community College. This was an official event sponsored by a campus group and part of a nationwide series of rallies being held today. I was the closing speaker for the rally, invited to speak to the crowd about getting involved and getting active.
As the Rally was starting the campus police informed us that all the signs and banners people were holding must be put on the ground after a complaint from a homosexual advocacy group leader. The police walked around the crowd telling people to put their signs down, that they could not hold them in their hands. Ref. Source 3
Major Newspapers Reject Pro-Life Ad, Image of Baby "Too Controversial"
A national pro-life organization is outraged after three major American newspapers rejected a pro-life ad as 'too controversial."
The Chicago Tribune, USA Today, and the LA Times refused to run an advertisement created by Heroic Media. The ad features a hand holding a 20- to 24-week-old baby with the quote, "This child has no voice, which is why it depends on yours. Speak Up." Ref. Source 8