Name: Hans
Title: Crime in T&T
Comments: Obviously People of T&T got used to crime. Nobody is seeing a solution to stop the high murder rate. Actually, People get very defensive when foreigners talk about crime in T&T. The answer is often there is crime worldwide and as you are from Germany you should know there is plenty nazi crime in Germany. Yes, crime in T&T will be played down by their own citizens because they feel powerless to do anything about it. However, to those who believe there is plenty crime in Germany I always tell them to study statistics instead of looking for excuses. In Germany and most European countries the murder rate is about 1 per 100,000 per annum whilst it is about 35 per 100 000 citizens in T&T. Yes, this also includes the nasty Nazi crimes of Germany, which are a favourite Topic in Jewish newspapers.
Name: George
Title: Why set up useless probes and investigations
Comments: Why do the police and government commit themselves to setting up probes and investigations into corruption committed by either rich, politicians or other important citizens of this nation when the outcome usually end up the same without anyone really paying ant severe retribution. Those accused of this criminal offense are always offering some cock and bull stories which is usually supported by others involved in the very same act. It is about time those in the corridors of power and the police stop wasting public money and creating unnecessary public anxiety .Many of these probes and investigations are quietly sweep under the carpet and the results of those that cannot be hidden end up with the alleged culprits walking free .or receiving just a simple slap on their wrist.
Name: Ashton
Title: Crime in Trinidad/Tobago
Comments: It is very immature for George and Hans to make the above comments regarding the above subject. While it is easy to point fingers at others for the cause of the committed crimes or compare other Nations with us, we are forgetting the fundamental principles- which - unfortunately we have abdicated and have put into the hands of 'authorities.' What about personal accountability and responsibility? What about respecting each other? What about living within one's means? What about a loving, caring home environment? What about having a spiritual life with values to reflect love, compassion?
We have walked away from the basic things that brought us contentment, peace and harmony and have bought into the destructive values of blaming others, hating others, envying others.
Like I said a few years back. It will take 2 generations to correct our present- and this is not likely to happen. We have drank the poison cups of liberalism, political correctness.
Name: George
Title: Violent crimes among the young
Comments: It is not at all surprising that violent crimes are on the increase with repect to the younger generation. With the amount of murders,serious crimes and corruption reported daily in the local press, and the failure of the government or the police to stem the flow of many of these crimes, it would in the eyes of the young seems easy to commit a violent crime and get away with it. We must also bear in mind that since our independence politicians in particular have stood by and watch our society developed crime as part of the culture of our nation. Something they are still in the process of doing whilst offering only lip service. The problem here is that we have bred too many smartmen and crooks who have adapted a special professional ability to talk themselves out of situations when cornered. A process that is still in the pipe line.
Name: George
Title: Police calls in the wilderness
Comments: The local police in very unlikely to get any help from the ordinary citizens here in respect of crimes committed in Trinidad. It is now far too late to expect the general public especially those from the poorer areas of our society to assist the police. Nowadays the local police are seen as their enemy.The police here have made their bed and must now lie in it. They still have the attitude of those old colonial policemen and offer protection only to those living in upper-class areas and the rich which even includes some who are corrupt. The police have been tarnished with the brush of corruption as in the past were alleged to have also dabbled in corruption. They are assisted by those in the justice and political system in applying one law for the rich and another for the poor which is now noticeable by our ordinary citizens. The important citizens of this island are also still maintaining colonial principles which are displayed by the examples they set in dealing with our ordinary lower class citizens as a whole. The calls for assistance from deprived area of this nation, even though they are strongholds of the present government are going to remain as cries in the wilderness, unless there are major reforms in the attitudes of the officials in TTPS, the justice system and some of our senior politicians who are not facing the reality of our internal situation in modern times.
Name: George
Comments: It is now quite obvious that the police had no impact on the annual murder rate of murders here whatsoever.This is despite the claims by the police serious crime has fallen. The final figure for murders committed this year seems most likely more or less to equal those of last year. Nothing new so far has been done to stem the flow of killings here which are now running at almost three or 4 per week.The killers are having a roaring time with murders galore. The promise by the Prime Minister to reintroduce the death penalty seems to be one of off the cuff promises made that never is fulfilled. Whilst we wait for such promises to be fulfilled many of our innocent citizens are being slaughtered some just for the fun of it. It would now appear that no other new meaningful or constructive approach to our serious crime scenario is going to be put into play. It would now appear that the level of murders and serious crimes here will just have to be accepted as the norm.
Name: George
Title: Local criminals ruling the ROOST
Comments: It would now appear that the police or other officials here are not sure of how many citizens have been murdered, gone missing or unaccounted for bearing in mind the contents of the report in the article which is appeared today in the Express entitled 'DID HE DIE? POLICE WANT TO KNOW'. What is rapidly happening within this nation has now become unbelievable and is not the sort of things one expects or is tolerated in any democracy. The other unbelievable story reported is about the drug baron who had eight surveillance cameras installed on a public lamp post in order that he could keep an eye on anyone including the police approaching his house. This again is just unbelievable and just goes to show how the criminals can control their activities and keep the police at bay. The strange thing about all this stuff is that those in the corridors of power and the police are still, or maybe not even trying to battle the criminals, as they are obviously still relying upon and using the same old methods of retaliation which obviously is not working. It is about time new and meaningful or perhaps even draconian techniques are used to stem the flow of what is obviously the widespread growth of lawlessness on this island which now making it the capital haven for criminal in the Caribbean where local criminals are allowed to rule the roost.
Name: George
Title: Serious crimes galore
Comments: There is no doubt about it our nation has gone to pot. We are now in a sort of stupor with killings and a serious and rise in the crime of a corruption by those in authority which is now becoming widespread. Whilst, it is still difficult to count the number of citizens involved in corruption as you have to wait until they are actually caught in the act by waiting until they come out of the woodwork. It would now appear that they are all at it. The situation with regards to the slaughter of innocent citizens keeps gathering momentum by the actual dead bodies found some in a high state decay. In fact, it would now appear that the police have lost count of the true figure of the amount of murder committed so far this year. In my opinion, it now stands at around 435. Things are definitely going from bad to worse and the enforcers of law and order together with those in the corridors of power have no solution to the problems.Well, despite all the promises to stem the flow of this serious crime and the alleged measures taken the bad situation keeps on expanding.