International Modeling - Wanna Be A Model

International Modeling Wanna Model - Movies, Music, Fashion, Sports - Posted: 19th Jun, 2014 - 7:51pm

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Wanna Be A Model
19th Jun, 2014 - 7:51pm / Post ID: #

International Modeling - Wanna Be A Model

Step Towards the Fame!

So you think you got what it takes?

First of all there are some things you got to know. Number one is you need to be 'smart'... Yes we are talking about being wise. Why? Well you need to know where you are going and how you are going to get there. Modeling is not only about the way you look, but how you present yourself to opportunity.

We have met so many wanna be models online that are not focused. They do not have a 'determined' mind for business and miss opportunities when it comes there way. Some wanna be models often forget that there are a dozen other models out there just waiting for the moment to get publicized, highlighted and recognized and they will try to secure anything good towards making them successful. Be smart! Grab the opportunity when it comes!

So the next thing you got to be able to do is work! If necessary you may need to work harder than others depending on your circumstances. This falls right in with desire! You got to 'want it so bad it hurts not to have it'. This really applies to anything in life - desire is the motivating factor in whatever we do. Why should you have so much desire? Well when those hurdles come along (And they will come) you will have enough 'energy' to jump over it and continue on with your goal in mind.

Now here are some things you should know about modeling:

* There are different types - fashion, artistic, runway, n-de, etc. (We do not deal with the n-de types at all)
* Models may not always be 'gorgeous' as it depends on the kind of 'look' the client is looking for.
* Models can be any age - new born to elderly - again it depends on the needs of the client, for example as in a commercial.

For fashion modeling:

* Its best to start young, teens or early twenties
* Your weight should be consistent with your height and shape.
* Most female models tend to be around 105-120 pounds and the usual height is nothing less than 5'8"* or more.
* Males are heavier in weight all depending on their build and muscle mass. Their height is usually 6' and more.
* Some women and men with exceptional beauty may be considered if they are under the height listed and over the weight if they are muscular. Measurements are not the end all but the total 'package' and the 'look'

How do I become recognized? Having your own web site is a great place to start, especially if you are an independent model. Why? Imagine speaking to a fashion designer or commercial recruiter on the phone and telling them how much experience you have and how great you look... Does not really do much, because they want to 'see' what you got. How about telling the same prospective employer to go to your web site at They can go see your pics in an instant, look at what they want, get all the info and contact you! Your web site also gives them a feel for what kind of person you are.

Give me the money?

Models can earn from $75.00 US to $200.00 US per hour depending on the demand for you. Some models have been known to charge as much as $1,800.00 US for a 10 hour day. Of course when you are starting out you might be modeling for a photographer for free to get experience. Models often do this as a way to get their pictures taken, this is called, 'TFP' or time for pictures/print.

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19th Jun, 2014 - 7:51pm / Post ID: #

Model Be Wanna Modeling International

Desde que existe la internet existen aquellos individuos que ilegalmente tratan de sacar dinero de tu bolsillo. Con las promesas tales como 'Trabaja desde tu casa'. 'Conviertete en rico rapidamente', 'Conviertete en una super modelo' y otras frases, hacen que miles de personas a diario caigan en sus promesas y terminen perdiendo todo su dinero. Hay muchos sitios de información que pueden ayudarte a reconocer entre la verdad y las mentiras, estos sitios están en nuestra página de links. De cualquier forma, deberías asegurarte de que cualquier negocio online sea registrado, esten certificados en lo que hacen y posean fuertes testimonios de clientes.

Cómo los chequeas?. El mejor lugar para empezar es ir al Buró de Negocios local.

Chequea con la gente que ellos hacen negocios y obtiene información para averiguar si en verdad son lo que dicen ser.

Otra cosa que puedes hacer es hacer una busqueda en WHOIS. Escribe el nombre del dominio del sitio (Ej: y compara I el dueño del dominio con el sitio web que está ofreciendo sus servicios. Compara las fechas para ver cuan establecido es el negocio.

Un sitio de busqueda muy bueno es, no solamente aparece la página principal del sitio web sino cada palabra del sitio!

Comunicación es la clave! Puedes contactar el negocio facilmente? Poseen gente real en la cual tu puedes llamar ó son solo contestadores automáticos siempre?

Esfuerza tu vista y lee las letras chiquititas del contrato ó acuerdo.

> TOPIC: International Modeling - Wanna Be A Model


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