Sustaining Leaders - Sustain Leadership

Sustaining Leaders Sustain Leadership - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 28th Jul, 2014 - 1:20am

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Post Date: 23rd May, 2014 - 8:03pm / Post ID: #

Sustaining Leaders - Sustain Leadership

"This is the miracle of Church councils: listening to each other and listening to the Spirit! When we support one another in Church councils, we begin to understand how God can take ordinary men and women and make of them extraordinary leaders. The best leaders are not those who work themselves to death trying to do everything single-handedly; the best leaders are those who follow God's plan and counsel with their councils."

(M. Russell Ballard, "Counseling with Our Councils," Ensign, May 1994, 26)

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Post Date: 5th Jun, 2014 - 8:03pm / Post ID: #

Leadership Sustain Leaders Sustaining

"I watched the raising of your hands when President Monson was presenting the sustaining of the General Authorities of the Church, but particularly our prophet, and as I watched those hands and the enthusiasm with which you raised them, I thought, 'Here we are with all the blessings we have and the comfort that we have,' and I thought of some other such events that took place in the history of the Church. "In my mind's eye, I thought of the gatherings of our own family, which is scattered across America--in Georgia; Chapel Hill, North Carolina; Pennsylvania; Texas; California; and here in Salt Lake City. Of those little families in whatever the setting might be, there in their home or in the chapel, I thought I could see some of those little ones being taught to raise their hands and to be in harmony, perhaps their parents teaching them what we were doing. When we raised our hands, we not only just did it in motion because it looks like everybody's doing it, but because we accept and we're bearing witness about the knowledge we have and the testimony we have that President Hinckley is our prophet and our leader. We not only raise our hands in saying we sustain but that we follow his direction, that we listen, that we counsel, that we pray about it, that we're mindful of what comes from the lips of the prophet."

(David B. Haight, "Sustaining the Prophets," Ensign, Nov. 1998, 35-36)

23rd Jul, 2014 - 11:26pm / Post ID: #

Sustaining Leaders - Sustain Leadership Studies Doctrine Mormon

1. If a new Bishop is called in your Ward and happens that you missed the meeting and was unable to vote, means that you vote is against? If not, where do you stand?

2. What are some of the reasons we should vote against a proposed leader? (References, please)

3. Abstaining from vote is the same as a vote against?

26th Jul, 2014 - 3:33am / Post ID: #

Leadership Sustain Leaders Sustaining

international QUOTE
1. If a new Bishop is called in your Ward and happens that you missed the meeting and was unable to vote, means that you vote is against? If not, where do you stand?
You snooze you loose. If you aren't part of the process then you kind of accept the action of the ward. It does not mean you are against. The for or against is only for those in the meeting, not total membership on the record.

international QUOTE
2. What are some of the reasons we should vote against a proposed leader? (References, please)

Then only reason you would vote against is if you know something that would or could keep the person from fulfilling the calling. Usually I think most people assume this would be some worthiness. But I guess other reasons could come up.

international QUOTE
3. Abstaining from vote is the same as a vote against?

I guess that is a question. No they are not the same. From what I remember learning, not voting just means you don't support the decision that was made. (But you do not have a reason or knowledge to vote against) Supposablely (If that is a word) if there isn't a majority that support the calling then it doesn't go through. So if enough in the congregation don't raise there hand, then it the calling is reviewed. That's what I learned. I'm sure its in the Bishop's handbook. Which I don't have.

26th Jul, 2014 - 3:36pm / Post ID: #

Leadership Sustain Leaders Sustaining


international QUOTE
Then only reason you would vote against is if you know something that would or could keep the person from fulfilling the calling. Usually I think most people assume this would be some worthiness. But I guess other reasons could come up.

I wonder why we do not teach about these things more in Church. In very few instances, I heard discussing this topic but most of the time is about supporting the leader but little mention on which occasions we shouldn't.

About not raising your hand, I read somewhere is the same as voting against. Personally, I don't think is the same.

27th Jul, 2014 - 7:20pm / Post ID: #

Sustaining Leaders - Sustain Leadership

international QUOTE
1. If a new Bishop is called in your Ward and happens that you missed the meeting and was unable to vote, means that you vote is against? If not, where do you stand?

If you missed the meeting, you missed the meeting. It doesn't mean you vote for or against.

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28th Jul, 2014 - 1:20am / Post ID: #

Sustaining Leaders Sustain Leadership

I don't know where the person who said that once you are not there you are sustaining the leader by default got the information from. If you did not attend the meeting then you didn't vote. Full stop.

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