The Duff

The Duff - Movies, Music, Fashion, Sports - Posted: 28th Apr, 2015 - 8:18am

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Discuss  The Duff 2010s
Post Date: 28th Apr, 2015 - 2:17am / Post ID: #

The Duff


What is your review for the entertainment value of the movie called, "The DUFF"?

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Post Date: 28th Apr, 2015 - 8:18am / Post ID: #

Duff The

Bianca is a content high school senior whose world is shattered when she learns the student body knows her as 'The DUFF' (Designated Ugly Fat Friend) to her prettier, more popular friends. Now, despite the words of caution from her favorite teacher, she puts aside the potential distraction of her crush, Toby, and enlists Wesley, a slick but charming jock, to help reinvent herself. To save her senior year from turning into a total disaster, Bianca must find the confidence to overthrow the school's ruthless label maker Madison and remind everyone that no matter what people look or act like, we are all someone's DUFF.

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