What If You Could Build Your Own Computer
What if money was not an issue and you could build your own computer, what would it be like? What size monitor, what type of CPU, etc.?
I really do not know what the specifics will be but considering money was no object I would go to somewhere like Best Buy or whatever computer place and say "Give me the absolute best system you got". They have to do a special order. lol
If money wasn't an issue I would focus on having the fastest CPU and graphics card possible so everything moves with lightning speed instead of slow and choppy like how mine is right now.
Be wary buying the newest best gear, even if you can afford it. Once you get to the point that your pc is so hot it needs a radiator to cool it, you're just asking for a meltdown. I'd find something suitable to my needs that would have plenty of room to breathe. I really only need one basic hard drive as the solid state drives have a short lifespan if you continue to write and rewrite to them. I'd find a motherboard with as many ram modules as I could find and a video card that didn't require a huge power supply. Perhaps the newer sixteen core processors won't run to hot, but we'll see.
I would buy the best no matter if a cooling system was needed. Believe me I would make the best of it. Games are more and more demanding so its better to start out with something state of the art rather than have to replace it in a year.
That's true, but I've also seen people buy thousands of dollars worth of hardware and have to replace it in a year when the cooling apparatus failed. I suppose if we're wishing; though, I'd like a quad-core laptop with plenty of RAM. I'd be able to take my work on the road. I could probably get one for a few hundred dollars, so it isn't really dreaming big.
I don't have the expertise to build my own computer but if I did have lots of cash I would just hand over the money and say "Pimp it up" sort of how they pimp up regular cars and make them really cool. I would want lots of speed. I grow impatient with programs that take long to load or video that freezes every now and again.