Name: DKE
Comments: That "No" response on page one....after seeing the Dateline show and reading the words in that response....I'd say that the person who submitted it was LeAnne herself. It struck me quite odd the the same words were used in this post as well as those on the show.
MBPS is one of the most difficult things to identify. Even if you were suspicious after the first incident, you have to come to the conclusion that something isn't quite right by the time you get to the 4th child.
You think that the investigation of Lee Ann Musick by Dateline was shocking? Check out our Heinous Crimes Section.
Name: Nick
Comments: Hospitals do not check for arsenic poisoning unless its use is suspected. Arsenic does not show up in routine toxicology tests. The subject must be tested for arsenic specifically, otherwise the toxicology report will be negative. The bodies of the children should be exhumed and tested for arsenic.
Name: Xcdrin
Comments: She should be locked up for life! And so should the person that is sticking up for her. This woman is a monster. The proof is overwhelming. No one suffers that much bad luck.
Name: Ksweatman
Comments: It is sad to think that this woman will more than likely continue to murder children, perhaps without detection. Obviously she is ill and mental disease doesn't go away. She needs to be followed closely and if she ever gets another job babysitting cameras should be placed throughout the entire house. The problem is it may be too late for the child even if her actions are caught on video and she is finally brought to justice. The medical examiner needs to find evidence of suffocation to prove homicide. Maybe on her 8th or 9th murder a lucky finding will be made or "made up" by a medical examiner, a medical examiner with a taste for justice.
Name: Shocked
Comments: This woman cared for 4 children (prior to the birth of her second child), including her own, two of which died. Each one only suffered any complications under her care alone. The second two babies she cared for were completely normal and healthy for the rest of their lives to date after the parents let her go. The two who died, one of which being her own, died when she was alone with them. Please give me ONE reason to believe this is coincidence. Let me reiterate; The second two children she cared for experienced episodes ONLY when she was alone with them, and after she was fired were completely healthy.
I know one thing, the very strong feelings of care she showed for these children she hardly knew was questionable enough, I would never leave my baby with someone like that, it's extremely suspicious.
Name: Mark
Comments: I think that the person who calls themselves NO is Lee Ann Musick and she's trying to convince people that the story on Dateline has been falsified. [..] You are a sick human being"
Name: Daughter
Comments: [..] [Allegedly] I am the third child of the woman whose first child was killed by Lee Ann Musick. You know nothing or the facts, and the fact that you insinuated that the woman who suffocated my older sister with a pillow was not guilty of this is [..]. Oh, and her first child died "Mysteriously" At 6 months old. Check your facts [..] please? [..]