Although Texas is part of the US and thus follows US gun laws, there are also state laws to contend with. That said, Texas may be the most gun friendly state in the US. Unlike other states, Texas laws are meant to help gun owners, encourage self defense, and make it easier to own guns.
Governor Greg Abbott is a total fool to be signing this into law with all the nonsense that is happening. Bringing a gun to church? For real? Just now people will be afraid to go anywhere with people carrying guns.
International Level: Activist / Political Participation: 27 2.7%
The gun lobby and its supporters do not care about human life. They care about owning guns. This focus on rights is an ingrained frontier mentality in the US. Nothing can be done against it except a nationwide swing in power balance in the state legislatures. But the states are allowed to draw up voting districts to keep the incumbent party in power.
International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 12 1.2%