How Do We Know Christianity Is The Right Religion?

How Christianity Religion - The Bible Revealed - Posted: 4th Jan, 2004 - 6:13pm

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Post Date: 5th Dec, 2003 - 1:19am / Post ID: #

How Do We Know Christianity Is The Right Religion?
A Friend

How Do We Know Christianity Is The Right Religion?

How do we know that Christianity is the right religion? For example, I know many fine Muslims who follow their Koran. They are good people. A lot of people are other religions. moromons, jw, pentecostal and They are nice. Do Christians kill? Then why do the Protestants and Catholics, in Ireland kill each other? I dunno, but there are many haunting questions. I would love to hear what other thinks.

Thank you

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5th Dec, 2003 - 4:21am / Post ID: #

Religion The Christianity We How

How do we know that Christianity is the right religion?

Nowadays Christianity does not appear to be a religion in itself as much as a 'community' or 'group' reason being is that there are so many diverse thoughts, policies, and organizations very different from one another yet using the banner of 'Christianity'. However to get to your question, I would say that is left to every man to know what is most right at the time of his life. Why do I say that? Well if the truth = 'A, B, C, D' and a man only knows about 'A' and accepts it, then that is a good thing, hopefully when he receives 'B' he will feel more enlightened, when he receives 'C' even more again until at last he knows the whole truth. Some people live their whole lives based on one or some truth, they will be judged based on what they know. However, there is an inherent instinct in man to know the difference between good and evil. Thus no religion teaches to kill, steal, etc. So for man to know the truth he must first seek after it, study it, and then ask Him who knows all truth - God.

11th Dec, 2003 - 10:16pm / Post ID: #

How Do We Know Christianity Is The Right Religion? Revealed Bible The

I agree 100% with what JB has said. When one is presented with a religious belief they need to study it for themselves and then ask God if it is true. If you do this with a sincere heart you will get an answer and you will know for yourself. You can't take someone elses answer on this, you need to find out for yourself and you only can do this by really studying it out in your own mind and asking God to let you know. When he does, you will know, but you probably won't be able to explain to others how you know.

Offtopic but,
One comment I want to make about your post veryloudsy is that many of the religions you listed as being other than Christian are actually Christian. To be a Christian is to accept Jesus Christ as one's Savior. There are many different denominations of Christians. Jehovah's Witnesses, Pentacostals, and "Mormons" all consider themselves to be Christians. Muslim's and Jews do not. Neither would Hindus or Buddists, I think.

Reconcile Edited: tenaheff on 11th Dec, 2003 - 10:19pm

Post Date: 20th Dec, 2003 - 3:01am / Post ID: #

How Do We Know Christianity Is The Right Religion?
A Friend

Religion The Christianity We How

Why would you ask yourself if Christianity is the right religion, if I tell you it is not would you start believing in the Islam. What I'm trying to say is there is no right religion. At some point in time everybody walking the earth will have to make a choice, perhaps they don't know but by their actions they will do what;s right or not.This choice defines if you believe in the TRUE Lord and people will be judged based on that.

20th Dec, 2003 - 3:16am / Post ID: #

Religion The Christianity We How

What I'm trying to say is there is no right religion

Well, this doctrine or believe certainly can't be found in the Bible so while it may be what you want to be the truth, I personally don't think it is true and I have not read anything in the Bible to suggest it is true either.

Post Date: 21st Dec, 2003 - 3:38am / Post ID: #

How Do We Know Christianity Is The Right Religion?
A Friend

How Do We Know Christianity Is The Right Religion?

The thing about Christianity is that you must have faith. With every religion, you must have faith, or else, there's no point in it. Doubting your religion is caused by a lack of faith. I think that sometimes, people have to go through certain things or be witnesses of certain things to develop faith.

Thank you for your insightful comments. I will certainly think about them.

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24th Dec, 2003 - 3:14am / Post ID: #

How We Christianity The Religion

Do Christians kill? Then why do the Protestants and Catholics, in Ireland kill each other? I dunno, but there are many haunting questions. I would love to hear what other thinks.

I think people in general tend to confuse doctrine of a certain religion with people that try to follow that particular religion, therefore you will find that the doctrine of a religious group may be perfect per say but the way the people is following it it's far from the ideal and is because we are human beings, we commit mistakes and religions are not the exception of this rule.

How I know Christianity is the right religion? simply because I believe Jesus is the Christ, because I believe he died for my sins and he was the only begotten of the Father.

Post Date: 4th Jan, 2004 - 6:13pm / Post ID: #

How Do We Know Christianity Is The Right Religion?
A Friend

How We Christianity The Religion The Bible Revealed

I attended several different types of churches in my search for religion. I have found out that many do condem other aspects of religion, different from their own in their teachings. I disagree with this. Are they maybe getting this from the ten commandments? Could be, but I do not believe their is a right and a wrong religion. I think if you want to find the right religion, do some research in all aspects of different religion generas. If you find one that fits your lifestyle, values and morals, one that you can identify with then maybe thats the one you should believe in.


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